The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Wait, why is this trolling?

Is there anything inherently troll-ish about pointing out the idiocy of anti-trans legislation? Or is everyone here just hard-wired to assume a Seggy post has no value?

Because while this *shouldnt* be an issue, my current city and former state have forced it into the national dialogue.
Yeah, call @Seggy a troll or whatever but the latest conservative manufactured crisis on non-hetero/non-jeebus-loving/don't-fit-into-a-box folks is just plain idiotic.

Number of Republican politicos that have been charged with sex crimes in bathrooms? At least 3. Not to mention the staggering amount of so called people of the cloth that have committed crimes against children (and we're not even counting brain washing from a young age). Transgender folks arrested for so-called bathroom crimes? Zero as far anyone can tell. Time to find a new hobby like actually helping people in this country.
While true, that avoids the facts here.


Whatever -- it is an idiotic way of trying to prove some moral high ground by pointing out that people who are opposed to allowing people to decide their own gender are hypocrites because someone who shares some of the same political viewpoints as they do is a criminal. If that's an "argument" for the cause, it is unbelievably weak and laughable. If you're really interested in increasing individual liberty, then name calling the other side isn't going to help sway someone to the cause.

Try using both "facts" and "logic" to sway someone's opinion as it works a lot better.

BTW, anyone who is freaked out about this bathroom issue has obviously never lived in Europe. In France, especially, it is pretty typical to have straight-up unisex public bathrooms. It was a bit unusual the first time I saw it; I thought I was in the wrong place when, as I was bleeding the hydraulics at the urinal, a couple ladies rolled in and went into the stalls. Once I got over the initial shock, it didn't really bug me even to send my son in anywhere solo. In the US, we're still living with a type of Victorian sexual repression that many areas of the world have been able to shake off.
Funny, a quick search turns up two democratic a-holes that are just as guilty. Sickos are on both sides of the line, don't think they are everyone except who you vote for...

  • Mel Reynolds (D-IL) was convicted on 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography. (1997) He was later convicted of 12 counts of bank fraud. (1999) Reynolds served his entire sentence stemming from the first conviction and served 42 months in prison for the bank fraud conviction at which point his sentence was commuted by President Bill Clinton.[36] As a result, Reynolds was released from prison and served his remaining time in a halfway house.
BTW, anyone who is freaked out about this bathroom issue has obviously never lived in Europe. In France, especially, it is pretty typical to have straight-up unisex public bathrooms. It was a bit unusual the first time I saw it; I thought I was in the wrong place when, as I was bleeding the hydraulics at the urinal, a couple ladies rolled in and went into the stalls. Once I got over the initial shock, it didn't really bug me even to send my son in anywhere solo. In the US, we're still living with a type of Victorian sexual repression that many areas of the world have been able to shake off.

I don't understand this issue at all. I first used public, unisex bathrooms (which included showers) at UMass Amherst in 1973 in coed dorms. It wasn't sensual, oppressive or scary, and only a bit odd the first-time I thought ONE of us was in the wrong place.

Neither of us were.
Try using both "facts" and "logic" to sway someone's opinion as it works a lot better.

Yes, you are right in this regard. Though it is fair to point out the overwhelming hypocrisy of the so-called moral majority trying to once again govern people's private matters. These same folks who typically call for small government and such love to tell small numbers of people what they can and cannot do.

BTW, anyone who is freaked out about this bathroom issue has obviously never lived in Europe. In France, especially, it is pretty typical to have straight-up unisex public bathrooms. It was a bit unusual the first time I saw it; I thought I was in the wrong place when, as I was bleeding the hydraulics at the urinal, a couple ladies rolled in and went into the stalls. Once I got over the initial shock, it didn't really bug me even to send my son in anywhere solo. In the US, we're still living with a type of Victorian sexual repression that many areas of the world have been able to shake off.

Truth spoken, we are in the dark ages on this and this latest debacle shows it quite nicely for all the world to see. I was also taken aback first time to Europe but don't think twice now. Everybody poops!
In the US, we're still living with a type of Victorian sexual repression that many areas of the world have been able to shake off.

Right, and currently there's only one side of the political spectrum "freaking out" about the issue...and that's the evangelical wing of the Republican Party--which unfortunately dominates the public discourse (largely because of atrocious gerrymandering).

There's not always two reasonable sides to every argument, and in this case you have the rest of the world...and apparently the @Mavmb 's.
These same folks who typically call for small government and such love to tell small numbers of people what they can and cannot do.

The other side is perfectly happy to tell small or large numbers of people what to do, but with the weight of government behind their self-righteousness.

Again, no moral high ground here, only self-righteousness and a lack of self-awareness.
Not to mention, people in 'Merica have been choosing their most appropriate restroom for many many many years with no national uproar, federal lawsuits being tossed around or any significant issue at all. None. Zero. So the sudden manufactured drama is beyond ludicrous. We can probably all agree on that.

This is all just the same old misguided fear of the boogeyman getting into people's heads. It is shameful that transgender folks are somehow painted into the predatory corner automatically.
The left and the right, both, have moral and ethical menus that aren't internally consistent. Anyone who wraps themselves in a label of "liberal" or "conservative", or affiliates themselves with the two main American political parties, and can't see the simultaneous irony and hypocrisy of the basket of beliefs on each side isn't much of a critical thinker.
Should probably worry more about who is in your little boys locker room while hes suiting up for the big game. Thats where the pedophiles like to hang.

I wish I could vote for Obama again.
The left and the right, both, have moral and ethical menus that aren't internally consistent. Anyone who wraps themselves in a label of "liberal" or "conservative", or affiliates themselves with the two main American political parties, and can't see the simultaneous irony and hypocrisy of the basket of beliefs on each side isn't much of a critical thinker.

Well, yeah.