Pinnacle Status?

hello dondk, welcome to JC. I do believe you are on another message board as well.......and I think ctab has your avatar. ha
DON! Welcome aboard. Did that move happen during your "short reign?" :)

Yea it was during that period, both were moved from the former to the current positions.

can't please everyone :)

I also like Ctab's better... mine is just okay...

LAX for those commenting.. it was a serious contender during my egg timer reign, the company can't afford it and was really against it for money and other reasons. Regardless, I would be surprised at anything west of MSP and those around long enough know why.
To those at 9E - Do you have to check out on crewtrac at the end of every trip? At 9L you are supposed to check out by calling, but I don't ever do it (nor do I know of many that do). I never used to check in until I got my 2nd "written verbal warning", but I'll be damned if I will be checking out. I've heard from everyone that it is only in EWR that they make you do this, the rest of the bases you don't have to do it.

Is this something you are addressing in your upcoming contract?
Yep. It's how they play the "gotcha!" game. I got nailed the other day. I was supposed to DH in from DSM, have 10:05 of rest, then do a CLT highspeed. I get in, think I'm going home, and find my highspeed is gone, and I now have 4 legs starting an about an hour.

I can accept that since I'm on reserve, but line holders are seeing a LOT of "schedule changes." They also like to play the JM card and can nail you when you check out for a trip. So, let's say you're done at like 1PM and have two days off. They can JM you for the next day via CrewTrac since you're required to check out, and there's not much you can do about it. There are some things you can do, but it'll go down as a JAR (junior assignment refusal) until you talk to your base manager.
Hm. I refuse to check in since the computer always tells me I'm late checking in at 45 minutes. :X

Well, you ATL boys are special. You'd think they'd fix that since they've known for months the union's not gonna renew the 60 minute show time for ATL anytime soon.

Looks like the move to MCO is a go, so I'm gonna be trying to shift ATL-wards next chance I get. :)
Flight Ops Memo
DATE: 11/17/08
TO: All ATL 9E Flight Crews
SUBJECT: ATL Report Time
9E MEMO # 08-34
In order to address the logistics of the CRJ-900 operation and distance between the crew
check-in area and aircraft gate area utilized by the company for the Atlanta (ATL) hub, a
60-minute report time (LOA 08-01) was implemented. Lacking a written extension or
revision, LOA 08-01 expired on October 31, 2008.
The November pairings were constructed prior to the expiration of LOA 08-01. As such,
the 60-minute report time was included in the pairings. It is reasonably expected for
those involved in the ATL operations to continue to adhere to the scheduled show times
for the remainder of November.
The company and the MEC have been working diligently on a resolution to the LOA
08-01 issue and expect to reach an agreement prior to the release of the December line

Really.... they constructed the November pairings prior to the 60 minute LOA expiring? Well then they must have constructed the December, January, and February pairings prior to that as well. They are in violation of the contract on a daily basis over in ATL with the 45 minute show being a "1 hour show". In fact, the poor FAs are now required (post-LOA expiration) to be at the airplane 45 prior. :mad:

Really.... they constructed the November pairings prior to the 60 minute LOA expiring? Well then they must have constructed the December, January, and February pairings prior to that as well. They are in violation of the contract on a daily basis over in ATL with the 45 minute show being a "1 hour show". In fact, the poor FAs are now required (post-LOA expiration) to be at the airplane 45 prior. :mad:

There is NO contract violation. They can put whatever they want as a report time or a release time. You are contractual bound to 45 mins prior and 15 after.. that is IT... Anything else requires a LOA and the MEC will instruct/direct you.

the contract violation comes in when they attempt to discipline you, only at that time is it truly a contract violation.

where the rub is... a lot of pilots try to do the "right thing" and that is what the company counts on. If it takes you 46 minutes to get from op's to the furthest gate (and it is reasonable).. oh well..

Don't try to prove any points, just follow the contract and you will be safe.
To those at 9E - Do you have to check out on crewtrac at the end of every trip? At 9L you are supposed to check out by calling, but I don't ever do it (nor do I know of many that do). I never used to check in until I got my 2nd "written verbal warning", but I'll be damned if I will be checking out. I've heard from everyone that it is only in EWR that they make you do this, the rest of the bases you don't have to do it.

