The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Not enough, in my mind.

The assumption is that if Seggy couldn't bag himself a 3, that his wife must be a monster. It's not very hard to read into.

*I don't have the education to emote without using a curse word*, you're just looking for a reason to justify folks acting like children.

Again, *I don't have the education to emote without using a curse word*.

I really think it's a large stretch to bring his wife into this fray or to assume that anyone was referencing his wife, let alone referring to her as a monster. Is this seriously making rational sense to you?

No one needs to look for or invent a reason to justify their behavior towards him. He reaps what he sows and brings it on all by himself without any help from anyone else. He dishes out plates of crap and then points fingers at everyone else. This is nothing new.

As for the rest of your response.....all I am seeing is the phrase "*I don't have the education to emote without using a curse word*." Perhaps it's time to step back and take a deep breath. This is getting more ridiculous by the moment and I have no idea what you are so angry/upset about.

Hope you have a better day going forward.
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Listen the F up, kid. I don't care what you think of the Wookie, but his wife is a God damned saint and one of the best people I've ever had the privilege of knowing. He married an 11.

I can't believe he's actually rating women's looks with a number system. What kind of adult man with a saint of a wife, a child, and a career does that?
I can't believe he's actually rating women's looks with a number system. What kind of adult man with a saint of a wife, a child, and a career does that?

Someone who is trying to communicate to teenagers in a culturally applicable way so they can understand the very small words coming out of his mouth...erm...keyboard.

It's like talking to fixed wing pilots.
Someone who is trying to communicate to teenagers in a culturally applicable way so they can understand the very small words coming out of his mouth...erm...keyboard.

It's like talking to fixed wing pilots.

Yeah, okay. Never mind.
I still think Seggy is an online persona created by derg's 13 year old son. Too young for marriage. It's all a conspiracy! :tinfoil:
No, he's a real person, but I think what we're seeing is the evolution of "The smartest man in the room" syndrome with him. It happens Guys start out well intentioned, and willing to fight the good fight, but they begin to develop superior, condescending attitudes, and react negatively when challenged. Every airline has them.
Listen the F up, kid. I don't care what you think of the Wookie, but his wife is a God damned saint and one of the best people I've ever had the privilege of knowing. He married an 11.
No one brought his wife into this but you. Not sure what you were thinking, but I didn't make any connection between the comment and his better half. I'm sure no one else did.

He's a big boy. He should be able to deal with jocularity. He wants to dish it, he should be willing to stand return fire. He may have liked your comment, but me personally, I would have resented it. Don't need anybody to fight my battles here.
Listen the F up, kid. I don't care what you think of the Wookie, but his wife is a God damned saint and one of the best people I've ever had the privilege of knowing. He married an 11.

You're way off the reservation with this comment. Nobody brought up his wife in any way imaginable. Hell, I bet a bunch of of us, myself included, didn't even know he was married. This is all in your head.
Once people realize he's a joke and a shell of a has-been then they'll stop letting themselves get so riled up.
This thread is like walking into a hog barn. You know it's gonna be full of crap, but even I'm amazed at how foul it's become.

Seggy: you know damn well you were just instigating crap.
Jtrain: No one mentioned his wife. Chill.

This thread gets a 5 minute major. Any more and it's a game misconduct.

It's going to the box now.
This thread is like walking into a hog barn. You know it's gonna be full of crap, but even I'm amazed at how foul it's become.

Seggy: you know damn well you were just instigating crap.
Jtrain: No one mentioned his wife. Chill.

This thread gets a 5 minute major. Any more and it's a game misconduct.

It's going to the box now.
That was a lot more than 5 minutes!!! ;)
Seggy: you know damn well you were just instigating crap.

Am I? Or is that an opinion?

I think that others folks are instigating 'crap' on this thread and the Gun thread. Why weren't they told to 'stop instigating crap'?
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