Ramp Agent Salary per Hour?


New Member
Anyone know the Ramp Agent Salary ...meaning dollars per hour? I just got hired in...but i have another job that wants me to work for them..for $10.50 per hour....but i want the ramp agent job...i was stoked upon being hired.
RookieRamp said:
Anyone know the Ramp Agent Salary ...meaning dollars per hour? I just got hired in...but i have another job that wants me to work for them..for $10.50 per hour....but i

what airline?

what part of the country?

too many variables to consider.

Mesaba in MSP...... $9.00
AirTran......$slightly less
NWA....slightly more
Woob44 said:
SkyWest DEN is 9.75/hr. It's only worth it because I ABUSE the flight benefits.

Amen to that! I was getting paid 9.97 at PHL for US before I left. Now I'm upgrading to a salary, a cushy office job, and I still get to keep my benefits!
Being a ramper sucks. Period. If the pay is what matters to you, then forget about it. If you want flight and medical benefits...then it's worth considering.
Comair in BGR starts at 8.50 /hr, its higher in other stations. I will second that the job sucks, however it does have its rewards, like free travel. The flight bennies are much easier to use if you work in a hub. The hours and holidays off would be better in retail, but folding pants is not for me (you should see my room).
I'd say that at most places, the starting is well below $10. If it's anything more, it's because it costs a lot to live where you do.

It's a great job if you want to:
Live with mom and dad
Live in a trailer
Sleep at mailpoint and scrounge off the leftover catering.

Diamnd15 said:
united at sfo was 11.75 an hour, but thats because the cost of living in sf

11.75, that is a joke in SF. I agree, only reason to put up with that salary is to abuse the benefits.
Delta starts out somewhere around $9 or so an hour. You have to pay $50 to start flight benefits and also pay for some of insurance
Oh yeah for you $9-10 an hour you get to work in crappy weather like rain, heat, and cold freakin wind. For your enjoyment the company lets you work holidays, nights and weekends. And if you are really lucky you will wind up with a bad back or shoulder or knee problems. But you will make some really good friends and possibly a good time doing all of the above..........just thought from a veteran ramper
Don't forget though, starting out as a ramp agent is usually a stepping stone for those wanting to advance in the company they for.

I started out as a ramp agent and now work as an A&P Mechanic for US. I know plenty of people who have done the same thing.

If you take the job because you want your foot in the door and plan to advance in the company then I say go for it. If you want the job and money is a concern, look elsewhere because there are plenty of other jobs where you'll make more.

It's really about what you want to make out of the situation.

I also agree that many people put up with the poor pay so that they can take advantage of the travel benefits.

Getting your foot in the door now a days just to get set up for advancement is long gone. Now 99.9% of the time you will be stuck where you get hired into. Even the ole buddy system is not working like it use to. With companies constantly changing the idea on how things work no position is say no matter what length senority.
We've got a damned near model working the ramp in SLC at the C-gates.
Tim said:
Getting your foot in the door now a days just to get set up for advancement is long gone. Now 99.9% of the time you will be stuck where you get hired into. Even the ole buddy system is not working like it use to. With companies constantly changing the idea on how things work no position is say no matter what length senority.

I disagree. You get stuck in a position when you stagnate and don't look for the opportunities.
You can really only go up from a ramper position, those that remain there either love it and will not leave it or did not take the necessary steps to move into a better position.
salary represents one's wage added up for an extended period of time. ie; month, year, etc.

wage is what you're looking for. hourly wage.

AZBigDog said:
I disagree. You get stuck in a position when you stagnate and don't look for the opportunities.
You can really only go up from a ramper position, those that remain there either love it and will not leave it or did not take the necessary steps to move into a better position.

I disagree with you because having worked the ramp for 15 years I know for a fact that unless you kissed the right butt it doesnt matter. The good old boy system is how it works. I got turned down for many jobs that I was qualified for because their buddy got it. I took all the extra online stuff at Delta that would enhance my resume and look good on my record. The only thing it got me was a 19% pay cut and benefit increase. I agree you cant really go down once a ramper but with the industry like it is there isnt much movement going on. I left Delta for a better deal but many of my buddies who are more than qualified are stuck.
Ramp agents at US Airways/America West now start out at $9.... sad to say but it's been $7.50 up until about a month ago!!

Luckily that's just my "fun job" and I totally use the flight benefits, as do my parrents. Just got back from a 3-day trip to London last month.. Envoy Class... $65 total.