The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

So...NY State passed last night their version of "new" AWB. It is too ridiculous for me to even want to discuss here yet in full.

The biggest thing that sticks out for me is the "7 round" magazine limit. This is for all the folks who scoff the "slippery slope" argument as being a logic fallacy, because it is actually happening in New York. Their previous 10-round mag limit apparently wasn't enough.

How long before someone decides that 7 is also too many, and we need to take it down to 5....or 3....or 1?

I'm fuming here today. Some things I maybe could concede but most is nothing but "feel good" measures. So now my bolt action .22 that I got when I was 16 now has an illegal magazine? If I didn't have enough reason to leave with the asininely high taxes I pay, I do now.

ATN_Pilot, you have room in your manor for my family and I?
Because there's nothing to solve when it comes to the banning of guns/ammo. This is absolutely about a political agenda, and nothing else.

So many people in Washington are trying to destroy the very thing they swore to defend and preserve.

The U.N. and the N.W.O. are coming.....:)
Absolutely nothing -- this is a discussion forum, and thus simply an exchange of ideas between individuals.

And it's gotten boring.

If they ban guns I'm going to demand the right to booby trap my house. Don't know about the rest of you but if there is an intruder in my living space I prefer to be able to keep space between myself and that person.
saria19 said:
If they ban guns I'm going to demand the right to booby trap my house. Don't know about the rest of you but if there is an intruder in my living space I prefer to be able to keep space between myself and that person.

Built a moat?
If they ban guns I'm going to demand the right to booby trap my house. Don't know about the rest of you but if there is an intruder in my living space I prefer to be able to keep space between myself and that person.

Ermm.... You already have that right. You can do anything you want on your house ....


TALBOT COUNTY, Md. (WJZ) — Some parents on the Eastern Shore say school officials there went too far in disciplining a couple of six-year-old boys. Derek Valcourt explains the boys got into trouble for bringing an imaginary weapon to school.
What started as a recess game of cops and robbers at a Talbot County school turned into a controversy after two six-year-old boys were suspended for using their fingers to make an imaginary gun.
Many say a suspension is going too far.
“It’s ridiculous,” said Julia Merchant.
And it’s not the first time. Earlier this month, six-year-old Rodney Lynch was suspended from his Montgomery County school after pretending to fire an imaginary gun more than once.
“Just pointing your fingers like this and then she did the pow sound and I just went like that and then I got sent to the office again,” Lynch said.
School officials reversed their decision after Rodney’s parents appealed.
“They’re saying he threatened a student, threatened to shoot a student. He was playing,” said his father, Rodney Lynch, Sr.
If a punishment for a hand gesture sounds too severe to you, you’re not alone.
“I do not believe maliciousness was involved here,” said child psychologist Dr. Joe Kaine.
Kaine says most six-year-olds’ minds aren’t developed enough to understand why their idea of fun play might make adults upset.
“I can certainly appreciate that at school, that’s not a type of play that they’re going to endorse and I certainly support that but that’s where they educate time and place for doing things,” Kaine said.
Many parents agree the kids were just being kids.
“They just don’t know any better. Suspending them is a bit harsh. I don’t think that’s going to do any good for the parent, the child or the school,” said Janet Goetzky.
Talbot County school officials declined to explain the punishment or comment for this story, citing confidentiality requirements.
Over the last few decades, the number of school suspensions has been on the rise. Maryland state school officials are working on a plan to reduce those numbers.
I'm fuming here today. Some things I maybe could concede but most is nothing but "feel good" measures. So now my bolt action .22 that I got when I was 16 now has an illegal magazine? If I didn't have enough reason to leave with the asininely high taxes I pay, I do now.

ATN_Pilot, you have room in your manor for my family and I?

You move from idiot New Yorkers to move in with marginally idiotic Georgians. Man up and go to Texas.
You move from idiot New Yorkers to move in with marginally idiotic Georgians. Man up and go to Texas.
Eh, WY, MT, AK have way more personal liberty than TX. You just have to be manly enough to also deal with the cold.
Ermm.... You already have that right. You can do anything you want on your house ....

Actually, you can't. At least not in most jurisdictions. About the most you can do is an alarm system that scares the intruder away. Any booby trap that can injure or kill an intruder is outlawed in just about every jurisdiction.