The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Mark, we get it you don't approve of guns and the state of the gun laws today..... That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I don't think anyone has an issue with that, or at least they shouldn't.

This might be paraphrasing a bit but here it goes....

Thread title - ".....*guns*....."

Seggy post - ".....*guns suck and so do their current laws*......"

That has proven itself time and time again. Everyone knows or should know your opinion on the subject. So my question would be why even bother starting a related thread or posting in a related thread? Seriously.... There's enough stress for everyone in normal day to day life, why add more to yourself.... If people agree to disagree, leave it at that and move on....

Hope all is well with the family...

<edited to add> I should also add to others, if you know your view differs from another and isn't going to change, why waste your time in responding? I've found that if I don't feed the birds they don't come around anymore....
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That has proven itself time and time again. Everyone knows or should know your opinion on the subject. So my question would be why even bother starting a related thread or posting in a related thread? Seriously.... There's enough stress for in normal day to day life, why add more to yourself.... If people agree to disagree, leave it at that and move on

As @av8tr1 wrote, the 2A is just as important as the 1A. @Seggy has a right to say all kinds of things on here. Many of us who disagree with both his message and presentation have served to protect that right.

Nobody is going to change his mind, but what would be nice is if the presentation was brought up from the Gerry Spinger/Donald Drumpf level. If that were to happen, possibly some worthwhile, mature discussions could take place.
As @av8tr1 wrote, the 2A is just as important as the 1A. @Seggy has a right to say all kinds of things on here. Many of us who disagree with both his message and presentation have served to protect that right.

Nobody is going to change his mind, but what would be nice is if the presentation was brought up from the Gerry Spinger/Donald Drumpf level. If that were to happen, possibly some worthwhile, mature discussions could take place.

At this point I think we're all just having fun with it :)