The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

You do realize that you just hate me because of my viewpoint on guns and their role in our society?
We keep our gun stuff regulated to 1 thread.

You spew crap all over multiple threads with the direct intent to piss off those who have a different view. It's like this.

You know who else does this? Westbrook Baptist Church. All a bunch a petulant children.
You do realize that you just hate me because of my viewpoint on guns and their role in our society?

Seggy, let me be clear, I don't hate you at all. I disagree with your view points on many things but that doesn't automatically mean I have to hate you. And I don't. I know you are a very smart litigator and I have to respect that.

Again one of the great things about America is we can have these sorts of disagreement and not be required to share the same view point.

I only ask that you respect my pro view point on guns as I respect your view point against them. Never even heard of them until today. I found/saw that clip while listening to some old Coasters and the Drifters songs on You Tube. :smoke:

And what did you think? Kiss me where it smells funny is probably right up your alley. :) That or Pretty when you're Drunk or even "a lap dance is always better when the stripper is crying."
Funniest thing I've read in a while. Seggy doesn't respect your pro-2nd Amendment view at all. You can tell by his "ammosexual" comments.

I know, but I actually do get a bit of a stiffy over certain firearms, There is a 338 I've been drooling over for a while.

So technically he is right I am a ammosexual and DAM PROUD of it!

I LOVE big black guns.......wait.....that didn't come out right........
I LOVE big black guns.......wait.....that didn't come out right........


It has already been stated, Saggy is an attention •, gets his rocks off thinking causing a stir on the net makes him cool, whatever. Obviously we all feed the troll but every time Saggy posts something, this is all I picture and think of:

Hastert = Republican Richard Cranium. Of course, there are a few on the left, but the hypocrisy here is screaming with the Republican manufactured crisis of the day. It always leaves me wondering what the manufactured crisis will be in a year.

Cats can rotate their ears 105*.