The Attack on the 2nd Amendment Continues

Seggy has a wet spot and needs to change his underwear, he can have his little victory. For now.

For the rest of us...
I'm glad the hostages have been released. (On a side note, why does Iran keep capturing hostages? Something to ponder.) I'm glad they are free. Diplomacy has worked, as it did when Iran captured our sailors a few days ago. (Iran captured Americans, again?) But I'm afraid the Iran nuclear deal (if that is why these hostages were released) is just a temporary victory. A few things here.

1. Iran must actually stick to the agreement. And they have already broken the agreement by firing missiles near our ships.
2. What makes you think Iran will actually stick to the agreement?
3. This agreement only delays Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, it does not prevent them from developing one.
4. Basically Obama has a victory, not the United States. He has kicked the can down the road for 10 years so that he looks good, but some other poor schmuck is going to have to deal with it in the future.
5. We'll be right here in 10 years. Iran will have their 22,000 centrifuges up and running, and they'll have a nuke weapon ready 3 months after that. Actually they'll have 8-10 weapons ready.
6. So we all have 10 years to start digging our 1950's style nuclear bomb shelters.

In 10 years my twin boys will be 17 years old. I've got 10 years to save up enough college tuition so they don't get drafted, because we will have to go to war with Iran to stop their nuclear program. (Really, what middle class person can actually afford to save up enough college tuition for 2 kids let alone one?) I am scared to death of the future President Obama has delivered us.
Seggy has a wet spot and needs to change his underwear, he can have his little victory. For now.

For the rest of us...
I'm glad the hostages have been released. (On a side note, why does Iran keep capturing hostages? Something to ponder.) I'm glad they are free. Diplomacy has worked, as it did when Iran captured our sailors a few days ago. (Iran captured Americans, again?) But I'm afraid the Iran nuclear deal (if that is why these hostages were released) is just a temporary victory. A few things here.

1. Iran must actually stick to the agreement. And they have already broken the agreement by firing missiles near our ships.
2. What makes you think Iran will actually stick to the agreement?
3. This agreement only delays Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, it does not prevent them from developing one.
4. Basically Obama has a victory, not the United States. He has kicked the can down the road for 10 years so that he looks good, but some other poor schmuck is going to have to deal with it in the future.
5. We'll be right here in 10 years. Iran will have their 22,000 centrifuges up and running, and they'll have a nuke weapon ready 3 months after that. Actually they'll have 8-10 weapons ready.
6. So we all have 10 years to start digging our 1950's style nuclear bomb shelters.

In 10 years my twin boys will be 17 years old. I've got 10 years to save up enough college tuition so they don't get drafted, because we will have to go to war with Iran to stop their nuclear program. (Really, what middle class person can actually afford to save up enough college tuition for 2 kids let alone one?) I am scared to death of the future President Obama has delivered us.

This post brought to you by the National Party of Scare Americans to Vote for Us.

Err, is there a simpler one-word phrase for that party?
Seggy has a wet spot and needs to change his underwear, he can have his little victory. For now.

For the rest of us...
I'm glad the hostages have been released. (On a side note, why does Iran keep capturing hostages? Something to ponder.) I'm glad they are free. Diplomacy has worked, as it did when Iran captured our sailors a few days ago. (Iran captured Americans, again?) But I'm afraid the Iran nuclear deal (if that is why these hostages were released) is just a temporary victory. A few things here.

1. Iran must actually stick to the agreement. And they have already broken the agreement by firing missiles near our ships.
2. What makes you think Iran will actually stick to the agreement?
3. This agreement only delays Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, it does not prevent them from developing one.
4. Basically Obama has a victory, not the United States. He has kicked the can down the road for 10 years so that he looks good, but some other poor schmuck is going to have to deal with it in the future.
5. We'll be right here in 10 years. Iran will have their 22,000 centrifuges up and running, and they'll have a nuke weapon ready 3 months after that. Actually they'll have 8-10 weapons ready.
6. So we all have 10 years to start digging our 1950's style nuclear bomb shelters.

In 10 years my twin boys will be 17 years old. I've got 10 years to save up enough college tuition so they don't get drafted, because we will have to go to war with Iran to stop their nuclear program. (Really, what middle class person can actually afford to save up enough college tuition for 2 kids let alone one?) I am scared to death of the future President Obama has delivered us.

You're never going to get a country to say "ok, we will never ever ever ever ever ever build a bomb." This is as close to that as we are going to get.

As for compliance? Trust, but verify. If they don't comply, sanctions return. Obviously those sanctions worked, because it brought them to the table.

As for the future, I think it's a lot brighter now. We obviously don't want Iran to have a nuclear weapon. We are a lot more likely to get that with an open dialogue with them. Dropping sanctions means that more business ties can be formed, the two countries can get to know each other better and come to more of an understanding.

Iran has a large part of the population that craves westernization. The more of that they get to see, the less powerful the crazy religious nut jobs that have a grasp on power become.
Seggy has a wet spot and needs to change his underwear, he can have his little victory. For now.

For the rest of us...
I'm glad the hostages have been released. (On a side note, why does Iran keep capturing hostages? Something to ponder.) I'm glad they are free. Diplomacy has worked, as it did when Iran captured our sailors a few days ago. (Iran captured Americans, again?) But I'm afraid the Iran nuclear deal (if that is why these hostages were released) is just a temporary victory. A few things here.

1. Iran must actually stick to the agreement. And they have already broken the agreement by firing missiles near our ships.
2. What makes you think Iran will actually stick to the agreement?
3. This agreement only delays Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, it does not prevent them from developing one.
4. Basically Obama has a victory, not the United States. He has kicked the can down the road for 10 years so that he looks good, but some other poor schmuck is going to have to deal with it in the future.
5. We'll be right here in 10 years. Iran will have their 22,000 centrifuges up and running, and they'll have a nuke weapon ready 3 months after that. Actually they'll have 8-10 weapons ready.
6. So we all have 10 years to start digging our 1950's style nuclear bomb shelters.

