The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

I'm with Lady Gaga...


We all need gun bra's.

Oh, I took that to mean that you enjoyed dancing with young athletic half naked men in hot pants.

Let yo inner guuuuurrrrl out Turk!
Wow. Not too many people who will agree with that nonsense, even on your side of the aisle.

It's a shame when dictionaries get in the way of good rhetoric.

He's on a quest to make up for his UN appearance years ago. That's all he's doing. There is nothing now, and never has been anything "Republican" about him. If he hadn't gone on this silly quest to announce he was "Republican" and then repudiate everything that his self-proclaimed party believes in, then I would have great respect for him. If he had just come out and said "You know, I'm a Democrat" then there are absolutely no issues. Probably everyone that rises to that rank has to be a political opportunist - Powell is no different. What he's been doing since resigning the post of Sec State is nothing more than image rebuilding, hence my term "self serving".

I understand, probably better than you, what socialism is defined as technically. I also know that personally people have their own definitions of what constitutes things in their mind (kind of like people define right and wrong by their own definitions).
So...NY State passed last night their version of "new" AWB. It is too ridiculous for me to even want to discuss here yet in full.

The biggest thing that sticks out for me is the "7 round" magazine limit. This is for all the folks who scoff the "slippery slope" argument as being a logic fallacy, because it is actually happening in New York. Their previous 10-round mag limit apparently wasn't enough.

How long before someone decides that 7 is also too many, and we need to take it down to 5....or 3....or 1?
I shot 10 dove in Sept, and my family ate every one. Other than ferral hogs, I can't think of a single hunter who would leave an animal on the field.

It is very common with sea duck hunting in Maine. They shoot them by the dozens, they are nasty eating, and most are left in the water where they fall. Most of the folks doing this are guides with out of state clients, but I have seen it done by locals as well.
So...NY State passed last night their version of "new" AWB. It is too ridiculous for me to even want to discuss here yet in full.

The biggest thing that sticks out for me is the "7 round" magazine limit. This is for all the folks who scoff the "slippery slope" argument as being a logic fallacy, because it is actually happening in New York. Their previous 10-round mag limit apparently wasn't enough.

How long before someone decides that 7 is also too many, and we need to take it down to 5....or 3....or 1?

Yet again, these anti-gun legislators are proving that they know very little about firearms. 7 round magazine....hmmm, I can only think of a few handguns that currently carry only 7 rounds. They tend to be larger caliber, like the .45 caliber 1911. So, now that these law-abiding criminals are restricted to 8 rounds, they're using larger and more powerful ammunition.

Few people seem to realize that one of the reasons many police departments chose 9mm pistols starting in the 80's, is because of that particular round's ballistics (FMJ rounds). Its high velocity and small frontal cross section give it excellent penetration, to the point that most shots into a human analog at self-defense distances are "through and through". While the bullet causes damage, its wound cavity is relatively small and the bullet tends to exit the body on a "straight line" from the point of entry. Compared to several other pistol calibers, the 9mm can validly be, and is by many, considered less-lethal.

The .45, on the other hand, is a flying dump truck compared to the 9mm. Even in FMJ, the .45's blunt nose and lower relative velocity give it great knockdown power, while tending to tumble through the body, creating a very large wound cavity and exiting in places other than directly across from the point of entry.

Good job NY. Even using the anti-gun lobby's model of gun crime, in which restricting the rights of those who follow the law will somehow influence those who do not, they're effectively promoting the use of larger and more lethal calibers.

Unintended consequences, the hallmark of logically flacid gun legislation.
Yet again, these anti-gun legislators are proving that they know very little about firearms. 7 round magazine....hmmm, I can only think of a few handguns that currently carry only 7 rounds. They tend to be larger caliber, like the .45 caliber 1911. So, now that these law-abiding criminals are restricted to 8 rounds, they're using larger and more powerful ammunition.

Few people seem to realize that one of the reasons many police departments chose 9mm pistols starting in the 80's, is because of that particular round's ballistics (FMJ rounds). Its high velocity and small frontal cross section give it excellent penetration, to the point that most shots into a human analog at self-defense distances are "through and through". While the bullet causes damage, its wound cavity is relatively small and the bullet tends to exit the body on a "straight line" from the point of entry. Compared to several other pistol calibers, the 9mm can validly be, and is by many, considered less-lethal.

The .45, on the other hand, is a flying dump truck compared to the 9mm. Even in FMJ, the .45's blunt nose and lower relative velocity give it great knockdown power, while tending to tumble through the body, creating a very large wound cavity and exiting in places other than directly across from the point of entry.

Good job NY. Even using the anti-gun lobby's model of gun crime, in which restricting the rights of those who follow the law will somehow influence those who do not, they're effectively promoting the use of larger and more lethal calibers.

Unintended consequences, the hallmark of logically flacid gun legislation.

But they "did something" you see. That's all that matters at this point, at this time in history. It doesn't matter if what they did was correct, or if what they did will actually have an impact they are desiring the simple fact that they "did something" to "protect the children" appeals to the emotional needs of many Americans - like Seggy and others. Rahm Emmanuel is in Washington today to stand with the President as he outlines his executive orders and other such gun control measures. A man who has presided over Chicago become a murder soaked hell-scape. A man whose city has some of the toughest gun ordinances in the country whose city is a murder soaked hell-scape I might add. But, optics. And, never letting a crisis go to waste. And, if only one child is saved.
Love Texas. That's where I want to be when the shizzle hits the fan (note my cool, Snoop Dog language).

Texas Proposal: JAIL Any Federal Officials Trying to Enforce New Gun Restrictions in the State

Even the sponsor knows it will end up in court, but it would force a fight over the gun control issue and states rights, etc. Go Texas.
Wyoming has something similar going on. Also, Rep Steve Stockman of TX is saying he will file paperwork to impeach Obama if he uses EO for gun control.
Because there's nothing to solve when it comes to the banning of guns/ammo. This is absolutely about a political agenda, and nothing else.

So many people in Washington are trying to destroy the very thing they swore to defend and preserve.


So what are you going to do about it in an aviation forum on the internet?