The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

This is ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as the number of gun threads we have on this forum nowadays.

Srsly...go play outside.
Actually, you can't. At least not in most jurisdictions. About the most you can do is an alarm system that scares the intruder away. Any booby trap that can injure or kill an intruder is outlawed in just about every jurisdiction.

I wonder how many NY 'hunters' and 'sportsmen' are going to wake up in the next couple days and realize how many of their 'hunting rifles' like the Ruger Ranch/Mini 14, the mighty M1 Garand, are suddenly now going to be illegal and require registration.

The only rationale I can come up with for the 7-round limit was that they wanted to keep the 1911 pistol as legal, or they intentionally wanted to make the Garand (with the 8-round enbloc clip and a bayo lug) illegal.
I wonder how many NY 'hunters' and 'sportsmen' are going to wake up in the next couple days and realize how many of their 'hunting rifles' like the Ruger Ranch/Mini 14, the mighty M1 Garand, are suddenly now going to be illegal and require registration.

The most shocking thing from this gun ban is the requirement to surrender any magazines that can hold over 7 rounds. I don't know if they specified "detachable" magazines, but if they didn't then gun owners will have to turn in their guns that have to turn in many guns that have more than 7 rd internal mags.

The good news is that I highly doubt that this will hold up under the new legal standard that is set forth under DC vs Heller.
Big day today on this topic. One of the things I find really interesting is the number of law enforcement officials who support the right to bear arms. I would have thought they'd prefer to have no one possessing weapons, but them.
Big day today on this topic. One of the things I find really interesting is the number of law enforcement officials who support the right to bear arms. I would have thought they'd prefer to have no one possessing weapons, but them.

I've been tempted to ask uniformed officers I've seen over the past month how they feel about citizens carrying concealed, or even open carry in states that allow it. I haven't done it, but I'd be willing to bet it would be pretty much unanimous in favor of.
In my carry permit class a few weeks ago, the instructor who also trains law enforcement said they he has only spoken to a few officers who didn't like it. He said the vast majority of them support it.
Actually, you can't. At least not in most jurisdictions. About the most you can do is an alarm system that scares the intruder away. Any booby trap that can injure or kill an intruder is outlawed in just about every jurisdiction.

My point exactly. If they remove my ability to keep a distance and use a gun then I want to use booby traps and anti-personnel devices that might actually cause possible intruders to pause. A career and/or determined thief isn't going to be afraid of an alarm and I can be injured or killed in my house a LOT quicker than the police can respond.
I have not studied this topic at all in the past, but in skimming these threads a question has crossed my mind. (Probably already been covered ad nauseum, but rather then spend an hour digging I'm just going to ask.)

Do I have a constitutionally protected right to join with others to form a militia and fully arm it to protect ourselves against the government?

Like Red Dawn? :) a bunch of jocks with hunting rifles held off the Red Army with tanks, helicopters, fighter jets, bombers, nuclear weapons, *cough* training *cough* and sweet sweet O clubs? :)

Oh, Hollywood.
Big day today on this topic. One of the things I find really interesting is the number of law enforcement officials who support the right to bear arms. I would have thought they'd prefer to have no one possessing weapons, but them.

I've had this conversation with officers that I know a long time ago, and they've all said in one way or another that they don't have any problem with a responsible party having a gun for protection. Their response time is much slower than many believe. In a matter of minutes you could be facing an armed intruder. I'd rather be holding a gun than a phone at that point.

Just heard on the news though that apparently Obama is going to be surrounded by children when he announces his measure. Wow.
Big day today on this topic. One of the things I find really interesting is the number of law enforcement officials who support the right to bear arms. I would have thought they'd prefer to have no one possessing weapons, but them.

As an interesting aside, I know a number of now retired FBI agents who in general are probably some of the most vigorously trained in law enforcement when it comes to concealed carry and shooting tactics in typical urban and suburban environments. None of them shoot or carry now as private citizens. In short the reasoning I hear is that statistically speaking it is extremely unlikely they will ever put in a position to need to carry, so much that it is not worth the responsibility of carrying, or the burden to stay proficient with a firearm to the level they have come to expect. They obviously have higher standards than a typical Joe, but I still thought it was an interesting perspective.
I've had this conversation with officers that I know a long time ago, and they've all said in one way or another that they don't have any problem with a responsible party having a gun for protection. Their response time is much slower than many believe. In a matter of minutes you could be facing an armed intruder. I'd rather be holding a gun than a phone at that point.

Just heard on the news though that apparently Obama is going to be surrounded by children when he announces his measure. Wow.

Also just read a piece saying the White House has released a bunch of letters from "little kids pleading for gun control". :rolleyes:

"What's that Timmy? You want to keep the big bad guns out of the bad guys' hands? Me too. After you learn more about Santa Clause, unicorns, and dragons, we'll have a serious chat about it. Until then, here's a coloring book. Knock yourself out."
For people who don't see this as a political agenda, open your eyes. Is this going to be a "You're either with us or against us" situation today? I mean c'mon, if you don't support gun control you obviously don't support children.