The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Bombs and planes have been proven to be the most effective method for killing lots of people quickly....

That usually ends up involving terrorism. And bombs and getting one on a plane is somewhat sophisticated. In Egypt, it ended up being an inside job, as it was for the Dallo (sp?) russian A320 that had a hole blown through the fuselage. Making these devices is complicated, as is getting them on the plane. It almost always involves more than one person to successfully pull it off.

One person by himself successfully pulling off a bomb on a plane is hard and rare. There's almost always multiple people involved to make that work.

You are right, it is a brutal effective way of killing lots of people quickly, but this crime is usually from multiple people typically belonging to some kind of organization and typically politically motivated (terrorist type).
Bombs and planes, not bombs in planes. :)

The number of casualties when bombs are involved almost always means it will be called terrorism
That usually ends up involving terrorism. And bombs and getting one on a plane is somewhat sophisticated. In Egypt, it ended up being an inside job, as it was for the Dallo (sp?) russian A320 that had a hole blown through the fuselage. Making these devices is complicated, as is getting them on the plane. It almost always involves more than one person to successfully pull it off.

One person by himself successfully pulling off a bomb on a plane is hard and rare. There's almost always multiple people involved to make that work.

You are right, it is a brutal effective way of killing lots of people quickly, but this crime is usually from multiple people typically belonging to some kind of organization and typically politically motivated (terrorist type).

If you think making a bomb is difficult you obviously haven't been paying attention to the last 15 years in Afghanistan.

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If you think making a bomb is difficult you obviously haven't been paying attention to the last 15 years in Afghanistan.

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Ok, true. That goes for Iraq, Syria, and other hot spots too. But pulling off a bombing on an a plane is much harder and involves numerous people - and almost always - an inside job.

Most sole-bombings are suicide types with a bomb in a vest and blowing it at a public place like a cafe, bus, etc.
Ok, true. That goes for Iraq, Syria, and other hot spots too. But pulling off a bombing on an a plane is much harder and involves numerous people - and almost always - an inside job.

Most sole-bombings are suicide types with a bomb in a vest and blowing it at a public place like a cafe, bus, etc.

And you think we aren't actively making stuff like that not happen in the US?

You've cried and lamented the cost of our war on terror, but there are actual tangible results in not seeing a campaign of suicide attacks in this country the way we did in Western Germany in the 80s by the Badar Mienhof or the IRA in Ireland. Terrorism isn't a new thing. Bombings aren't a new thing. And hey sure as hell aren't restricted to regions dominated by dictatorships or Theocratic movements. The fact that 9/11 happened didn't wake people up its the body count because the bombings at OKC and the previous World Trade Center attack sure as hell didn't do anything.

I can make the same HME they are packing into roadside bombed in Helmand Province in my garage. With a hell of a lot more privacy. The thing that keeps that from happening more regularly in this country is the massive amount of manpower and dollars actively working to prevent it. Boston and OKC aren't the main effort, they are the outliers that got through. But in that world only your failures make the news because you can't report successes without compromising your tactics. Like when a congressman or something says something stupid about tracking al qiuda cell phones and guess what they do, burn SIM cards and send anything compromising by hand letter carrier.

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And you think we aren't actively making stuff like that not happen in the US?

You've cried and lamented the cost of our war on terror, but there are actual tangible results in not seeing a campaign of suicide attacks in this country the way we did in Western Germany in the 80s by the Badar Mienhof or the IRA in Ireland. Terrorism isn't a new thing. Bombings aren't a new thing. And hey sure as hell aren't restricted to regions dominated by dictatorships or Theocratic movements. The fact that 9/11 happened didn't wake people up its the body count because the bombings at OKC and the previous World Trade Center attack sure as hell didn't do anything.

I can make the same HME they are packing into roadside bombed in Helmand Province in my garage. With a hell of a lot more privacy. The thing that keeps that from happening more regularly in this country is the massive amount of manpower and dollars actively working to prevent it. Boston and OKC aren't the main effort, they are the outliers that got through. But in that world only your failures make the news because you can't report successes without compromising your tactics. Like when a congressman or something says something stupid about tracking al qiuda cell phones and guess what they do, burn SIM cards and send anything compromising by hand letter carrier.

