The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

What an ass. I am sick and tired of our politicians trying to regulated us to death.

"Oh, so now you can't do/have this because (insert what ever you want here) happened once."

This hasn't happened only once.

We could have banned this stuff ages ago.
If you are talking about assault weapons, we did (1994). Congress let it expire in 2004.

Are we going to ban knives as well? I mean 22 people were stabbed in China on the same day(21 children and 1 adult I think). Soon, all you'll be able to have is a plastic butter knive and a spork, to eat with your government issued "safe" meal

The slippery slope argument isn't realistic or relevant. Fortunately, there were no fatalities in the China attack. It's obviously more difficult to inflict mass casualties when armed with only a knife. Had a gun been used, the result likely would have been worse.
Feinstein is a dolt. Thankfully this will never get through Congress.

But just to be safe, I'll be purchasing two AR-15s and a slew of high capacity magazines for all of my weapons before she has a chance to steal our freedom. Good job, Senator! You've single-handedly managed to increase "assault rife" and high capacity magazine sales by probably ten fold!
Feinstein is a dolt. Thankfully this will never get through Congress.

But just to be safe, I'll be purchasing two AR-15s and a slew of high capacity magazines for all of my weapons before she has a chance to steal our freedom. Good job, Senator! You've single-handedly managed to increase "assault rife" and high capacity magazine sales by probably ten fold!
How sure are you that Feinstein won't get it through? The first day of the reconvening congress is January 3rd. I hope that her rules don't get passed or at least get delayed. How long do you think we have to purchase these weapons
How sure are you that Feinstein won't get it through? The first day of the reconvening congress is January 3rd. I hope that her rules don't get passed or at least get delayed. How long do you think we have to purchase these weapons

I'm already looking around on Gun Broker. Quite a few reasonably priced AR-15s available. We've got time.

But I don't think we need to worry. She might, if she's really lucky, be able to get it through the Senate. But she won't have a chance at getting it through the House, even in a watered down version. She probably couldn't even get a majority of House Democrats. The NRA has done an incredible job of making sure that every rural and suburban Congressman understands that he will be toast if even the slightest support for gun control happens.
It is important to also note that there are also "we, the people" who don't support the bill.

I hear so many anti-gun folks from both sides of the aisle speak about the NRA as if it is some monolithic evil organization which is the only reason gun control legislation does not get passed.

A large segment of Americans simply don't support more gun control, regardless of how many urban leftists wish it were true (and keep telling each other in their own echo chamber that it is). Those people tend to support the NRA because it is the only organization that represents 2nd Amendment rights (even though organizations like the ACLU SHOULD vigorously fight encroachments to the 2nd as much as they do the 1st, since they are closely related -- the ACLU's response to the Heller and Miller SCOTUS decisions is mind-bending). In fact, it is incomprehensible that so many left progressives believe in all kinds of unrestrained freedom except that to bear arms, but I suppose that is a different discussion.

Anyway, it isn't "the gun lobby" or "the NRA" that is against this legislation; it is a good number of American voters.

I do fear that this bill will pass in the emotional feeding frenzy that is going on right now. It blows me away that so many intelligent people in America think that it is appropriate to suggest legislation that so blatantly limits a Constitutional right while the atmosphere is so emotionally charged. If there was ever a circumstance that required clear, logical thinking to contemplate and debate, it is infringement on a Constitutional right.
I hear so many anti-gun folks from both sides of the aisle speak about the NRA as if it is some monolithic evil organization which is the only reason gun control legislation does not get passed.

A very wise professor(IMO) always referred to the USA as the United States Of Amnesia because we forget the past in the effort to pursue future goals. Additionally, he spoke of America having a hard time dealing with anything more complicated than black and white. I believe that is a core factor of the NRA vs "no one, but police should have military" factions.
A very wise professor(IMO) always referred to the USA as the United States Of Amnesia because we forget the past in the effort to pursue future goals. Additionally, he spoke of America having a hard time dealing with anything more complicated than black and white. I believe that is a core factor of the NRA vs "no one, but police should have military" factions.

We are actually a society that cultivates the idea that issues must be binary. We are raised to think of things as black-and-white, good-vs-evil, love/hate, my team vs your team, Republican vs Democrat, liberal vs conservative, religious vs athiest, "you're either with us or against us", etc. We want to flatly categorize people as a "good person" or a "bad person".

I think it is a major failure of our culture. I much prefer the eastern/Asian yin/yang way of looking at the world -- that in all things, including us as humans, there are shades of good and bad. That we are all people who have elements of good and bad in us, and those values can change depending on circumstance and influence. That in order to know our own opinion, we have to understand and respect the opinions of others. That "our way" isn't necessarily the only way or even the best way. The "shades of gray" worldview also allows non-binary associations, like being a Libertarian, or being agnostic, or being a generally good person who has done something bad.

I believe it is this middle of the road where a lot of people would live if they did not feel culturally pressured or socialized into having to choose one of two possible "sides".
Like ATN said, all this bill does is increase gun companies profits. Hell, I don't really want or need an AR, but I'd consider buying one if they told me I couldn't have it anymore. If nothing, it'd be a good investment. Prices will go way up if they can't make them anymore, but I think it makes a crappy hunting rifle to be honest.
I am in the market for something around .30, bolt action with some really nice glass.
I've been meaning to buy a Mosin Nagant, so I think I'm going to make a trip to a gun shop tomorrow. While not an assault weapon, its time I buy some sort of rifle.
I hear so many anti-gun folks from both sides of the aisle speak about the NRA as if it is some monolithic evil organization which is the only reason gun control legislation does not get passed.

As a gun owner and one who is not a fan of any new gun laws, I have to say that I find the NRA to be a despicable organization that has allowed their mission to creep far beyond 2nd amendment issues. While I appreciate their efforts that are specific to firearms education and 2nd amendment issues, they are so wrapped up into other political garbage that I cannot support them in their current form.
I do fear that this bill will pass in the emotional feeding frenzy that is going on right now. It blows me away that so many intelligent people in America think that it is appropriate to suggest legislation that so blatantly limits a Constitutional right while the atmosphere is so emotionally charged. If there was ever a circumstance that required clear, logical thinking to contemplate and debate, it is infringement on a Constitutional right.

Which is why I said we should wait until the dust settles before any knee jerk "solutions", but some people don't seem to agree with me on that one.
As a gun owner and one who is not a fan of any new gun laws, I have to say that I find the NRA to be a despicable organization that has allowed their mission to creep far beyond 2nd amendment issues. While I appreciate their efforts that are specific to firearms education and 2nd amendment issues, they are so wrapped up into other political garbage that I cannot support them in their current form.

I'm not a big fan of how the NRA pushes their political message, either, but you can't argue with their results. Washington is more afraid of the NRA than they are of the Lord of the Trolls, Grover Norquist. And that says something.
While I don't agree with any assault weapons ban, do you guys not see how much of the country views people in threads like these as "psychotic," "part of the problem," and "off their rocker?"

Because if you don't, you need to take a step back and realize what kind of message you're sending to Joe Six Pack that has never, and will never own a gun in their life.

Until you do that, and until you realize, "X group of people are IDIOTS! MORE GUNS AND AMMO!" gets you about nowhere in what people think of your cause.

In my mind, it's no different than trying to convine somebody that I, in fact, don't have a printing press in my basement from my job as a pilot, and that no, I don't get my pick of the flight attendant, and that no, my wife isn't suspicious of me going to work for 4 days out of every week. There's so much noise out there that it makes reasonable conversations impossible.

While this may seem like a reasonable conversation to some, to me, it looks a whole lot more like noise.