The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Those are the major positives of Obamacare, and they are indeed huge positives. The cost is that the government now forces control of peoples healthcare to a few highly profitable companies, and forces people to pay them at the point of a gun. Far from 'socialist' healthcare, this is 'facist' healthcare. It's almost like a Republican designed it.
Mitt Romney perhaps?

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Who gives a damn where people poo? Why is this even remotely an issue? I am not even entirely sure why the hell we have "gendered" bathrooms at all from a strictly philosophical standpoint on egalitarianism. You know what I do when I go to the bathroom? I take a dump or a pee, I also try to avoid making eye-contact with anyone else in the damn place as does everyone else. This is a non-issue - for those of you who think this is a big deal... how the hell are they going to know? What, am I supposed to do, whip it out at the entrance to the mens' room? "Here you go inspector, I have a dong and identify as a male." Are they going to check my wife for a dick every time she goes to pee?

No, this sort of legislation is only in place to make trans folks feel unwelcome in society. It's not like these people "choose" to be trans - can you imagine how freaking terrible it would be to feel like a man but be a woman or vice versa? No one would voluntarily choose to make their life difficult that way.

I'm guessing you don't have kids?..
Dude, I have 3 kids - and my first daughter was born 4 days ago... I don't really see what that has to do with it.

Congratulations on your daughter! Seriously.
But talk to me when she's 10. Having a girl is a whole different ball game. The only other people I want using the bathroom with my daughter is someone that was born with a vagina. Period. You will see once she gets older how much more protection she will need than the boys.
Congratulations on your daughter! Seriously.
But talk to me when she's 10. Having a girl is a whole different ball game. The only other people I want using the bathroom with my daughter is someone that was born with a vagina. Period. You will see once she gets older how much more protection she will need than the boys.
So you want some people with a penis using the same restroom as your daughter? A penis can be made from a vagina you know?
Congratulations on your daughter! Seriously.
But talk to me when she's 10. Having a girl is a whole different ball game. The only other people I want using the bathroom with my daughter is someone that was born with a vagina. Period. You will see once she gets older how much more protection she will need than the boys.
Better not let her go outside, there's men out there you know.

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Yes that is the same as being naked next to someone 2 feet away.
in a separate stall meant to relieve ones self in...... Still you would like a person with a penis that is probably sexually attracted to women in that space rather than someone with no penis that just wants to relieve themselves and go their merry way?
Congratulations on your daughter! Seriously.
But talk to me when she's 10. Having a girl is a whole different ball game. The only other people I want using the bathroom with my daughter is someone that was born with a vagina. Period. You will see once she gets older how much more protection she will need than the boys.
Wow! Why don't you just chain your daughter up in the basement until she's 30.
in a separate stall meant to relieve ones self in...... Still you would like a person with a penis that is probably sexually attracted to women in that space rather than someone with no penis that just wants to relieve themselves and go their merry way?
Wow! Why don't you just chain your daughter up in the basement until she's 30.

How is worrying about who is using the bathroom when she is in there chaining her up in the basement. Total disconnect.
How is worrying about who is using the bathroom when she is in there chaining her up in the basement. Total disconnect.
Worry is one thing. Make things up so you can put people down is a problem. Believe it or not before Bruce decided to become Caitlyn people have been transitioning for decades. Never once has it been a problem until Caitlyn made it seem like the latest fad. Get over yourself and be more worried about your daughter going on her first date.