The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Why don't we just drop all of the psychosexual idiocy that gun control proponents like to add in to the mix and simply acknowledge that "ammosexual" is just simply an insult that is intended to dehumanize or degrade a person who doesn't share the same view on gun control that the user of the term does.

BOOM! Perhaps when the Union B.S. starts flying we can start identifying the Unionsexuals....those who'd rather participate in union activities than make love to their wives.

Just a thought....
Vacuumsexuals, sandwichsexuals
Something about Mary.... For some reason this all sounds familiar...

For good measure

Black gun

In relevant remarks today, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firouzabadi blasted US President Barack Obama for his remarks against Tehran's implementation of the nuclear deal, and said he is raising excessive demands.

"We studied the details of the nuclear agreement and didn’t see anything but its text and don’t have any information about its spirit," Firouzabadi said, addressing the Chief of Staff's commanders and officials in Tehran on Tuesday, following the US president's call on Tehran to work on the spirit of the July nuclear deal.

"Therefore, the US arrogant expectations and excessive demands are ungrounded and unacceptable and no one in the Islamic Republic of Iran cares about them," he added


"by far one of the best foreign policy Presidents ever", indeed.