In 10 years my twin boys will be 17 years old. I've got 10 years to save up enough college tuition so they don't get drafted, because we will have to go to war with Iran to stop their nuclear program. (Really, what middle class person can actually afford to save up enough college tuition for 2 kids let alone one?) I am scared to death of the future President Obama has delivered us.

If what you predict does come true, student loans would be a very wise investment.
I am sure the open carry advocates didn't expect this.

Not really.
I'm sure they did.

Generally open carry isn't so much about actually strapping a gun on, it prevents issues if you have a gun concealed and it becomes exposed. Say I had one in my waistband holster and bent over to pick up an item. If my shirt inadvertently shifted and the weapon was exposed some states would hang you off a wall. Similarly if I was going to stow it in my car while I went into a bar for lunch and somebody saw- that could be brandishing etc.

Most people who want to carry, conceal it.

I would expect there to be a bit of back and forth over open carry initially. A few more people will Carry exposed, and now that shops are aware they may post signs.. Over time people will probably stop carrying open, and signs will be forgotten
In Texas, unlike public entities, private businesses, clubs, colleges, churches, etc have the option to allow open carry on their premises or not. However, if a establishment does not prominently post the required signage(s), then by default, it is allowing the carry of handguns in its establishment. There’s good and bad on both sides of the issue. Even if decision makers believe visible guns deter crime and openly carrying is a person’s right, there’s still the big chance it will deter customers, parishioners, club members, students / parents and all others patronizing the establishment, believing the increased possibility of incidents involving guns, or simply they reject guns, and everything associated with those who use them.
So states without open carry, how do you go hunting?

To me it seems like open carry would be the default, with no training required, etc. You're not hiding anything, and you need to transport or just carry a firearm for whatever reason.
To be required to conceal it seems like it's adding drama and more potential for issues.
So states without open carry, how do you go hunting?

To me it seems like open carry would be the default, with no training required, etc. You're not hiding anything, and you need to transport or just carry a firearm for whatever reason.
To be required to conceal it seems like it's adding drama and more potential for issues.
Your hunting license usually includes provisions which allow for transportation to and including the "hunt"

You may also carry openly on your land, and any other land for which you have permission. Federal land now allows open carry on it- so, you would be allowed to carry
As to federal lands in Texas, as throughout the U.S. on all military reservations, a short part of the 24 page Fort Hood, TX Regulation 190-11, Weapons. This reg applies to those who are well trained and understand weapons. "Military personnel, government employees, and civilians authorized and licensed by the State of Texas or any other state to carry a concealed handgun according to the Texas Concealed Handgun Law (CHL) cannot carry a concealed handgun on Fort Hood, unless otherwise specified in this regulation. All personnel who live on Fort Hood, TX or will and possess, transport, or carry a firearm on the installation will register Document- each firearm that will be physically present on the installation at any ation time with the Directorate of Emergency Services (DES). Firearms will be registered under the owner’s information. If the owner is a Family member, the weapon will be registered under their information and the sponsor’s. Registration is required for firearms only. Firearms are defined as: Any device designed, made, or adapted to expel a projectile through a barrel by using energy generated by an explosive or burning substance or any device readily convertible to that use. The term includes "handguns." An antique "firearm" is any firearm manufactured prior to 1899 and is subject to the same rules as any other firearm, to include any firearm that is loaded only through the muzzle. All firearms entering Fort Hood must be registered with the DES, except as annotated in paragraph 1c. Firearms can be registered at the Marvin Leath Visitor Welcome Center (MLVWC) or the Military Police Station 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. All Soldiers residing on the installation are required to obtain their unit commander's approval to register privately-owned firearms. Newly assigned Soldiers in possession of assignment orders must receive a temporary weapons registration with the expiration lasting through the in-processing phase prior to traveling onto post with the firearm. Soldiers that purchase a firearm must receive a temporary weapons registration (not to exceed 5 working days), pending their commander's approval. Once the Commander has signed the weapon registration form the Soldier will return to the Police Station or MLVWC to register their weapon. . After signature and registration, the weapon will be stored in the Reception Arms Room. Soldiers residing in housing while in reception will maintain the temporary registration until assigned to their unit. Once assigned to their unit, they will complete the registration process with their Commander’s approval." If interested, here is the complete text at
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I'm sure they did.

Generally open carry isn't so much about actually strapping a gun on, it prevents issues if you have a gun concealed and it becomes exposed. Say I had one in my waistband holster and bent over to pick up an item. If my shirt inadvertently shifted and the weapon was exposed some states would hang you off a wall. Similarly if I was going to stow it in my car while I went into a bar for lunch and somebody saw- that could be brandishing etc.

Most people who want to carry, conceal it.

I would expect there to be a bit of back and forth over open carry initially. A few more people will Carry exposed, and now that shops are aware they may post signs.. Over time people will probably stop carrying open, and signs will be forgotten

Tons of people open carry in AZ, in terms of an external holster, as its been legal here forever. It's so common it's not even thought of as anything unusual.
Tons of people open carry in AZ, in terms of an external holster, as its been legal here forever. It's so common it's not even thought of as anything unusual.
I'm sure lots do, but I'd lay an even bet that a lot more conceal.

Not really sure why people get so worked up about it.

Remember the guy in NH who was carrying open outside of the presidential town hall and all the news media flipped out (while the secret service pretty much blew it off and said they weren't worried about the guy wearing a gun on his hip in view)