Possible new FAA duty time rules...

So the predictions are staffing neutral for the majors, and maybe a slight increase at the regional level? Any advanced warning of lawsuits to stop this from the sleezebag operations?

The "sleazebag operations" are probably aware that these changes are a result of congressional pushing. This ARC is a response to Congress' demands for changes. If the FAA doesn't institute the changes through the ARC, then Congress is just going to legislate changes themselves, and then lawsuits will do no good anyway. There's no way for even the worst operations to avoid these changes.
Your are Skywest right?
With your work rules I think you see very few changes on the Bro side and almost no change on the Jet side.

True I think it won't affect us too much, but there will be some changes regardless.
Edit: well, I found the information. So, all of you attending are either Chief Pilots or Union Reps? Once again, I will go to my statement...how is it in any way beneficial for 135 ops if the only people there are the Chief Pilots? I'm going to try to get in anyways, but I doubt I will have much luck. We shall see...

I think you should have no problem getting in.
I think you should have no problem getting in.
Yeah, I am registered for the Miami/ Ft. Lauderdale one. All it asked was my position and company, which I was truthful with. I am a Chief Pilot, and my company. I just left out the fact that my company is 4,000 miles away.;) I just know I will eventually have to go back to the US, and I know there are a lot of scum bag operators out there. I do not trust most 135 chief pilots, so I'm going to try to help my future.:bandit:
Well spring to me is not the swift reaction the government promised. I thought I heard something about September at some point.

This is the government we're talking about. Spring is damned near break neck speed. The ARC is scheduled for 45 days, which finishes up in a few weeks, but the ARC only provides the recommendations to the FAA. The FAA then has to implement them, which will take months. Next spring is probably the best they can do.
Todd, how'd you get the retirement "date" for your handy dandy sliding airplane signature thingy-ma-bob?

Is that for AirTran's oldest?
Todd, how'd you get the retirement "date" for your handy dandy sliding airplane signature thingy-ma-bob?

Is that for AirTran's oldest?

It's just counting down until the 5 year anniversary of the signing of the "Fair Treatment of Experienced Pilots Act," aka the Age-65 change. That will be the date that mandatory retirements start again. :rawk:
So...these proposed regs ARE going to affect 135 operators?

Maybe I'll change my mind and try to make the Chicago roadshow then. My boss offered it to me last week, but the agenda and title make it sound like it's 121 related only.
It's about time that everyone finally had to deal with a true one level of safety. Part 135 shouldn't be exempt from safe rest/duty practices.

But that's the thing, part 135 is about being solely responsible for yourself and your pax. Part 135 is as unsafe as the individual pilot makes it, not what regulation says. If you follow the regs to the letter of the law and launch when you shouldn't have, you're still the one responsible. That's the best part about 135. You are master of your own destiny. The duty times we have now are sufficient to maintain safety. I agree that some charter guys are pushing the limits, but, I'll be honest with you, those guys are in the minority, the rest of us are well within the margin of safety and relness. How much time 135 did you have before you went to the 121 ranks? None? I thought so. Its a different style of industry, and apples don't equal oranges. I'd be stoked if this rule applied to 121, not to 135.
Part 135 is as unsafe as the individual pilot makes it, not what regulation says.

Haha, While I agree that the pilot does have the final authority for the flight I must add that many 135 operators will expect you to fly it if it's legal and if you refuse then you could very will be looking for another job.