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I agree, I never said people aren't doing anything to prevent it. We are trying. But the war on terror, in terms of invasion of two sovereign nations after 9/11, that's where we were lied and led to war. None of that made us any safer, and since those two campaigns, and the ensuing mess after we left and ISIS took over, we are now more unsafe than we were in 2002.

If it wasn't for the flying bug, I'd probably gone into the government. I won't say exactly to what stage I got, but I will say I applied to the CST program at a certain government organization, and then stopped the process only once hired at an engineering firm which would have allowed me to fly and make the jump to the airlines. If it wasn't for the aviation bug, I probably wouldn't be on this forum, and would be doing things that are "no comment."
... If it wasn't for the flying bug, I'd probably gone into the government. I won't say exactly to what stage I got, but I will say I applied to the CST program at a certain government organization, and then stopped the process only once hired at an engineering firm which would have allowed me to fly and make the jump to the airlines. If it wasn't for the aviation bug, I probably wouldn't be on this forum, and would be doing things that are "no comment."

"What does this mean, exactly" asked the Gin?

All of us might have lived different lives in a parallel universe, given choices other than we made in this one.

I respect your passion and point-of-view, but your experience, hopes, aspirations and fears, are not those of others. Our own values and beliefs are as valid as any you may own personally.

While I value your right to voice an opinion, and served to defend it once long ago, I am concerned by your willingness to let personal opinion and your own fear determine the limits of "inalienable'" constitutional rights. Unfortunately, this is all I personally take away from your logic.

I wish there were more to your argument and conviction. But I admit I may be missing something, firmly established within the zone of my own comfort.
"What does this mean, exactly" asked the Gin?

All of us might have lived different lives in a parallel universe, given choices other than we made in this one.

I respect your passion and point-of-view, but your experience, hopes, aspirations and fears, are not those of others. Our own values and beliefs are as valid as any you may own personally.

While I value your right to voice an opinion, and served to defend it once long ago, I am concerned by your willingness to let personal opinion and your own fear determine the limits of "inalienable'" constitutional rights. Unfortunately, this is all I personally take away from your logic.

I wish there were more to your argument and conviction. But I admit I may be missing something, firmly established within the zone of my own comfort.

Not sure what you are saying, but if helps to clarify the CST is the Clandestine Service Trainee program for the CIA. It's the college-grad-level entry position into the clandestine service program to become a case officer. The program basically leads to what one might commonly call "spy." I was in the interview process before the engineering gig came my way and then politely declined to go further in the process. The goal was to always fly, and only the engineering job would have allowed the time and schedule to do so. The CST program would have been an extremely busy 18 months, after which one would be attached to a domestic station for a short duration, and then assigned to an overseas location.

Not sure why you think my views on gun control would hinder a job in the government? Besides, that was 10 yrs ago when I don't think I really had that much interest in what was going on as far as guns and shootings go.
I agree, just with a caveat/exception that education can't trump true/real mental illness. Unfortunately for all of us.

Oh the irony of this statement considering the amount of education and actual statistics and information that have thrown at you by members of this forum to attempt to educate you on both the non-feasibility/unconstitutionality of your stated goals or the procedures you've dreamed up to try and achieve them.

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Oh the irony of this statement considering the amount of education and actual statistics and information that have thrown at you by members of this forum to attempt to educate you on both the non-feasibility/unconstitutionality of your stated goals or the procedures you've dreamed up to try and achieve them.

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I didn't say any of that just now in that previous statement. I just said that educational knowledge of guns and gun safety cannot trump mental instability / mental sickness issues. In that, someone can know all their is to know about guns and gun safety, but if they are really mentally sick and/or mentally unstable, that stuff will go right out the door as they cause harm to themselves and/or others.
Ugh... I'm on the verge of buying an Fn-FNX with a. Silencer co octane... My wallet would appreciate it if this thread dies.

Local dealer pick up a 007 spectre edition ppk + matching silencer (1 of 25)
If we just had background checks and an assault weapons ban, we could fix this....

It is just all these community guns that cause this crime. Now that they have the gun, all the murders should stop, right?

"The Glock was one of 148 missing handguns used in multiple shootings"

How did 148 Glocks go missing? What's that background establishing story?

Also, if I'm reading this correctly these were all gang-on-gang deaths? No love loss there, let the cockroaches rid each other. I've stated it before, gang violence is a whole another topic. So as long as they are using guns (obviously illegally obtained) to kill only each other, not many people care. But walk into a school, mall, or movie theater, and kill innocent everyday people...