The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Wait? I was complaining? No, I what I said, and if I wasn't clear about it, Seggy is a troll. And not a very clever or articulate one at that. What I wrote previously was that if he had worded it in a way to promote discussion and not the same, old and tiring back and forth, then it would be another chance at discussion. But it doesn't come close.
So mikecweb, please read and understand what people are typing before you twist and distort into the narrative you want it to fit.
Sir, yes sir.
As most of the ammosexuals know, Texas enacted an open carry law on January 1st.

It isn't working like you might expect.

Many of the places I go to regularly now have large signs up banning open and concealed carry on their property. I was talking to a manager of one of these stores and he said that when the open carry law came out, they had to ban even concealed carry as they simply don't trust folks to properly make determinations on who may be a bad guy or good guy.

Interesting. And Texas of all states too.
I was with you until the Hilary part.

Granted she's a better choice than any of the "I hate anyone who isn't a white Christian" party front runners, she's hardly my first choice.

I'm not part of the lets try to get blood out of the Benghazi rock conspiracy group. It's just that she's your normal career politician that won't really change much.
It is working out exactly as it should. Private property rights, and all.

Anyone that is surprised at that needs to study a little more philosophy.
I just think Texas would've been a state that would've had legal open carry a long time ago. Weird it took this long, in terms of culture only.
It would if you were trying to write the janitorial ops specs!

On the topic, if I wanted to write legislation, I certainly wouldn't even consider the NRA.

It's like asking a cow "How do you like your ribeye?" :)
On the topic, if I wanted to write legislation, I certainly wouldn't even consider the NRA.

It's like asking a cow "How do you like your ribeye?" :)

Of course you could take the Democratic Party method of writing gun control legislation and just not have a clue what the hell you are writing about....

Bush sucked, Obama sucked, and Trump, Hillary or Sanders is going to suck.

You guys are so friggen blind.

Oh, and Cruz will never be elected President. Way to much controversy.