The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Amen. My kids have learned, life isn't fair. There are winners and losers. Don't start a fight, but you better finish it. Stand up for those unable to. Aim for center mass and keep shooting until the threat is neutralized. Double tap just to be sure. How to skin a buck and run a trotline.

Stand your ground mentality?
Don't be a victim mentality, especially my daughters. You can teach your children to be victims if you want. Mine don't need anybody to support them, moreover, any government.

So, if your house is on fire you can support yourself better than the government and their emergency services available? How can one support themselves not being victims when we had private health insurance plans with lifetime caps on individuals? Or denial of coverage because of preexisting conditions? How did it work out when private insurance companies had free reign and had lifetime caps, ability to deny coverage because of preexisting conditions that we were better supported than we are today?
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So, if your house is on fire you can support yourself better than the government and their emergency services available? How can one support themselves not being victims when we had private health insurance plans with lifetime caps on individuals? Or denial of coverage because of preexisting conditions? Did it work out when private insurance companies had free reign and had lifetime caps that we were better supported than we are today?

One can understand, accept, and work to resolve the ways in which one is victimized without succumbing to victim mentality. That is an important lesson to teach a child, and I would guess that's what he is getting at.

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So, if your house is on fire you can support yourself better than the government and their emergency services available? How can one support themselves not being victims when we had private health insurance plans with lifetime caps on individuals? Or denial of coverage because of preexisting conditions? How did it work out when private insurance companies had free reign and had lifetime caps, ability to deny coverage because of preexisting conditions that we were better supported than we are today?

Keep in mind the Supreme Court has upheld on multiple occasions that those government agencies you most readily cite (Fire, Medical, & Police) have no duty to actually rescue or aid you.

That's why you can't sue the police if your loved one gets murdered because they were on another call, or the fire department who called the risk to their fire fighters to great to come into the building your wife was trapped in and attempt rescue. Can't sue an EMT for choosing to triage and save your loved one over another. Can't sue the city because social services left children with an abusive parent despite cause to remove them.... The courts have done a very good job of showing people the only thing the government is truly accountable to is its self, not its citizens, when it wants/needs to be for its own protection.

The only person that is going to guarantee you best interest is yourself. But hey after seeing some of the retarded posts you make, I wouldn't have any faith in making decisions if I was you either.
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Keep in mind the Supreme Court has upheld on multiple occasions that those government agencies you most readily cite (Fire, Medical, & Police) have no duty to actually rescue or aid you.

That's why you can't sue the police if your loved one gets murdered because they were on another call, or the fire department who called the risk to their fire fighters to great to come into the building your wife was trapped in and attempt rescue. Can't sue an EMT for choosing to triage and save your loved one over another. Can't sue the city because social services left children with an abusive parent despite cause to remove them.... The courts have done a very good job of showing people the only thing the government is truly accountable to is its self, not its citizens, when it wants/needs to be for its own protection.

The only person that is going to guarantee you best interest is yourself. But hey after seeing some of the retarded posts you make, I wouldn't have any faith in making decisions if I was you either.

Not the point. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?

Are you are saying that you are personally better equipped to handle an EMS Emergency with your family than calling 911?
Not the point. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?

Are you are saying that you are personally better equipped to handle an EMS Emergency with your family than calling 911?

Considering I have both Combat Life Saver training and basic paramedic training from my past life... Yes

Yeah I'll take me trying to save my family members life immediately instead of your recommendation of standing around waiting for the professionals who have no requirement to meet as far as time of response or success rate.

But go ahead and keep pretending like your mentality is superior. I'm sure there are cops out there who are better at hand to hand combat or tactical use of a handgun. Doesn't mean I'm gonna wait for them while somebody is breaking into my house to do God knows what. Let me know how that method of not being a victim works out for you though. I'm sure the government will buy you some great post trauma mental care for you and your wife to talk about what happened in the eleven to twenty eight minutes between you initiating a 911 call and the first officer even seeing it in his que in the cruiser.
Considering I have both Combat Life Saver training and basic paramedic training from my past life... Yes

So you have the equipment currently to handle a heart attack in your house? Doubtful. What about the fire fighting equipment to put out a fire?

Yeah I'll take me trying to save my family members life immediately instead of your recommendation of standing around waiting for the professionals who have no requirement to meet as far as time of response or success rate.

Still missing the point.

But go ahead and keep pretending like your mentality is superior.

Not pretending.

I'm sure there are cops out there who are better at hand to hand combat or tactical use of a handgun. Doesn't mean I'm gonna wait for them while somebody is breaking into my house to do God knows what. Let me know how that method of not being a victim works out for you though. I'm sure the government will buy you some great post trauma mental care for you and your wife to talk about what happened in the eleven to twenty eight minutes between you initiating a 911 call and the first officer even seeing it in his que in the cruiser.

Things are usually not black and white like that.
What a joke.

"I teach my kids to take care of themselves"
-" so you think you're better than the government, and, PS, let me tie in some non sequitur bs about insurance policies from 20-30 years ago"

When a natural emergency hits, there are two sets of people. Those who can manage the situation, survive, and help others. The other type sits on a rooftop hoping FEMA will save their asses.
I don't think raw onion belongs on a hamburger but I'm not going to get in your face at Whataburger and wag my finger disapprovingly when you ask for extra.

