The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

No I haven't avoided anything. I have made it clear my opinion about how I feel about this bathroom situation.

Turns out there is more proof about chemtrails harming us than transgender people molesting children in the wrong bathroom.

You are afraid but choose not to educate yourself.
You said that you don't mind transgendered people. Then you said something that makes us all think differently. Why don't you act like an adult and just admit that you don't like transgendered people (or any other people that aren't like you) and you are scared that they might do harm to you or your loved ones if you're within eye shot of them.

Who's the adult now by blowing it way out of context and putting words in my mouth.
I'm guessing you don't have kids?..
Not only did I have/raise three kids, but I currently have 6 grandchildren. I have no problem with them using a public restroom that may have a gay person in there or a transgendered person. First off, people are only in there to take care of nature's calling, wash their hands, maybe their face, and in the ladies room, dink around with their make-up. If people use a stall what's the issue? I don't think anyone in there is really checking out people that closely and if you are, that in itself is kinda weird.

People have the right to simple human dignities. And just because someone is born who is different from you, it doesn't make it alright to segregate them, or punish them or deprive them.

If you look at the stats of those who molest children, your real concern should be with straight males and other family members.

And if you would care to perhaps read a few blogs, look at some scientific data, and look at some websites/organizations to educate yourself a bit, you would learn that trans people don't want to stand out, they mostly just want to lead a normal life like everybody else and fit in with others. If you think that being gay or lesbian is tough for kids and young adults, you can only imagine that it is ten time more difficult for transgendered human beings. They've been hiding, afraid, threatened and shunned by their own families, classmates, and more. Most of them have huge issues just trying to get a decent job.

No one should care or judge anyone by their gender or their sexuality. Judge people on their honesty, are they trustworthy, do they have a good heart, are they decent, do they have ethics and courage, in other words are they a good person. Besides, the numbers of transgendered people is so small, that you have a better chance of being struck by lightning than sharing a bathroom with them.

Our kids and grandkids need to be taught about the world in stages, appropriate to their age and maturity level. They need honesty and truth. They need to learn acceptance. They need to know that everyone is different in many ways, but in the important ways of how we are human and how we connect as humans, we are all the same. We all have the same feelings, hopes, desires, fears and anxiety. We ALL share all of the emotions that make up a human being. And we all have the ability to love. We all want love and acceptance. With such a strong connection, it should be no big deal what gender a person is or whom they choose to sleep with.

If you read up on, learned something about transgendered men and women, maybe even met one and talked to them, you'd surely see that there is nothing wrong, oddball, strange or scary about them. You seriously have nothing to fear or be concerned about.

Let me enlighten you on something. Transgendered people are murdered in this country on a regular basis. They are also denied fair housing in renting a place to live, they are denied jobs, they are denied service in certain restaurants or bars, they are bullied, they are denied many things. The last damn thing they need is to be denied a GD place to take a leak or a dump.
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Make things up?? What are you talking about? Put who down? I have no problem with transgenders.
As long as they have their own bathroom and don't mix with the straight men, boys, girls and women.

No I don't forbid my daughter from using the girls bathroom. I forbid a male who identifies with being a women from using it. I thought was pretty clear.

You don't have that power or control. It isn't even any of your business.

The only other people I want using the bathroom with my daughter is someone that was born with a vagina. Period.
Then how the hell can you state that you have no problems with transgendered people? Where would you like them to go exactly? A back alley? In cup or bowl in their car? How about in their own segregated restroom where they can be easily singled out, shunned and harassed.
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This man was born a female. The completely unintended part about all this bathroom nonsense is that now he is legally required to use the women's room in North Carolina.
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As long as they have their own bathroom and don't mix with the straight men, boys, girls and women.

You don't have that power or control. It isn't even any of your business.

Then how the hell can you state that you have no problems with transgendered people? Where would you like them to go exactly? A back alley? In cup or bowl in their car? How about in their own segregated restroom where they can be easily singled out, shunned and harassed.
I've been trying to get him to explain himself. He's yet to be clear about what he means. Yes @fast89pony I'm talking about you.
I've been trying to get him to explain himself. He's yet to be clear about what he means. Yes @fast89pony I'm talking about you.
I really believe/think that the issue is that most people are just ignorant as to what being transgendered actually means and what transgendered people are like. Here's a hint, they are just like you and me. People are running around throwing their hands in the air. Transgendered men and women have been around a very long time and they aren't going to disappear off the planet either. Deal with it. As time goes on and society becomes more enlightened, evolved and concerned with the issues that truly matter, none of this nonsense will even be an issue. People will look back upon this time and place and wonder what the hell was wrong with everyone. Kinda like being gay and in the Military. People thought the world would end. Yet nothing happened. Good grief people. We just need to learn acceptance and love for those who deserve it. Save the hate for serial killers and our politicians. lol
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What a nice non issue to be yelled about, conveniently in an election year. Just like how 2004 was all about gay marriage to distract from the two disastrous wars we had going on

I was thinking the exact same thing.

"Here, lem'me throw this distraction in!"
I've been trying to get him to explain himself. He's yet to be clear about what he means. Yes @fast89pony I'm talking about you.

I've already explained myself. I don't need to write a 4 paragraph post to do so. I'm happy with my opinion and don't need to keep explaining it. You guys are the ones going off on paragraph long tangents.
I've already explained myself. I don't need to write a 4 paragraph post to do so. I'm happy with my opinion and don't need to keep explaining it. You guys are the ones going off on paragraph long tangents.
Maybe when I get a ticket to live in your fantasy land I'll understand your myopic point of view. I feel bad for our society that you actually believe this is an issue.
I really believe/think that the issue is that most people are just ignorant as to what being transgendered actually means and what transgendered people are like. Here's a hint, they are just like you and me. People are running around throwing their hands in the air. Transgendered men and women have been around a very long time and they aren't going to disappear off the planet either. Deal with it. As time goes on and society becomes more enlightened, evolved and concerned with the issues that truly matter, none of this nonsense will even be an issue. People will look back upon this time and place and wonder what the hell was wrong with everyone. Kinda like being gay and in the Military. People thought the world would end. Yet nothing happened. Good grief people. We just need to learn acceptance and love for those who deserve it. Save the hate for serial killers and our politicians. lol

A LOT of people seem to mix up a cross dressers as transgendered, or that anyone can just "I identify as a male/female!". They don't seem to realize that to be considered transgendered requires quite a lot of documented therapy and history of behavior.