The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

We want more than these Executive Orders.
You can try again after the election. I don't think anything with any substance will be done before November. And then I really can't see anything getting through the house. Which will remain red for the foreseeable future because of the redistricting.
As most of the ammosexuals know, Texas enacted an open carry law on January 1st.

It isn't working like you might expect.

Many of the places I go to regularly now have large signs up banning open and concealed carry on their property. I was talking to a manager of one of these stores and he said that when the open carry law came out, they had to ban even concealed carry as they simply don't trust folks to properly make determinations on who may be a bad guy or good guy.
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It is clear that the Obama Administration is by far one of the best foreign policy Presidents ever. The way he has navigated the complex Iranian sanctions culminating in the release of prisoners today, how he has neutered Russia (goes back to Iran), Cuba, and numerous other foreign policy initiatives shows that he has done an absolutely marvelous job with foreign policy. Most of the right wing policy experts would have had us at war with Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea by this time if they had their way. Thank God for Obama.

I can't wait for this foreign policy domination to continue under Hillary!
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This thread is 100%, undeniable truth that Seggy is nothing more than a basic, run of the mill, Troll.

On a side note, what was the name of the guy from Memphis that got banned/or quit a few years ago? He was super smart, always able to pull out chapter and verse or throw down math equations?
No. Because you take something that has no bearing on anything, doesn't help improve the community, doesn't pay anything forward, shares no information, provides no insight on anything at all and you know will now generate pages upon pages of asinine arguments on Obama, Hillary, climate scientists, unemployment rates, wages and last but not least how stupid everyone is except those that agree with you.

Now, if you asked people what they thought the impact might be of hostages being released on our current foreign policy and if Hillary might be able to match Obama's legacy I might think to myself "Self, he wants an honest discussion" (Even then I would think its a ludicrous question because how can you have a foreign policy from home with a ankle monitor on when you're not President).

But no, this is worse than the amateur DB's that are on that other, other website that's about virtual flight schools and how to take the perfect picture on flightsim of a UFO.
Trolling, you aren't very good at it.
No. Because you take something that has no bearing on anything, doesn't help improve the community, doesn't pay anything forward, shares no information, provides no insight on anything at all and you know will now generate pages upon pages of asinine arguments on Obama, Hillary, climate scientists, unemployment rates, wages and last but not least how stupid everyone is except those that agree with you.

Now, if you asked people what they thought the impact might be of hostages being released on our current foreign policy and if Hillary might be able to match Obama's legacy I might think to myself "Self, he wants an honest discussion" (Even then I would think its a ludicrous question because how can you have a foreign policy from home with a ankle monitor on when you're not President).

But no, this is worse than the amateur DB's that are on that other, other website that's about virtual flight schools and how to take the perfect picture on flightsim of a UFO.
Trolling, you aren't very good at it.
I don't need to defend @Seggy but a quick gander at your post history reveals that you pretty much hang out in the lav discussing politics and/or guns and haven't created a thread since 2014? What have you done for the community lately anymore than @Seggy?
No. Because you take something that has no bearing on anything, doesn't help improve the community, doesn't pay anything forward, shares no information, provides no insight on anything at all and you know will now generate pages upon pages of asinine arguments on Obama, Hillary, climate scientists, unemployment rates, wages and last but not least how stupid everyone is except those that agree with you.

1) This is the Lav. Pretty much ANYTHING can be posted here
2) I don't think Guns have a bearing on anything, doesn't help improve the community, doesn't pay anything forward, shares information, provides any insight, etc. But there is a thread on Guns. Are you trying to muzzle what I am saying because you personally disagree with me?
3) Here is a great article about climate change...

Now, if you asked people what they thought the impact might be of hostages being released on our current foreign policy and if Hillary might be able to match Obama's legacy I might think to myself "Self, he wants an honest discussion" (Even then I would think its a ludicrous question because how can you have a foreign policy from home with a ankle monitor on when you're not President).

Ludicrous is saying...'ankle monitor on when you're not President'

But no, this is worse than the amateur DB's that are on that other, other website that's about virtual flight schools and how to take the perfect picture on flightsim of a UFO.
Trolling, you aren't very good at it.

This isn't trolling. This is stating an opinion. You disagree with that opinion. Big difference.
I don't need to defend @Seggy but a quick gander at your post history reveals that you pretty much hang out in the lav discussing politics and/or guns and haven't created a thread since 2014? What have you done for the community lately anymore than @Seggy?

Seggy has a history of this chit. Did you see the thread that was deleted. He called @ATN_Pilot to the carpet. I think Todd has been neutered here and can't even post.

Just look at the post. Obvious troll is obvious.
Seggy has a history of this chit. Did you see the thread that was deleted. He called @ATN_Pilot to the carpet. I think Todd has been neutered here and can't even post.

Just look at the post. Obvious troll is obvious.
I don't disagree with you but @BajtheJino was basically complaining that it shouldn't be allowed because it doesn't contribute to the community, when his post history is similar. Is @Seggy trolling the right wing crowd? Probably. But that crowd falls for it hook, line, and sinker every time.
I don't disagree with you but @BajtheJino was basically complaining that it shouldn't be allowed because it doesn't contribute to the community, when his post history is similar. Is @Seggy trolling the right wing crowd? Probably. But that crowd falls for it hook, line, and sinker every time.
Wait? I was complaining? No, I what I said, and if I wasn't clear about it, Seggy is a troll. And not a very clever or articulate one at that. What I wrote previously was that if he had worded it in a way to promote discussion and not the same, old and tiring back and forth, then it would be another chance at discussion. But it doesn't come close.
So mikecweb, please read and understand what people are typing before you twist and distort into the narrative you want it to fit.