The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

I guess I hit a little too close to home..
Ah, damn dude, you screwed up what was developing into an unprecedented pleasure... two guys yelling at ONLY each other for 1 1/2 pages. I was really hoping to see it make it past 2 pages. ;)
Kind of a kid's table for the board kind o' thang. :)
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So would that then mean the anti crowd are Bansexuals? What bathroom do they use in North Carolina?

Oh, have mercy! "Invisible solid?" Giggity...

At least this thread reinforces my skipping of the XXXX counter and telling everyone I know not to fly them due to the quality of their employees.
From Urban Dictionary: 'A term for someone who feels affection for firearms. Often an attraction to the beauty and design of the gun, but can also refer to love for the history, freedom, security, or tactile feel of the gun. Also typified by those who feel joy in being able to find and acquire ammunition to feed their firearms, especially at an affordable price.'

As someone who loves the history of firearms and collects historical service rifles, I'm an ammosexual, and I'm taking it back.
. No - you're just doing it to be annoying.

It is annoying to you because I don't follow your view point.

No it's not. Seriously, you don't even use that correctly. First, if you comprehended the post, the action of spamming was juvenile. Unlike you- no personal attack needed. Pot meet kettle idiom means I would be guilty of the same thing. Unlike you, I'm not spamming multiple threads with the same link just to be a pain in the ass. So- kettle put down the pot.

It is spam to have a couple hundred page thread on guns.

no relevance what so ever.

All the relevance in the world.

personal observations.

Oh look, another troll thread by Seggy.

This is a troll free zone.

You know, like he did after I pissed him off last night, and in a different thread, completely unrelated, he tagged me and said " here, sign this."

It was related as it has to do with carrying a gun.

Grow up man. You rant like a 3 year old who's mom told him no.

Oh please. Why don't you take care of your own issues instead of telling other people to grow up.
The only difference here is that the three year old eventually stops his silly, inane behavior, learns to interact and communicate with adults in a more mature and positive manner, behaves himself and stops being a brat. There's no hope of that with our resident troll, however. He's too desperate for attention even if it's negative attention. Some people have lives and others, well..........not so much. So what we are seeing is the result of that. Somebody needs to find him a more productive hobby.

Desperate for attention! FROM YOU!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That really is hysterical.
It is annoying to you because I don't follow your view point.

It is spam to have a couple hundred page thread on guns.

All the relevance in the world.


No, it is annoying because you incessantly hound people who share a common hobby. You throw posts at us from a position of (what you think to be) a superior position. You antagonize these people for no reason.

You think you've got it figured out, but, can't manage to post anything of substance.

You start incomplete sentences with the cleft it.

Grow up. Post something with substance.
No, it is annoying because you incessantly hound people who share a common hobby. You throw posts at us from a position of (what you think to be) a superior position. You antagonize these people for no reason.

You think you've got it figured out, but, can't manage to post anything of substance.

You start incomplete sentences with the cleft it.

Grow up. Post something with substance.

I've posted plenty with substance. You just can't understand the complexity of it.
Prove it.

I want to make sure all the ammosexuals out there sign this petition to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights and have to allow open carry during the GOP Convention this summer! How can the GOP do business with a place that doesn't allow for it!?!?!
I want to make sure all the ammosexuals out there sign this petition to exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights and have to allow open carry during the GOP Convention this summer! How can the GOP do business with a place that doesn't allow for it!?!?!
Do you seriously think that run on sentence contains anything of substance?

You're a joke.