The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

If that's your mind, you need Ritalin


Preexisting conditions only occurred if you had a lapse in coverage, was never an issue for me.

Typical pilot. ME ME ME ME ME.

It was an issue for others.

None of the plans that selected had a lifetime limit.

Many did.

No change now, it just costs me $50 more per week. Also, if you have any semblance of negotiating skills, it's easy to self pay at the Medicaid rate (pretty much ins. Negotiated rates). Which would cost significantly less over ones lifetime. (Yes we did a lot of out of network stuff for her, and self paid because it was cheaper than using Ins. She also used a care regime that was not yet standard of care- but is now, so we paid for a lot of it. We also got to chose our professionals that way)

There are millions of others that couldn't negotiate a lower rate.

. Does it matter which organization puts this mark on your door?

I'd rather be able to care for myself. Kids too.

If you don't like government agencies move to Somalia. No 'powerful' government there to worry about!

Typical pilot. ME ME ME ME ME.

It was an issue for others.
Taking care of my wife, being responsible in my choice of insurance, and keeping myself gainfully employed =Me Me Me?
Many did.
by the time I was a senior in HS, I was earning more money than both of my parents. Combined. I came from far below the poverty line. I managed to make it without handouts, or the government taking care of me. I worked my but off, and have been rewarded for it. If I could do it, then anybody with the proper motivation and sensible living should be able to do well. Translates into being able to take care of myself, you know, the post that started this deviation.
There are millions of others that couldn't negotiate a lower rate.
I'm nothing special, I just put in the effort to do it. Anybody else could do the same if they put in the legwork and did the research.

Newsflash, frequently doctors will take the amount that Medicare would have paid them in a claim rather than the copy. It frequently results in more money for them. I.E my wife's Onc. Will take a direct payment of 32.60 because it's more than ins. Pays her for a follow up. Saves us $8 bucks.

If you don't like government agencies move to Somalia. No 'powerful' government there to worry about!
Where did you get that from? Lol. I wish we had the ability to see your thought process. I bet you were patting yourself on the back after that one. I typically vote dem. There are many social programs that I am thankful for, and are beneficial to society - but, none of them replace personal responsibility and being able to take care of ones self.

The notion that being self sufficient = not liking government is stupid. Immediately post Katrina I was flying a 206 from long beach to Vero beach. Stopped and picked up a bunch of Generators and took them to Gulfport. Ended up flying in 16 Gens, loads of tents and sleeping bags etc. for the Red Cross. Last trip in, we had managed to get power and water to several shelter sites. Helped restore lots of infrastructure. This was all long before the Govt. managed to get their supply train going. I suppose the red cross wasn't actually thanking us for helping... The FBO wasn't giving us free gas to help out... We were just stealing it right?
Katie Couric, the phony "journalist" is just the latest to attack our inalienable right, our personal right to bear arms.

This is just one example of media bias. I wonder how many other documentaries, articles and interviews have been selectively edited to change a story.

At least Epix pulled that piece of trash from their website.

A few things...

1. I'm a gun owner and a 2nd amendment agree-er.

2. Is an Epix documentary news media?

3. Is a documentary by a cable movie channel capable of "media bias" or "attacking our rights?"
The editorial-masquerading-as-a-documentary is certainly an attempt to push an agenda.

What that bit of entertainment-media will actually influence is still to be seen. Especially given the negative media attention it has garnered, I doubt it will change anyone's mind on the topic.

Taken in the larger context, it certainly isn't the first bit of really poor integrity in "journalism" (e.g. placing rocket engines to make a GM pickup explode, etc), nor will it be the last.
I've been banking on the pre November push... Got a bunch of Anderson lowers, a treasure trove of Pmags, and a somewhat consistent order of .223, .22, and 9mm. Unless Hillary is in jail, I figure the scare leading into November will drive prices enough to make some decent ROI.
I'm interested to see if there's a frenzy if Mr Trump is elected.

Many on the left seem to think that a total meltdown of American society will ensue if that comes to pass. I wonder how many of them will decide that it is time to arm themselves to defend against the angry fascist mobs that are coming to do whatever harm they think will transpire?
I'm interested to see if there's a frenzy if Mr Trump is elected.

Many on the left seem to think that a total meltdown of American society will ensue if that comes to pass. I wonder how many of them will decide that it is time to arm themselves to defend against the angry fascist mobs that are coming to do whatever harm they think will transpire?

