The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Where can I buy a grenade launcher? I need one of those. Just in case the government says I can't have one.

You actually can have one. They fall under the "destructive device" portion of the NFA. Find one, pay for it, fill out your form 4, pay Uncle Sam $200 and wait for about 6 months and then when you receive your paperwork, go and pick up the launcher at your local FFL/class 3 dealer. the way, every grenade you purchase for it, will require a form 4 and 200 stamp. Totally legal..just a pain in the rear.
You actually can have one. They fall under the "destructive device" portion of the NFA. Find one, pay for it, fill out your form 4, pay Uncle Sam $200 and wait for about 6 months and then when you receive your paperwork, go and pick up the launcher at your local FFL/class 3 dealer. the way, every grenade you purchase for it, will require a form 4 and 200 stamp. Totally legal..just a pain in the rear.
Awesome. Because I need one. For home protection.
Awesome. Because I need one. For home protection.
You'd be better of with a bat and then a book. The book, because it might enlighten you a bit and the bat because it's more suited for striking an attacker which is basically all you'd be able to do with a grenade launcher unless you're the 1%.

For each projectile you have to pay that $200 tax, wait at least 6 months and then locate such an item which will cost in the high thousands of dollars. If you could afford that then you're probably like most of those calling for the ban from the pulpits in that you have the ability to pay people with guns to guard you and yours.

Or, you're Major Bloomberg and have your "own personal army". His words, not mine.
I've got a mechanized rocket battery, a howitzer and weighted dice.

I'm ready for anything, baby!

Working on a nuke as well.
I hear ya! People are surprised when I, a liberal, say I support the creation of a sterilization implant for males that would be inserted about the same time they're circumcised so we can prevent them from causing pregnancies that lead to abortion.

I wish I had one of these, would have prevented A LOT of heartburn/sweating every other month or so during high school.
Not what I would expect from NPR on this issue. A very unbiased article.

I find that is the case most of the time. I have heard more than a few good pieces on guns over the years, and they give air time to all sides on their public speaking programs.
Here's something I wrote for another forum I read after the Aurora incident and the fusillade of anti-firearms rhetoric that filled the media for a time afterward. I think it is still a good idea, and even more relevant today than it was then:

I do desperately wish that there was a movement amongst firearms owners similar to the "I am a Mormon" tv ads that were on a couple years ago.

The Mormon ads showed all sorts of different types of people living all kinds of different lifestyles, in an attempt to de-mystify what type of people are Mormon.

There is this belief amongst non-firearm owners that owning "assault weapons", multiple firearms (any more than two seems to be called an 'arsenal'), or lots of ammo, is the earmark of sociopaths or otherwise total weirdos. We all know that's not true -- that firearm owners come in all shapes, sizes, genders, socioeconomic backgrounds, races, and political leanings. That owning an AR or AK isn't deviant behavior. That having several firearms doesn't mean you are a doomsday prepper. That having lots of ammo doesn't mean that you're just preparing to shoot up a school. It's actually surprisingly mainstream American behavior (outside of urban areas, that is) to do any or all of those.

I'd like to see all different kinds of "normal" Americans publicly showing that they own multiple firearms, especially the "evil" types, and stocks of ammunition. There needs to be an antidote to the narrative that antis are spinning right now that says the NRA is solely responsible for the ability to own AKs and ARs and normal-capacity mags, and that "normal" Americans don't own, need, or want any of this stuff "that is only designed to kill a lot of people".
I find that is the case most of the time. I have heard more than a few good pieces on guns over the years, and they give air time to all sides on their public speaking programs.

Yeah, I am typically an NPR fan. But with the grotesquely ignorant comments by just about everyone in the media over the past few days (even the crazies over at Faux News), I don't expect much from anyone in the media when it comes to talking about guns. Is it really that difficult for a reporter to learn the difference between a semi-automatic rifle and a full-auto? Is it too much of a burden to learn what the term "long gun" means before you start making stupid comments? It's really been painful to watch.
A comment on that NPR article says that guns are smuggled into Mexico from the US. we know that's not true, the government just hands them over...
Here's something I wrote for another forum I read after the Aurora incident and the fusillade of anti-firearms rhetoric that filled the media for a time afterward. I think it is still a good idea, and even more relevant today than it was then:
Curious to what the response was on that other forum.
Is it really that difficult for a reporter to learn the difference between a semi-automatic rifle and a full-auto? Is it too much of a burden to learn what the term "long gun" means before you start making stupid comments? It's really been painful to watch.

Completely agree. I have tried to follow the conversation amongst the folks over at Democratic Underground, but apparently the idea that terminology makes some kind of difference to the conversation is idiotic. Anyone bringing up the difference between automatic and semiauto firearms is treated as a complete moron and greeted with a torrent of "you know what I mean! Arguing over semantics is just part of the NRA's plan to allow kids to be murdered!" comments.

All I can take away from the conversation at so many of those outlets is that all firearms that aren't single-shot shotguns or police revolvers are evil and need to be kept "off the streets".

This would be as if Americans wanted to permanently ground all non-military aircraft to prevent another 9/11, and they didn't understand the need to differentiate between GA aircraft, commercial aircraft, and helos, because they're all just DESIGNED TO KILL PEOPLE. THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN! HOW MANY MORE CHILDREN NEED TO DIE?
I will have to admit that I got a great recipe for turkey dressing at Glock Talk in the mid-90's :)

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