My sisters, brothers, friend knows someone that heard about......

I do some 'outreach' work, on the side, for a particular department at work and the level of "Well, my captain/pilot mentor/check airman said..." that contradicts with reality is astounding and they hold on to it as well. We insist people, with reference to them being in some sort of leadership role, route the questions back to "the office" so we can offer straight, factual information but it rarely happens.

If I had a dime for every time I got forwarded something said about the project from backchannels (official and unofficial) on social media that wasn't close to accurate, I'd be a billionaire.
FWIW, no one doxxed the wrong person, reading the union presidents statement between the lines it’s obviously the person in question. Just a bunch of virologists that are now experts in defamation law overnight.

Passing around a name and using the public FAA website to find her data to keep her off a JS isn’t doxxing. No one is trying to get her arrested, and no crime was committed on either end not to mention the whole JS is a privilege and scab lists exist thing.

Everyone just added her name to a mental list and made some memes. Her fault.
The behavior you described is the definition of doxxing.
The behavior you described is the definition of doxxing.

The definition which I just looked up says using private information for malicious intent.

In what world is knowing someone’s name to keep them off the JS private information with malicious intent.

What would you call a scab list? I mean that.

I have been following this story externally closely and I’ll believe the SW union president before I would believe the excuse it was a disgruntled husband. And it’s still a dumb idea to tell the general public information like that if that ends up being true.

Didn’t know you had to mentor pilots to not stab each other. But here we are.

“Casey Murray
God bless the meme gods!!!
I would respectively ask we not go to war over this. As was said above, the United Pilots will handle this. I just hung up with their MEC Chair and they have already handled it and now their Pilots are very aware of it.
As well as most of our peers.
This was a NH and it was handled waaaay incorrectly but the rest of their Pilots deserve some grace. It could happen to us tomorrow.
Please return to meme-ing

While I do know the pilot was spoken to about correct JS protocol, l'm also quite positive that the days on the line will be filled with continued "education".
But if the roles were reversed, would you want another union pressuring SWAPA for any type of discipline. If I for a second thought this wasn't being taken seriously, it would be a different matter. As said above, I'm sure what's coming down in the future from her own is going to be worse. Much worse”
Further I’m pretty sure the swapa president would say if we all had the wrong person or story. Just saying.

If anyone thinks that’s doxxing, would you let her on your JS?
And lastly, passing around a name between private group chats and messages isn’t exactly the same as posting someone’s entire life on the front page of Reddit for a million people to accuse of murder during an active manhunt. Not the same. No one is calling for anything malicious. Asking for a name doesn’t really pass the sniff test for doxxing but, that’s just like, my opinion, man.
What, specifically, did the SWAPA say?

Were you told what SWAPA said or did you read it, officially, first-hand?

I don’t want you to feel that I’m cross-examining you, just trying to find the source
What, specifically, did the SWAPA say?

Were you told what SWAPA said or did you read it, officially, first-hand?

I don’t want you to feel that I’m cross-examining you, just trying to find the source

Objection, compound.

Sustained as to the form of the question.
What, specifically, did the SWAPA say?

Were you told what SWAPA said or did you read it, officially, first-hand?

I don’t want you to feel that I’m cross-examining you, just trying to find the source

I copy pasta’d Casey Murray’s response on Facebook. That’s his writing I quoted.
And lastly, passing around a name between private group chats and messages isn’t exactly the same as posting someone’s entire life on the front page of Reddit for a million people to accuse of murder during an active manhunt. Not the same. No one is calling for anything malicious. Asking for a name doesn’t really pass the sniff test for doxxing but, that’s just like, my opinion, man.

Making someone's life unbearable by creating an impossible commute situation from SAN to SFO isn't quite the same as being accused of murder but I don't think it would be fun.

As someone who flies that "route" (did I just say that?) and would have to be the captain to make a JS determination on said individual I wouldn't even bring it up and treat them as I would any other jumpseater. "Make yourself at home, if you see something safety related we are counting on you to tell us about it so please do."