This so much.

I don't mind the taste of onion, it's just that in raw form it often overpowers everything else.
So you have the equipment currently to handle a heart attack in your house? Doubtful. What about the fire fighting equipment to put out a fire?

Still missing the point.

Not pretending.

Things are usually not black and white like that.

Do you own a fire extinguisher? A first aid kit? Do you keep a flashlight and blankets in your car during the winter? Do you store oily rags and paint in a fire locker or just loose around the garage? Do you exercise daily and try to keep a healthy diet?

Every one of those things is the stuff those professionals in all those fields you keep telling us to sit around and let handle will tell you that you need to have. Not it's a good idea, more "hey moron you didn't think to maybe grab a clean bandage an apply pressure or maybe use a dry chem fire extinguisher on that stove instead of letting it burn the house down?" Can I perform brain surgery in my house, no. I also can't save my house from a 300 acre forest fire. Point is some of us are prepared to do more than sit around on our thumbs waiting to be told how to handle a situation.

You want to act like we are all helpless pawns sitting around waiting for the government to save us. Some of us know better, because some of us know that you're and idiot.
This so much.

I don't mind the taste of onion, it's just that in raw form it often overpowers everything else.

Use red onion. Yellow onions pair with less foods and is typically stronger in both smell and taste. Red onion tends to mellow especially if you cut it and let it sit out for an hour or two before you are serving it on burgers.

Also, burgers flip only once and press on the second side not the first, more than that dries out the meat.
Do you own a fire extinguisher? A first aid kit? Do you keep a flashlight and blankets in your car during the winter? Do you store oily rags and paint in a fire locker or just loose around the garage? Do you exercise daily and try to keep a healthy diet?

Every one of those things is the stuff those professionals in all those fields you keep telling us to sit around and let handle will tell you that you need to have. Not it's a good idea, more "hey moron you didn't think to maybe grab a clean bandage an apply pressure or maybe use a dry chem fire extinguisher on that stove instead of letting it burn the house down?" Can I perform brain surgery in my house, no. I also can't save my house from a 300 acre forest fire. Point is some of us are prepared to do more than sit around on our thumbs waiting to be told how to handle a situation.

You want to act like we are all helpless pawns sitting around waiting for the government to save us. Some of us know better, because some of us know that you're and idiot.
Eh. I just wash and dry my oily rags in the washer/dryer. Poor the paint down the sink and chase it with water. Use gas to burn the brush pile. Problem solved!
Wait, let me get this "logic" straight. We shouldn't have gun free zones because criminals break the law and it just keeps law abiding citizens from being able to protect themselves. But we shouldn't allow transgendered people in the women's room cause they might rape or molest someone (even though statistically it's about 99% more likely to be a friend or relative who does it) because this law will clearly keep anyone intent on rape or sexual assault from entering a women's room?

and for the record, I have a 10 yr old daughter. I am perfectly comfortable with her peeing in a stall next to a transgendered individual who is also utilizing the facilities.

The only way to stop a bad guy with a penis is a good guy with a penis.

Wait, what?
Eh. I just wash and dry my oily rags in the washer/dryer. Poor the paint down the sink and chase it with water. Use gas to burn the brush pile. Problem solved!

Part of me knows your joking.... But part of me works with a couple of 19-20 year old soldiers every day that couldn't make it in dishwashing/landscaping and have to be told not to put their dicks in a wall socket on a near hourly rate....

That second part of me wants to choke something beautiful because of what you said. I think I'll open another bottle of wine tonight.
You said that you don't mind transgendered people. Then you said something that makes us all think differently. Why don't you act like an adult and just admit that you don't like transgendered people (or any other people that aren't like you) and you are scared that they might do harm to you or your loved ones if you're within eye shot of them.

Just like "I'm not racist, but (something racist)."
Use red onion. Yellow onions pair with less foods and is typically stronger in both smell and taste. Red onion tends to mellow especially if you cut it and let it sit out for an hour or two before you are serving it on burgers.

Also, burgers flip only once and press on the second side not the first, more than that dries out the meat.

Use red onion and fry it until transparent, add a little balsamic vinegar. Mellow and flavourful.
As long as they have their own bathroom and don't mix with the straight men, boys, girls and women.

You don't have that power or control. It isn't even any of your business.

Then how the hell can you state that you have no problems with transgendered people? Where would you like them to go exactly? A back alley? In cup or bowl in their car? How about in their own segregated restroom where they can be easily singled out, shunned and harassed.

I'm still weirded out that somehow the bathroom has become a "sexual" place in this debate. I'm a dude, and like most dudes I'm certainly driven by certain urges, but the women's bathroom is a place I have zero desire to ever see the inside of, even if I was invited inside.

I'm sure the Europeans are laughing their asses off at us. Some people in the US would be shocked to hear they have thermal baths/saunas where people of all ages, genders, and orientation hang out completely nude and there's never any incidents. We are a bunch of prudes.