Most every airline now has a briefing card or iPad briefing card to offer the JS or Fed that will cover all the required things. Provided they are up to speed on the equip, exits, etc, I typically remind them about sterile flight deck, but to otherwise please speak up ! (Sterile flight deck is an emphasis of mine especially with two jumpseaters in the cockpit at the same time, it’s very distracting when they somehow decide to strike up a convo as if no one can hear them as we taxi out).
Try it with 4 sometime!

Although, most people have been pretty good on the 767 about keeping the noise down...plus flying the night sort helps. Everyone is asleep anyway.

Now having 4 people in the back of the MD (charter bird) on an day launch right after the TA went south? We heard them through the cockpit door the whole flight!
Try it with 4 sometime!

Although, most people have been pretty good on the 767 about keeping the noise down...plus flying the night sort helps. Everyone is asleep anyway.

Now having 4 people in the back of the MD (charter bird) on an day launch right after the TA went south? We heard them through the cockpit door the whole flight!

I had a weird situation into DTW giving a line check to an OE pilot. The other two guys we just yakking away trying to fly his jet from the back seats and I had to blurt out:

I don’t have the privilege of paid tickets to/from work outstations. I jumpseat like a low life. Though I have yet to turn anyone in to the Feds. I will, however, look at FedEx bid packets in the crew room while waiting. ;)

Did I cover all the bases?

A ha! But you do. If you plan far out enough, it's very economical to purchase tickets. Also, you said you make 500 kajillion dollars per year so suck it up like John Q Public! :)

And yes, I buy tickets on Alaska. First Class even! ;)
A ha! But you do. If you plan far out enough, it's very economical to purchase tickets. Also, you said you make 500 kajillion dollars per year so suck it up like John Q Public! :)

And yes, I buy tickets on Alaska. First Class even! ;)

Dink vs 3 kids
Arizona vs California

The list goes on. :)

Self induced of course, so no complaints. Just saying, there’s differences.
But you said you were a kajillionaire.

You have to decide. Somehow a family of five still ends up flying down to Disneyland and having a great time sub-six figures.

I’m not a kajillionaire. This is what one might call an about face. First, you said you have to get a 500k job. When I presented evidence it was, instead of saying oh yeah, I guess that’s possible for domestic pukes, you switched to oh get a life, too much work, etc.

You know this. No domestic 737 guy is making 500k by “just flying their line.” There are tricks and techniques they use to do so. Anyway, I never complained of not making enough money. I said I can’t believe I’m making what I make now, never thought this was possible when I started in this career.
There was another Taylor in DTW on the 320 which was a good friend of mine.

Fantastic author too, Clay Taylor.

Anyway, he'd always complain that people were excited to fly with Captain Taylor until they realized it wasn't me. Ha! He was funny. :)

He's a Fed at the AA CMO now.
Woah, blast from the past. I remember reading his column in (I think) Airways Magazine back in the day. He usually had some pretty funny stories.
Woah, blast from the past. I remember reading his column in (I think) Airways Magazine back in the day. He usually had some pretty funny stories.

That's him, good buddy of mine. FUNNY as hell in person with a wry sense of humor. He was the FO on my "retirement flight" off the 330 before I started captain school. He made sure we had a great time.
Remember how we were talking about empathy in the TMAAT-Captain-mentoring thread? I feel like this is a great opportunity for that.

It just doesn't make sense for a pilot to rat out another crew based on a non-event. As bits and pieces are coming out to the non-UAL pilot community, it seems that there is quite a bit more to the initial story; and that the FO in question may not have been the one to place the actual phone call. Nature abhors a vacuum, bad information certainly fills one. I can't not think about the pink elephants they've just told me not to think about, so here we are, and I'd like to try and be the person that I hope to be here.

I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt, especially in circumstances that, as presented, strain credibility. Maybe it's just because I want to believe this particular narrative, whatever - the fact stands that she is being pilloried and it doesn't quite seem as clear cut as originally presented.

If this is the case - if her significant other did it, it raises other questions - did he overstep or did she know? And the more I think about it (after all, I am sitting in a crashpad with ample idle time) the more I realize that I do not want to know who she is. I trust in UAL's jumpseat team to regulate its own and I'm certain the frothing "BURN THE WITCH!" crowd will settle down soon enough.

If she made a terrible mistake, she's certainly going to pay for it over years. And if she didn't, but her S/O overstepped and she pays the price, well, that goes into the realm of tragedy. Just my .02.

I don't disagree with you, and of course there are multiple sides to every story, but this is also wishful thinking. Wrong or right (and I don't know which one it is), she just got blacklisted for a while from at least some CA's JS. I like your positivity, but it is just what it is. In this day and age, there is no room for mistakes, unfortunately. If the alternate story is true, maybe it is time for her to have a serious talk with the SO (I'm sure she would have in that case). Cause he is a dumbass. Not that it would make matters better for her at this point.
That's him, good buddy of mine. FUNNY as hell in person with a wry sense of humor. He was the FO on my "retirement flight" off the 330 before I started captain school. He made sure we had a great time.

That "retirement flight" sounds like the time I tried to be cute and make (what I thought at the time would be) my last ball call at the boat with the last word being "final".....which is a thing during FCLPs to acknowledge that you got the message it is your last pass before return to base/full stop. Fun fact, my deputy air wing commander kicked me off the COD the next day, and made me stick around for another week of deployment where I flew multiple times. My actual last boat flight before I left active duty was a night trap, and unsurprisingly, there wasn't the parking spot full of squadron mattes waiting for me with a water sprayer to wet me down that time. But I got onto the COD of freedom and the rest of my life the next morning. I didn't tempt fate again though :)
This information comes from a reputable source and from a source with firsthand knowledge of the situation.

- The pilot was not a new hire
- This incident happened weeks ago
- This pilot helped trap the errors on the flight in question. The entire crew discussed it after landing. They all left on good terms.
- The pilot discussed their day later with a friend.
- The friend, without permission from the pilot and without their knowledge, called the FAA hotline.
- The pilot’s name, picture, and other personal info has been shared across multiple airlines.

My opinion: A large number of “professional” pilots decided this pilot’s “guilt” based on rumors, shared personal information, created very nasty memes about her, and caused serious harm to her ability to simply get to work and ruined her reputation.
This information comes from a reputable source and from a source with firsthand knowledge of the situation.

- The pilot was not a new hire
- This incident happened weeks ago
- This pilot helped trap the errors on the flight in question. The entire crew discussed it after landing. They all left on good terms.
- The pilot discussed their day later with a friend.
- The friend, without permission from the pilot and without their knowledge, called the FAA hotline.
- The pilot’s name, picture, and other personal info has been shared across multiple airlines.

My opinion: A large number of “professional” pilots decided this pilot’s “guilt” based on rumors, shared personal information, created very nasty memes about her, and caused serious harm to her ability to simply get to work and ruined her reputation.

The bad thing is that it easy to put rumors out there, but hard to redact any of it.
I don't disagree with you, and of course there are multiple sides to every story, but this is also wishful thinking. Wrong or right (and I don't know which one it is), she just got blacklisted for a while from at least some CA's JS. I like your positivity, but it is just what it is. In this day and age, there is no room for mistakes, unfortunately. If the alternate story is true, maybe it is time for her to have a serious talk with the SO (I'm sure she would have in that case). Cause he is a dumbass. Not that it would make matters better for her at this point.

The wishful thinking seems like it's coming to fruition.

Anecdotal, but there you go.

As I told someone else in a PM recently....my initial reactions to this were much the same as the tar-and-feather crowd. I'm glad I didn't go any futher than that, but at the same time, I've realized I need to do better.