The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Oh, look I get all my news and talking points from memes!!

Lets put kennedy next to Bush but talk about going to pointless wars and killing thousands of soldiers in the process!

You're absolutely correct, but the "news" and "talking points" come from a thousand pulpits, too, reinforced by televangelists who can purchase the latest model Gulfstream to draw a "moral line" from city to city for the faithful.

Our Victorian ethos runs deeply still through the mindset of the Republic and logic often falls before mindless faith.

Memes are easier, sometimes, than grappling with issues.
Doesn't change the fact that labeling a portion of our fellow citizens as 'predatory' is beyond wrong.


I can also name a half dozen other ad-hominem labeling trends (from the left and right) toward our fellow citizens who are different from what a small slice believe to be the mainstream, too.

None of it is acceptable, nor is any of it more egregious or offensive than any other.

Everywhere, there is intolerant "tolerance".
I think the real travesty is that out of the entire NC law, it's this bathroom nonsense that is being talked about. How about we talk about the real attack on civil liberties where a gay person can now be fired just because they're gay and the owner doesn't like it because of their "religious freedom". Or the fact that the law was written so towns/cities can't make that illegal on their own. It used to be illegal in Charlotte to fire someone because of their sexual orientation. That law is now illegal under the state law.
Who craps in what bathroom should be at the bottom of the priority list.

I guess you could say....... It's a "2nd" priority....

Wait, why is this trolling?

Is there anything inherently troll-ish about pointing out the idiocy of anti-trans legislation? Or is everyone here just hard-wired to or a Seggy post has no value?

Because while this *shouldnt* be an issue, my current city and former state have forced it into the national dialogue.

Why is it 'seen' as a trolling post by many.....? I would gather a guess the reason is there is no apparent thought of his own here. When any user just posts a link, posts a picture, etc... with no apparent thought of their own regardless of whether or not it is Mark, it gives the appearance of throwing something over the wall and walking away. That to me at least looks like stirring the pot or trolling. If someone posts a link and provides input of their own words then that would be (or should be) seen differently.

This has been said many times before on this site in regards to many users......."It's not the message, it's all in the delivery..." If people can't past the delivery then they will never hear the message.
I am amazed at the time and effort the gov't is putting into this issue when there are 22 veterans a day committing suicide, and the VA system is still a cluster flock of amazing proportions. Who craps in what bathroom should be at the bottom of the priority list.
Not to mention the tens of thousands of Vets that are homeless. Some 48,000 of them. About one-third of homeless Veterans were stationed in a war zone at some time. Two-thirds of homeless Vets served their country for at least three years. This is the case for Vets who not only served in Iraqi and Afghanistan, but also includes Vets who served in Vietnam, Korea and even during World War II. Vets serving in the Vietnam and the post Vietnam era have the greatest risk of becoming homeless. More Vets are at risk from having no support, and not getting proper treatment in a timely fashion.

What happened to the President's pledge in 2009 to end Veterans homelessness by the start of 2016? Pretty much like his promise in 2008 to re-vamp the entire VA system I guess.

Jobs or job training and affordable housing are a huge issue. More than 40,000 homeless Vets receive compensation or pension benefits each month, but that’s not enough to find affordable housing, according to the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans. Many Vets have skills learned through the military that are not applicable for occupations in civilian life.

The saddest truth is that more than 50% of homeless Veterans suffer from disabilities and about two-thirds of them have substance abuse issues. It's a national disgrace. These men and women were and are, our warriors. But they been forgotten and swept aside like so much garbage.

And for Seggy (perhaps he will let the above sink in, but I highly doubt it) and anyone else reading this post, here is where you can donate to help:
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There were 3 different proposals forwarded to congress dealing with that and... well, you know.
Care to enlighten me with the actual facts, dates/timeline and details? We are talking about a 7 year period from 2009-2016 for the homeless issue and an 8 year period from 2008-2016 for the VA issues/revamping.

Because the last positive sign I have seen is from December of 2015 and a bill which Congress passed and the President signed which addresses the funding for this year of discretionary projects of which for HUD means that there is some ( a small portion) of funding for HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing program. However, the majority of the funds will simply go to maintain the current HUD projects and the Section 8 and public housing. It doesn't cover anything beyond the current programs in that area.

And for fun, lets make sure we have this on hand which should factually address any confusion over "control" issues.
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Care to enlighten me with the actual facts, dates/timeline and details? We are talking a 7 year period here. 2009 -2016

Because the only positive sign I have seen is from December of 2015 and a bill which Congress passed and the President signed which addresses the funding for this year of discretionary projects of which for HUD means that there is some ( a small portion) of funding for HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing program. However, the majority of the funds will simply go to maintain the current HUD projects and the Section 8 and public housing. It doesn't cover anything beyond the current programs in that area.

And for fun, lets make sure we have this on hand which should factually address any confusion over "control" issues.

That 2015 you reference had about 600 million cut out that was marked for new construction. It also had 700 million pulled that was earmarked for va healthcare.

There was a 2014 bill that provided for education and health benefits for veterans. It died after the house attached sanctions against Iran to it.

There was also a bill in 2011 or 2012 that directly funneled money into mental health benefits for ventrans that died during the VA scandal.
As a VA "patient", I have found the entire system so tied up in bureaucracy that I have chosen to just not even use it.

I have been waiting/working a year just to get someone to look at the fact that I am unable to create an online application for benefits. The e-Benefits website flags the problem, tells me to call a 1-800 number for service. I have waited hour upon hour on the phone, left messages that have never been returned, finally got fed up and drove to visit more than one VA benefits and medical center and was told they couldn't help me, etc, and I can't find a single person who can actually help me. This is just to take step 1 in the process. A year, and I am no closer today than I was in May 2015 when I initially attempted to file for VA medical benefits.

Thank God I'm not actually in need of substantial medical attention; if I were, I'd probably be dead by now.

Government-run health care.

Those of you who think it is the answer to our nation's health care crisis have obviously never had to use it.
That 2015 you reference had about 600 million cut out that was marked for new construction. It also had 700 million pulled that was earmarked for va healthcare.

There was a 2014 bill that provided for education and health benefits for veterans. It died after the house attached sanctions against Iran to it.

There was also a bill in 2011 or 2012 that directly funneled money into mental health benefits for ventrans that died during the VA scandal.
Are you talking the cuts backs made in April of 2015 for the 2016 budget then? You are aware the the figures from the previous budget were increased but then the cuts took away a portion of the increases. However, this was just passed last month:

As for the 2014 Bill.......what about all the issues/problems/details attached to that Bill? The details didn't matter/weren't a problem?

The start of the VA scandal, that is the revealing of issues, began in early 2012. Over two years later, the President signed a bill (in August of 2014) that he contends will re-vamp/overhaul the VA. What really has changed? Has anything actually begun? What are the true improvements thus far?

I tried to search out a a bill from 2011 or 2012 regarding mental health issues for Vets but haven't found it yet.
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