But then again I was doxxed and thrown to the wolves at XOJET by an LCA at place that used a merit based upgrade system BTW. So I have empathy for said individual.
Making someone's life unbearable by creating an impossible commute situation from SAN to SFO isn't quite the same as being accused of murder but I don't think it would be fun.

As someone who flies that "route" (did I just say that?) and would have to be the captain to make a JS determination on said individual I wouldn't even bring it up and treat them as I would any other jumpseater. "Make yourself at home, if you see something safety related we are counting on you to tell us about it so please do."

But then again I was doxxed and thrown to the wolves at XOJET by an LCA at place that used a merit based upgrade system BTW. So I have empathy for said individual.

There is a second D.L. Taylor at The Air Line and I also have a doppelganger named "Doug" (different last name) and thank goodness I've only had to deal with a single encounter about the other Doug's "proclivities" once. That or I really can't detect spit in a crew meal.

"Nah, I'm Doug Taylor. I was never in the Navy, I don't live in midtown, but I do know who you're talking about. He wild tho!"
Everything is all solved…


SWA gate agent: “Capt, there’s a JS rider listed”

Capt: “from where?”

Gate agent: “UAL”

Capt: “JS is already taken / we are weight restricted / Wx is too lousy / destination has flow in effect / there’s GPS jamming enroute near New Mexico / chaff/flare/terrain mask / (insert reason for soft denial here)”

:) :)
Everything is all solved…


SWA gate agent: “Capt, there’s a JS rider listed”

Capt: “from where?”

Gate agent: “UAL”

Capt: “JS is already taken / we are weight restricted / Wx is too lousy / destination has flow in effect / there’s GPS jamming enroute near New Mexico / chaff/flare/terrain mask / (insert reason for soft denial here)”

:) :)

That's no worse than gate agents declaring "We're payload optimized" when no one's run the numbers yet to actually SEE if we're ACTUALLY payload optimized.
Do any CAs give a brief to jumpseaters similar to what I would give to a pilot riding shotgun with me in a piston single? Like "hey, if you see something odd, say something." Is that a thing?
Most every airline now has a briefing card or iPad briefing card to offer the JS or Fed that will cover all the required things. Provided they are up to speed on the equip, exits, etc, I typically remind them about sterile flight deck, but to otherwise please speak up ! (Sterile flight deck is an emphasis of mine especially with two jumpseaters in the cockpit at the same time, it’s very distracting when they somehow decide to strike up a convo as if no one can hear them as we taxi out).
There is a second D.L. Taylor at The Air Line and I also have a doppelganger named "Doug" (different last name) and thank goodness I've only had to deal with a single encounter about the other Doug's "proclivities" once. That or I really can't detect spit in a crew meal.

My email address ends with 1 because there is someone with the exact same first name and the last name just has some extra letters at the end but it sounds the same. I had a DH with them as crew but it cancelled and I was so bummed. I still haven't met the reason my ID badge always winds up in the wrong V file.
Capt: “JS is already taken / we are weight restricted / Wx is too lousy / destination has flow in effect / there’s GPS jamming enroute near New Mexico / chaff/flare/terrain mask / (insert reason for soft denial here)”

:) :)
I'm not leaving a jumpseater at the gate with an empty jumpseat, with vanishingly few exceptions.
My email address ends with 1 because there is someone with the exact same first name and the last name just has some extra letters at the end but it sounds the same. I had a DH with them as crew but it cancelled and I was so bummed. I still haven't met the reason my ID badge always winds up in the wrong V file.

There was another Taylor in DTW on the 320 which was a good friend of mine.

Fantastic author too, Clay Taylor.

Anyway, he'd always complain that people were excited to fly with Captain Taylor until they realized it wasn't me. Ha! He was funny. :)

He's a Fed at the AA CMO now.