The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

As @av8tr1 wrote, the 2A is just as important as the 1A. @Seggy has a right to say all kinds of things on here. Many of us who disagree with both his message and presentation have served to protect that right.

Nobody is going to change his mind, but what would be nice is if the presentation was brought up from the Gerry Spinger/Donald Drumpf level. If that were to happen, possibly some worthwhile, mature discussions could take place.

Those worthwhile, mature discussions have taken place. The problem with dogmatic belief is that no amount of logic, discussion or reasonable argument will change it.
...but what would be nice is if the presentation was brought up from the Gerry Spinger/Donald Drumpf level. If that were to happen, possibly some worthwhile, mature discussions could take place.
We tried that, now we're on to silly videos!

Caution, crude language:

As @av8tr1 wrote, the 2A is just as important as the 1A. @Seggy has a right to say all kinds of things on here. Many of us who disagree with both his message and presentation have served to protect that right.

Nobody is going to change his mind, but what would be nice is if the presentation was brought up from the Gerry Spinger/Donald Drumpf level. If that were to happen, possibly some worthwhile, mature discussions could take place.
Sadly, that will never happen. It's been tried many, many times in the past in many, many threads, by many, many people and over a very long time period. It has become pointless. When you have someone who does nothing but post tripe, refuses to be educated or enlightened, gets off on purposely trolling and baiting people, behaves like a spoiled child, throws tantrums, posts nonsense, twists people's words around, makes ridiculous assumptions and statements, etc., all of that is what has led to this. You cannot have an intelligent, logical, rational discussion with someone who has no interest in doing so and is not even capable of having one to begin with. So now when the trolling threads begin, it's far better just to not respond with any sort of reasonable dialogue (it's a total and complete waste of time) and one might as well have some fun instead and stop the troll in it's tiny tracks. And you are correct, he has the right to troll all he wants to and for some reason is freely allowed to do on here, and be a jack wagon to people, but people also have the right not to play that game any longer, waste their time, and tolerate that behavior. It's simply enough. It's over. He'll need to find a new hobby.
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Actually I have a theory about Seggy. I think he comes here to practice his union efforts. From what I have seen from union meetings (admittedly I haven't been to many) but what I saw was "purposely trolling and baiting people, spoiled entitled children throwing tantrums, posting or shouting nonsense, twists people's words around, making ridiculous assumptions and statements, and any time someone makes a good point throws out a red herring to mislead or distract from a relevant or important issue. He is very good at it.
Am I? Or is that an opinion?

I think that others folks are instigating 'crap' on this thread and the Gun thread. Why weren't they told to 'stop instigating crap'?

Hello.......whine-whine-one..........we need a whambulance dispatched to this thread immediately!!!

Actually I have a theory about Seggy. I think he comes here to practice his union efforts. From what I have seen from union meetings (admittedly I haven't been to many) but what I saw was "purposely trolling and baiting people, spoiled entitled children throwing tantrums, posting or shouting nonsense, twists people's words around, making ridiculous assumptions and statements, and any time someone makes a good point throws out a red herring to mislead or distract from a relevant or important issue. He is very good at it.

Not to pick nits here but... If you aspire to be an airline pilot, better get used to unions. Better know em, better love em, and better participate.
In the area of mind numbing topics- out of the first 10 posts - Four are by @Seggy. 1 is pinned by Derg. Another pinned thread about thinking first/ then posting. Of the non locked first 10, Seggy started 4. That is 50% of the active top 10.

Just some food for thought.
In the area of mind numbing topics- out of the first 10 posts - Four are by @Seggy. 1 is pinned by Derg. Another pinned thread about thinking first/ then posting. Of the non locked first 10, Seggy started 4. That is 50% of the active top 10.

Just some food for thought.


Folks like to instigate crap with me!
Actually I have a theory about Seggy. I think he comes here to practice his union efforts. From what I have seen from union meetings (admittedly I haven't been to many) but what I saw was "purposely trolling and baiting people, spoiled entitled children throwing tantrums, posting or shouting nonsense, twists people's words around, making ridiculous assumptions and statements, and any time someone makes a good point throws out a red herring to mislead or distract from a relevant or important issue. He is very good at it.

You have issues.