Re: St Elmo\'s fire and Coffin Corner
Coffin corner is found in various jet aircraft. It is the area in flight performance where the max operating mach/speed (decreasing with altitude) meets the stall speed (increasing with altitude). Simply put, go faster, you'll overspeed and possibly "mach tuck". Go slower, you will stall.
Mach tuck is when the air above the wing separates, therefore causing a strong pitch downward. Normally uncontrolable, with negative consequences. You can experience mach tuck at speeds below mach 1.0. Normally happens above mach .95. As the air flows over the airfoil, it speeds up, and can exceed mach 1.0. If it does, it separates.
Most jet transport aircraft have a large "coffin corner". You'll usually find this a concern in aircraft such as the Citation X, Learjet series, or other high performance aircraft that fly in the upper Flight Levels (above FL450) at high mach numbers.