The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

If they were to find the gene or marker that causes people to identify as one sex or another- and had the ability to "switch" it, do you think people who identified with a sex that they were not born as would "switch" to the gender they physically were?

But there isn't really gene that does it. Studies have proven that there are "Male" brains and "Female" brains. Therefore an MTF Gender dysphoric person is born with a female brain in a male body. An FTM has a male brain in a female body. You would literally have to "rewire" the brain to do that. Just not ever probable............
This is a highly debatable question. IMHO I just want to feel like me and get along. Had I been able to take the male pill from the start, that would have been much easier........
I think it's one of those things that would be easier at the start(young age)- once people have a firmly established "self" identity I think it would be more of a challenge. At the same time a lot of people would probably do it to make it easier.? I can't imagine taking a pill to suddenly make me flip gender and possibly attraction at this point though.
I don't understand why this is even an issue with some people.

Poo where you're comfortable pooing and at the end of the day, mind your business.

Every day we learn more and more about the human condition and the "spectrum", of sorts, that makes us human. Gender isn't binary. You can have a penis and be psychologically female. You can have a vagina and be psychologically male. Or both and be hyper masculine or hyper feminine. Or be hyper masculine or hyper feminine and be gay.

I guess we've forgotten the Jim Crowe era where there was segregation because of safety and some bastardized version of righteousness. But people still got assaulted, robbed, and grand injustices still occurred.

Leave people alone. I don't think raw onion belongs on a hamburger but I'm not going to get in your face at Whataburger and wag my finger disapprovingly when you ask for extra.
I don't understand why this is even an issue with some people.

Poo where you're comfortable pooing and at the end of the day, mind your business.

Every day we learn more and more about the human condition and the "spectrum", of sorts, that makes us human. Gender isn't binary. You can have a penis and be psychologically female. You can have a vagina and be psychologically male. Or both and be hyper masculine or hyper feminine. Or be hyper masculine or hyper feminine and be gay.

I guess we've forgotten the Jim Crowe era where there was segregation because of safety and some bastardized version of righteousness. But people still got assaulted, robbed, and grand injustices still occurred.

Leave people alone. I don't think raw onion belongs on a hamburger but I'm not going to get in your face at Whataburger and wag my finger disapprovingly when you ask for extra.

I totally get this. I even understand that transgender people have been using the bathroom just fine before all this, and I may have even been in the bathroom with a few and not even noticed. But we're talking adults.

What I have an issue with are kids. 4 year olds have no idea what gender or sexuality are. They are just kids. But you've got parents changing their 4 year old's gender.
Then there is the issue of teen boys claiming to be girls, (or vice versa) and wanting full access to girls facilities and sports teams, even though they have the anatomy of a young male. We're bending over backwards to accommodate these boys, but do you think a 13 year old girl is comfortable changing in front of some 13 year old boy who thinks he's a girl? And the boys are typically stronger than girls, so this boy who thinks he's a girl will have an advantage at sports while playing on girls teams.

This issue is complex and not as simple as poop where you want.
Well, fortunately kids have a tendency to be less prejudiced than their parents. You'd be surprised what many kids find perfectly comfortable that their parents don't. Maybe we (grown men) shouldn't tell them (13 yr old girls) what they should be comfortable with and instead ask them.
I totally get this. I even understand that transgender people have been using the bathroom just fine before all this, and I may have even been in the bathroom with a few and not even noticed. But we're talking adults.

What I have an issue with are kids. 4 year olds have no idea what gender or sexuality are. They are just kids. But you've got parents changing their 4 year old's gender.

Talk to the parent, parent-to-parent, if you're concerned. Did you actually experience this?

Then there is the issue of teen boys claiming to be girls, (or vice versa) and wanting full access to girls facilities and sports teams, even though they have the anatomy of a young male. We're bending over backwards to accommodate these boys, but do you think a 13 year old girl is comfortable changing in front of some 13 year old boy who thinks he's a girl? And the boys are typically stronger than girls, so this boy who thinks he's a girl will have an advantage at sports while playing on girls teams.

This issue is complex and not as simple as poop where you want.

Which solidifies my views that we're not "solving a problem", we're basically legalizing bullying a group of people "just in case we run into one that is identifiable" because I heavily doubt it's a real issue.

