The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

What percentage of people in the US are tranny's? I'm guessing its very very very small. So the chances of your kid sharing a bathroom with one is pretty remote. Your kid is more likely to be hit by a car or choke on a twinkie. Meanwhile we're still fighting wars in countries we have no right to be in, and the NSA is still listening to your phone calls and reading your e-mails.
They don't seem to realize that to be considered transgendered requires quite a lot of documented therapy and history of behavior.

That is the thing. There are people who claim to be "gender fluid", choosing their gender completely at random or "how they feel" that day.

Then you have parents changing the gender identity of their 4 year old child.

This is where a lot of people are getting confused about the whole issue. Myself included.

I thought to myself, where have all the transgendered people been going to the bathroom before all this? I never saw a single transgender person in the men's room with me, though I'm sure they were there. I just never noticed, so it's no big deal.
So the left decided to spin this story? Don't think so. Morals are lacking on both sides, heavily.
Oh right I forgot, the Democrat governor of North Carolina decided to strip LGBT people of rights and make it illegal for any city to pass ordnances protecting those rights and all the other blue states followed suit. That's how that happened right?

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So the left decided to spin this story? Don't think so. Morals are lacking on both sides, heavily.

It's way past due for the middle to start getting vocal. Our nations conversations and policies have been hijacked by the vocal extremes of both sides for way too long now. The vast majority of people just ignore it and apply common sense, but once the extremes start legislating their ideas rather than just empty rhetoric it goes too far.
Oh right I forgot, the Democrat governor of North Carolina decided to strip LGBT people of rights and make it illegal for any city to pass ordnances protecting those rights and all the other blue states followed suit. That's how that happened right?

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I see it as a Republican governor telling a Democrat to stay the F out of state business. The first shotnwas fired by a Democrat. Then a Democrat told school districts to comply, or else.
I see it as a Republican governor telling a Democrat to stay the F out of state business. The first shotnwas fired by a Democrat. Then a Democrat told school districts to comply, or else.

The first shot was fired by backward ass NC republicans when they passed that travesty of a bill that *required* my alma mater to discriminate against transgendered folks against its wishes. That's what the first shot was.
That is the thing. There are people who claim to be "gender fluid", choosing their gender completely at random or "how they feel" that day.

Then you have parents changing the gender identity of their 4 year old child.

This is where a lot of people are getting confused about the whole issue. Myself included.

I thought to myself, where have all the transgendered people been going to the bathroom before all this? I never saw a single transgender person in the men's room with me, though I'm sure they were there. I just never noticed, so it's no big deal.

It was never a big deal, but now it is. Thanks to HB2 bathrooms are less safe than ever, but not for your kids, who are not in any less danger than they were before.... except it's only a matter of time before some "good guy with a gun" blows away some poor trans person who just wanted to pee in peace.

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JordanD said:
What a nice non issue to be yelled about, conveniently in an election year. Just like how 2004 was all about gay marriage to distract from the two disastrous wars we had going on
So the non disastrous war doesn't count?
Stalls with privacy strips, full doors. Keep them attended. Problem solved, and more jobs.

This is stupid. It's a public bathroom. Who uses those anyways?
The first shot was fired by backward ass NC republicans when they passed that travesty of a bill that *required* my alma mater to discriminate against transgendered folks against its wishes. That's what the first shot was.


View it however you'd like. I promise I won't hold it against you. Just as long as you don't hold it against me when some dude comes walking out of the women's room in a bloody pulp for trying to watch my daughter pee.

That's the issue more people fear than anything else. The rights of many being trampled for the rights of a few. This is no different than a gun debate. And it's done a damn good job of distracting people from the issues at hand. You can call it "distraction from the morass of Republican immorality" all you'd like. Who was the one who told States they'd lose federal funding for trying to govern themselves? Here's a hint. He's a lame duck right now.

If States want to restrict their bathrooms to what sex you are, rather than what sex you identify with with, let that battle happen at the state. Keep the feds out of it.

View it however you'd like. I promise I won't hold it against you. Just as long as you don't hold it against me when some dude comes walking out of the women's room in a bloody pulp for trying to watch my daughter pee.

Now who's afraid of their own shadow?

That's the issue more people fear than anything else. The rights of many being trampled for the rights of a few. This is no different than a gun debate. And it's done a damn good job of distracting people from the issues at hand. You can call it "distraction from the morass of Republican immorality" all you'd like. Who was the one who told States they'd lose federal funding for trying to govern themselves? Here's a hint. He's a lame duck right now.

I don't think you understand the definition of a right. But that's nothing new.

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View it however you'd like. I promise I won't hold it against you. Just as long as you don't hold it against me when some dude comes walking out of the women's room in a bloody pulp for trying to watch my daughter pee.

That's the issue more people fear than anything else. The rights of many being trampled for the rights of a few. This is no different than a gun debate. And it's done a damn good job of distracting people from the issues at hand. You can call it "distraction from the morass of Republican immorality" all you'd like. Who was the one who told States they'd lose federal funding for trying to govern themselves? Here's a hint. He's a lame duck right now.

If States want to restrict their bathrooms to what sex you are, rather than what sex you identify with with, let that battle happen at the state. Keep the feds out of it.

Wow. SMH.

View it however you'd like. I promise I won't hold it against you. Just as long as you don't hold it against me when some dude comes walking out of the women's room in a bloody pulp for trying to watch my daughter pee.

I'm going to laugh my ass off when you go to jail because you beat up some poor trans man who was legally required to pee next to your daughter because of some jackass law you support.
I'm going to laugh my ass off when you go to jail because you beat up some poor trans man who was legally required to pee next to your daughter because of some jackass law you support.
I don't want to ruin your fun but it's likely that he'll get a slap on the wrist...

Hell in Texas you can murder your girlfriend and get probation... as long as she's trans.

Just don't do it again for 10 years.

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I'm going to laugh my ass off when you go to jail because you beat up some poor trans man who was legally required to pee next to your daughter because of some jackass law you support.

Actually the peeping tom is who will be going to jail. Do you actually read the post before you reply with your joke of a response?
Actually the peeping tom is who will be going to jail. Do you actually read the post before you reply with your joke of a response?

Whoosh! Good times.

Guess I better spell this out:

Trans men in NC are required by law to use the women's restroom. They are for all intents and They look like dudes, often have big muscles and facial hair...and they're going to be peeing next to our wives and daughters because apprently we NCers are idiots.