The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Missing the point, again.

-wouldn't be a problem if you could make a valid one.

That guns aren't the problem.

People are the problem. Istanbul, Brussels, Afghanistan. 170 dead over the last few months. No guns used.

Fix the problems leading people to gun violence. It's a better solution than grabbing guns.

No. Why would I do that?

Self reflection often leads to great clarity
Sometimes a little introspection leads to a happier life. The number of posts shows just how upset you are about this, and maybe that's a symptom of some deeper thought process.

Do you post outside of the lav? Oh that is right, you posted some rubbish recently about alcoholism and AA.
Seriously. Spamming threads all over the place with this

Is juvenile.

I don't know why he feels the need to keep telling legal gun owners that they are "ammosexuals" one thought away from turning into a mass murderer.

I know that he gets worked up, and usually for a good reason, especially when he believes in the cause. Unfortunately, he's known to have a bit of tunnel vision when he does.

In reality nothing said here is going to make any difference in the real world -so-

Woohooo. AMMO!
Seriously. Spamming threads all over the place with this

I call it informative. Want to make sure no one misses an opportunity to sign the petition.

Is juvenile.

Pot meet kettle.

I don't know why he feels the need to keep telling legal gun owners that they are "ammosexuals" one thought away from turning into a mass murderer.

There are folks out there that would rather go to the shooting range than make love. That is all.

I know that he gets worked up, and usually for a good reason, especially when he believes in the cause. Unfortunately, he's known to have a bit of tunnel vision when he does.

Bit of tunnel vision? More unsubstantiated claims from you. :rolleyes:
I call it informative. Want to make sure no one misses an opportunity to sign the petition.

. No - you're just doing it to be annoying.

Pot meet kettle.
. No it's not. Seriously, you don't even use that correctly. First, if you comprehended the post, the action of spamming was juvenile. Unlike you- no personal attack needed. Pot meet kettle idiom means I would be guilty of the same thing. Unlike you, I'm not spamming multiple threads with the same link just to be a pain in the ass. So- kettle put down the pot.

There are folks out there that would rather go to the shooting range than make love. That is all.
no relevance what so ever.

Bit of tunnel vision? More unsubstantiated claims from you. :rolleyes:
personal observations.
in other news, following the one millionth post by @Seggy and @Murdoughnut in opposition to firearms, pro-gun advocates minds were changed.

Oh wait. No, really, we are rehashing this yet again.

Does anyone like tacos? I like tacos!!
in other news, following the one millionth post by @Seggy and @Murdoughnut in opposition to firearms, pro-gun advocates minds were changed.

Oh wait. No, really, we are rehashing this yet again.

Does anyone like tacos? I like tacos!!

It's not your type we're trying to convince. For the ammosexual, not even standing over the dead body of their kid they accidentally shot would change their mind.
It's not your type we're trying to convince. For the ammosexual, not even standing over the dead body of their kid they accidentally shot would change their mind.

Can you guys define ammosexual for me? I'm trying to decide whether to be offended or not and if you owe me a trigger warning before I retreat to my safe space.

Seriously though - gun owners? Open carry people? Where's the line of "ammosexual" outside of the urban dictionary definition?
Oh look, another troll thread by Seggy.

I mean, if he had asked something relevant like "why would you sign this," or "what are your thoughts on this," I may have a different opinion. Be he didn't. He told us we had to sign it because we are "ammosexuals", and if we don't, we don't support the GOP.

You know, like he did after I pissed him off last night, and in a different thread, completely unrelated, he tagged me and said " here, sign this."

Grow up man. You rant like a 3 year old who's mom told him no.
Oh look, another troll thread by Seggy.

I mean, if he had asked something relevant like "why would you sign this," or "what are your thoughts on this," I may have a different opinion. Be he didn't. He told us we had to sign it because we are "ammosexuals", and if we don't, we don't support the GOP.

You know, like he did after I pissed him off last night, and in a different thread, completely unrelated, he tagged me and said " here, sign this."

Grow up man. You rant like a 3 year old who's mom told him no.
The only difference here is that the three year old eventually stops his silly, inane behavior, learns to interact and communicate with adults in a more mature and positive manner, behaves himself and stops being a brat. There's no hope of that with our resident troll, however. He's too desperate for attention even if it's negative attention. Some people have lives and others, well..........not so much. So what we are seeing is the result of that. Somebody needs to find him a more productive hobby.
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You mean like using terms to suggest that people who like guns get boners for ammo?
I think he was so plying that I would rather go to the range then jump into bed with the wife...

Clearly that's the reason I've got 3 kids - and voluntarily removed myself from the kid making equation! Too much time at the range!

Lucky me, I work on average 1 day per week, so I have plenty enough time to do both!