I'm banking on a close race, so I would expect the fever to start leading into November. If the pathological lier is voted in, Nov-Mar. Will be 4 months for the record books. If trump is voted in, and remains true to his word, I would expect an increase in sales as areas that could not purchase weapons suddenly would, but then it would stabilize at a rate probably somewhat lower than currently under Obama.
Taking care of my wife, being responsible in my choice of insurance, and keeping myself gainfully employed =Me Me Me?

Just because you had your ducks lined up in a row doesn't mean that others less fortunate should be kicked to the curb. Bad things happen to good people. The government needed to step in and fix some of the problems that were happening to good people.

by the time I was a senior in HS, I was earning more money than both of my parents. Combined. I came from far below the poverty line. I managed to make it without handouts, or the government taking care of me. I worked my but off, and have been rewarded for it. If I could do it, then anybody with the proper motivation and sensible living should be able to do well. Translates into being able to take care of myself, you know, the post that started this deviation.

I'm nothing special, I just put in the effort to do it. Anybody else could do the same if they put in the legwork and did the research.

When one falls on hard times we as a society should not forget about our fellow man.

Where did you get that from? Lol. I wish we had the ability to see your thought process. I bet you were patting yourself on the back after that one. I typically vote dem. There are many social programs that I am thankful for, and are beneficial to society - but, none of them replace personal responsibility and being able to take care of ones self.

You always can't take care of ones self. That is the point I am making. That is what government is for.

The notion that being self sufficient = not liking government is stupid. Immediately post Katrina I was flying a 206 from long beach to Vero beach. Stopped and picked up a bunch of Generators and took them to Gulfport. Ended up flying in 16 Gens, loads of tents and sleeping bags etc. for the Red Cross. Last trip in, we had managed to get power and water to several shelter sites. Helped restore lots of infrastructure. This was all long before the Govt. managed to get their supply train going. I suppose the red cross wasn't actually thanking us for helping... The FBO wasn't giving us free gas to help out... We were just stealing it right?

That is society lifting a hand to help others.
He at one point said he was Pro 2a and would repeal any control legislation. Obviously the NRA would push for preemption legislation. If that happens, suddenly NY can buy sporting rifles that are "not special"

You do know that his properties are all gun free zones?

That isn't exactly pro-2a.

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You do know that his properties are all gun free zones?

That isn't exactly pro-2a.

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Gun and magazine bans are a total failure. That’s been proven every time it’s been tried. Opponents of gun rights try to come up with scary sounding phrases like “assault weapons”, “military-style weapons” and “high capacity magazines” to confuse people. What they’re really talking about are popular semi-automatic rifles and standard magazines that are owned by tens of millions of Americans. Law-abiding people should be allowed to own the firearm of their choice. The government has no business dictating what types of firearms good, honest people are allowed to own. -Donald Trump

Preemptive legislation would prohibit states from passing laws more restrictive than the federal laws. I could see him burning an EO to push it through. The Pro 2A represents a large portion of his fan base.
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Preemptive legislation would prohibit states from passing laws more restrictive than the federal laws. I could see him burning an EO to push it through.

Executive orders have precisely zero impact on creation, modification, or elimination of laws, which are enacted by Congress and the Legislature.

This was just as true when people were claiming that Mr. Obama's Executive Orders would enact gun control that Congress would not.

"Pre-emption" cannot be enacted via Executive Order, nor can any of the other items you listed.

Gun and magazine bans are a total failure. That’s been proven every time it’s been tried. Opponents of gun rights try to come up with scary sounding phrases like “assault weapons”, “military-style weapons” and “high capacity magazines” to confuse people. What they’re really talking about are popular semi-automatic rifles and standard magazines that are owned by tens of millions of Americans. Law-abiding people should be allowed to own the firearm of their choice. The government has no business dictating what types of firearms good, honest people are allowed to own. -Donald Trump

Preemptive legislation would prohibit states from passing laws more restrictive than the federal laws. I could see him burning an EO to push it through. The Pro 2A represents a large portion of his fan base.

That has nothing to do with what I posted. I didn't post about gun laws, effectiveness, magazine capacity, firearm names, raising flaps in the flare or Mickey Mouse. What I did post was Trump properties are gun free zones which isn't exactly supportive of the 2a.

Peruse any one of this articles:

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