Island Bus Driver
Are you a PSA guy? I'm a new hire and live in NEOH and make the drive down to DAY, I've heard recently that pilots and F/As would even vulunteer their time to be base admin/orgainze the Jepps etc. For only working here for 4 months its amazing how far management will go out of their way to cut off their nose to spite their face.
I was for about 8 years. Gone for almost 2 years now though. You'll find my name on the signature page of the 2013 contract though, so I certainly have an interest in how things go there. Understand that at almost any company you'll get a group of DoGooders™ who will always go the extra mile to help out the company, even on their time off. It happens at the regionals and it happens at the majors too. Despite that, it's still a pretty good company to hang your hat at (well, assuming you have hats now) for a bit.