None of those things are any of our business. If a person is uncomfortable with something, they can either minimize their exposure to what brings them discomfort or take the opportunity to work on it.
Spot on @Derg. Besides, we should concentrate on regulating real issues in the bathrooms. Such as folks not washing their hands after clearly dropping a deuce* or doing business deals on your damn cell phone in the stall during my peaceful airport time. I don't care how many spreadsheets Billy Bob screwed up, turn off your phone! Those are the real issues.

*in all seriousness poor hygiene has caused MANY more issues than this made up issue ever could
Well, fortunately kids have a tendency to be less prejudiced than their parents. You'd be surprised what many kids find perfectly comfortable that their parents don't. Maybe we (grown men) shouldn't tell them (13 yr old girls) what they should be comfortable with and instead ask them.

Worst airhorn issue ever.

Worst airhorn issue ever.


"For the children" is used to raise taxes, override budgets, make idiotic legislation and do things that government should not be doing, every day.

I still remember when I was told that my cousin Ophelia was lesbian when I was seven or eight. I literally didn't care.

"She likes girls!" Awesome, so do I.

I wasn't coddled when I was a child. Woke up late, I got a "no show" and detention. My soccer had score. Talk smack to another kid, you're probably going to get in a fight or at least dragged into the principals office. Some people were different, some people were cool, some people were scary and you… navigated…

It almost seems the "what about the children" campaign is creating maladjusted youths that eventually hit the college campuses and bitch about microaggressions, need 'safe zones', and increase culture of victimhood.
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"For the children" is used to raise taxes, override budgets, make idiotic legislation and do things that government should not be doing, every day.

I still remember when I was told that my cousin Ophelia was lesbian when I was seven or eight. I literally didn't care.

"She likes girls!" Awesome, so do I.

I wasn't coddled when I was a child. Woke up late, I got a "no show" and detention. My soccer had score. Talk smack to another kid, you're probably going to get in a fight or at least dragged into the principles office. Some people were different, some people were cool, some people were scary and you… navigated…

It almost seems the "what about the children" campaign is creating maladjusted youths that eventually hit the college campuses and bitch about microaggressions, need 'safe zones', and increase culture of victimhood.

Amen. My kids have learned, life isn't fair. There are winners and losers. Don't start a fight, but you better finish it. Stand up for those unable to. Aim for center mass and keep shooting until the threat is neutralized. Double tap just to be sure. How to skin a buck and run a trotline.
But you've got parents changing their 4 year old's gender.
Sources please.

As if moron parents is something unique to this issue. Nevermind the ones that don't vaccinate their kids, or do "faith healing" instead of seeing real doctors, yet there's no massive Fox News outrage on that other than "hurr durr freedom of choice!"

Allowing a child to wear what they want and explore their identity isn't "changing their gender."

When I was three I wanted to be a pilot so my parents bought me aviation themed clothes and toys, does that mean they railroaded me into this profession? Maybe they should have told me I would be an accountant as god intended.

I'm sure I would have been just as happy because, you know, kids will be/do anything you tell them to, especially when they're teenagers!

And they always seem to find that one guy who's vocal about why he transitioned for the wrong reasons and trot that out as some kind of proof that it's fake.

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Thanks for the link.

However, I see that more of a philosophical issue that the family needs to work out. I have a good friend from high school with a transgender son and the ongoing 'joke' was that he was a 'she' in kindergarten and it became an issue because of "Why isn't your boy playing baseball? Why doesn't your boy do (whatever)" and it was seen as a phase.

But it really wasn't a phase.

I can't imagine the crap the family went through raising a child who was "different" in my small hick hometown because the central valley isn't this welcoming, all-inclusive utopia. @amorris311 can tell you the valley is like crossbreeding rural Iowa with Kentucky.

So he began a transition his senior year of high school and largely, the overall response was, "Now it makes sense, whatever, pass the ketchup" and that was about the extent of it.

There's nothing about "protecting our women and children" in the law, it's simply using emotion to codify fear using a 'straw man' argument.
Amen. My kids have learned, life isn't fair. There are winners and losers. Don't start a fight, but you better finish it. Stand up for those unable to. Aim for center mass and keep shooting until the threat is neutralized. Double tap just to be sure. How to skin a buck and run a trotline.
Kids in this country, these days, are objectively safer than they've ever been.