Old Skool
My job flight instructing pays $25 an hour on the hobbs but with all the time that goes into it (way to competitive around here and nobody has ever even heard of charging for ground school) it comes out to $10-12 an hour. Not bad for a Wal-Mart employee with a year training and work experience. I wait tables at my local xyz chain of decent restaurants and with tips when I clock out I make about $13-15 bucks an hour (keep in mind I live in a cheaper part of the country, so make adjustments as neccesary). And I have no pressure whatsoever. I don't have to avoid students trying to kill me, or go a month without pay because nobody wanted to fly, or worry about lawyers sueing me, etc. My assistant manager at the restaurant makes 40 grand a year has no college and has worked there for 3 years. My manager (really great guy btw) makes 90 grand a year after starting as a cook ten years ago, is home every night, has guaranteed bonus and yearly raises, has maybe a two year degree, paid vacations, and will never get furloughed. I love to fly, I don't mind the sh1tty pay but I feel bad for guys with families who can't hack it on an unstable 18grand a year. Moral of the story is no matter what you do in aviation you are not overpaid and you probably could have made more money outside of aviation (unless you are an aviation litigator). Think about it before you get too-oo deep in debt.