Is this something you are addressing in your upcoming contract?

yes it is being addressed. Crewtrac is suppose to be a two way street, unfortunately the company has been throwing road blocks to make it a one way street.

recent policy changes broaden the scope of crewtrac and pilot responsibility. We are working to rectify that, regardless we also filed grievance over it to be safe.

be careful with too many warnings, the company likes to look at the "big" picture when discipline is escalated. Most don't realize it, but 2 verbals can be spun into a insubordinate pilot... I've seen it happen, use the words of wisdom as you choose.
yes it is being addressed. Crewtrac is suppose to be a two way street, unfortunately the company has been throwing road blocks to make it a one way street.

recent policy changes broaden the scope of crewtrac and pilot responsibility. We are working to rectify that, regardless we also filed grievance over it to be safe.

be careful with too many warnings, the company likes to look at the "big" picture when discipline is escalated. Most don't realize it, but 2 verbals can be spun into a insubordinate pilot... I've seen it happen, use the words of wisdom as you choose.

I've heard the same. I wonder if it was insubordination when 3 of us quit on the same day within 10 minutes of each other.
where the rub is... a lot of pilots try to do the "right thing" and that is what the company counts on. If it takes you 46 minutes to get from op's to the furthest gate (and it is reasonable).. oh well..

I was that way for a while. Now, it's amazing how a 10 minute drive to the airport always seems to take an hour and a half for me to get there. They tried to hit me with a reserve assignment that started an hour and 10 minutes from when they called me. When I said, I'd be there in an hour and a half, they said, "Well, the show time is XX." I told them to try their math again, and I'd see them in an hour and a half. When I was a shiny new FO, I played the "Can you get here as soon as you can?" game. I'm over that game after none of my "favors" were returned.

There's a lot of potential at this company that's wasted b/c management treats the pilots as adversaries rather than business partners. One prime example is our D0 times. I don't really care one bit if we block out late. I don't see in any extra cash, and none of our ASAs with the New Delta are reliant on it. The only thing it affects is bonuses for people other than me. Start giving me a bonus (or even profit sharing) based off it, and I'll start caring. As it is, the only motivating factor is to get to the hotel or home early.
a lot of management types are eligible for D0 and completion bonuses. You would be surprised to who and how much those bonuses can be over the course of the year.

it is true that a lot of pilots try to do the right thing and if they can they should. I would not go overboard personally, but a valiant attempt does have some merit. If for nothing else it is a bargaining chip that can be played when needed at a later date.

personally I would never commit to a time, especially on a recorded line. I have seen many cases where a commitment has been used against someone. I would simply say I will do my best to get there and I will be following the guidance of the pilots contract.

that way if your 10 minute drive and the walk to op's should take slightly more than 90 minutes to check in you are at least covered. it is harder to ding person who did not commit to something, versus the pilot who committed to a specific time period.
I will either take the credit and/or blame for it

she is in the flight op's office. I was behind the move.
1. got her out of CS (she as next in line for manager of that dept)
2. capped her growth, almost no upward mobility in the new position
3. got her to see the "other side" of what CS does
4. face to face when CS bends someone over. big difference from when you can simply hang up the phone.

overall, some of the cases she "get's it", some she does not

some may think it is cruel, to counter that think of how it would be IF she was the boss of CS?

Don! Good to see you over here.
LAX for those commenting.. it was a serious contender during my egg timer reign, the company can't afford it and was really against it for money and other reasons. Regardless, I would be surprised at anything west of MSP and those around long enough know why.

yeah I heard about that when we first got our -900s. Cant ever tell whats rumor or truth in those crew rooms..

but why nothing west of MSP??? I have been around a decent amount of time, do explain!
yeah I heard about that when we first got our -900s. Cant ever tell whats rumor or truth in those crew rooms..

but why nothing west of MSP??? I have been around a decent amount of time, do explain!

I would assume that the company always wants to operate as cheap as humanly possible and the further you fly away from a central spot it might cost more? I would also like to cross the mississippi once in awhile too.
I would assume that the company always wants to operate as cheap as humanly possible and the further you fly away from a central spot it might cost more? I would also like to cross the mississippi once in awhile too.

Hey, XNA, FSM, TUL, OKC....MSP. Those are all on the other side of the Mississippi. :)

Interestingly enough, looks like the company is going ahead with leaves of absence now. Some CAs have already applied for and been approved for up to 6 months.
Hey, XNA, FSM, TUL, OKC....MSP. Those are all on the other side of the Mississippi. :)

If you were MSP based, you would fly to Idaho Falls, HLN, BZN, Great Falls. We even used to have 30+ hour SLC layovers. And MEM does denver! ha

Interestingly enough, looks like the company is going ahead with leaves of absence now. Some CAs have already applied for and been approved for up to 6 months.

Yeah I saw that on our message board. Is that the mitigate the current displacements or is that in addition to?