Pinnacle Status?

OK...I don't fully understand the whole JM thing. Can they make you work on your days off, regardless of them being your 'days off'? What are the stipulations? Where does the term 'Junior' play into it? Is it only a certain bottom % of the people they can make work on days off? Do you have to be available to them?
LOFT stuff is supposed to start in March, I think. It was interesting to see the spin the company put on it during the conference call. Like changing the name and structure made it okay. Sorry, guys. If it's a jeopardy event or is accepted by the FAA as recurrent training, it should be done by a seniority list check airman. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and all that. You can't call the duck a fox and make it one.

So, you answered the phone on your off days?

Caller ID, man. I get JM calls all the time. I just don't answer them. Well, unless I'm not legal to take the assignment. Then I do it for fun.
OK...I don't fully understand the whole JM thing. Can they make you work on your days off, regardless of them being your 'days off'? What are the stipulations? Where does the term 'Junior' play into it? Is it only a certain bottom % of the people they can make work on days off? Do you have to be available to them?

If they call you on your day off, you're legal for the assignment and you answer the're on hook for the assignment. I wish we had a clause like Republic has that makes it optional, but who knows if we'll get that in the next contract. Now, there are certain circumstances that can get you out of it, but it'll be coded as a junior man refusal by scheduling until you have the meeting with your base manager. If they deem your excuse valid, it'll go down as excused. My kid is my way out. "Sorry, I don't have a babysitter. I can't fly that."

Rumor has it we had some schedulers get in hot water a while back b/c they started complaining that every time they tried to JM, pilots were drinking. So then they started getting pissy on the phone with people that said that. I think someone dropped a line to the FAA. Like I said, rumor, but around here, I could TOTALLY see that happening.

I've also heard of guys getting out of it by saying "Sure, I can take the trip. The next flight from home to base leaves in about 3 hours, and it'll take me about 2 to get there. So, if you wanna delay the flight 5 hours, I'll be there."
So, if you're a commuter, the company is out of luck with you, huh? My answer would be, "well, I'm at home in CA...I should be there in about 8 hours, hold the flight...". I'd think most people could always come up with something that's "legit". It's not really optional in our contract, it just doesn't exist. They can use us up to 2 hours past our check out time, but there are no turns that I'm aware of that will have you back in base by an additional 2 hours. I haven't experienced it in the year I've been here, but I guess it's possible.
You simply DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE. Never been JM'd... I have been JM refused though... but I had been drinking and my mother in law had answered the phone thinking it was "important". I told the scheduler (everyone knows ....bin laden) and said "I have a jack and coke in my hand and I can be there in 12 hours". Didn't hear anything else about it- although it was put into the comments on crewtrac that I said "I had been drinking". On a saturday night when I am OFF I have no issues with that.
So, you answered the phone on your off days?


Never do, unless, like kell stated, I am illegal, then I do it just for fun. Then again, it is kinda hard to answer you phone when you are almost 1000 miles away from it;) (phone in MEM, me in Bahamas)

The only way I would answer for a JM is if both... a) I am HARD up for money AND b) I am completely bored out of my mind with nothing to do.

Considering that both A and B will probably never happen together at the same instance, I just don't answer the phone.
The 3000 marketing hrs cut in March, is that temporarily for the month?

IF it happens, I wouldn't bank on it being temporary. Delta's made no secret they're scaling back on the 50 seat flying.

That being said, from what I've heard this is how the company has been staffing every month: they got a 6 month "preview" of what things would be like from Delta, and they're staffing based on that. The cluster that has been Nov-current day has been b/c we've consistently been given MORE than was in that projection. So, management has been caught with their pants down by trying to schedule everything as lean as possible. We normally see a big drop off in flying in Feb. From Jan to Feb, we lost a whopping 300 hours from the marketing schedule. Hardly a huge plummet. Expect the JMs and extensions to continue for another month.....

I told the scheduler (everyone knows ....bin laden)

And it's almost a cruel twist of fate where she wound up......
I heard 3000 reduction in march, but I heard may picks back up again. I am worried about our MSP base in the long run though.

Never do, unless, like kell stated, I am illegal, then I do it just for fun. Then again, it is kinda hard to answer you phone when you are almost 1000 miles away from it;) (phone in MEM, me in Bahamas)

You must be a Capt. because no pinnacle FO can afford to go to the bahamas. ha. Also, I doubt you and kell really pick up the phone, do you?? They can JM a couple days out, for just a HS. But that time you might be legal to do it. So i am calling BS and you guys answering, if not. I would highly suggest you stop. ha.

I heard 3000 reduction in march, but I heard may picks back up again. I am worried about our MSP base in the long run though.

I hope they close it and open up LAX. :D

What do you guys mean? Where is she now?

Yeah? where did she go? PM me if you dont want to broadcast it on a public message board.

The new CS you need to watch out for shares the same name with a gas station chain. She can get nasty.
You must be a Capt. because no pinnacle FO can afford to go to the bahamas. ha. Also, I doubt you and kell really pick up the phone, do you?? They can JM a couple days out, for just a HS. But that time you might be legal to do it. So i am calling BS and you guys answering, if not. I would highly suggest you stop. ha.

I hope they close it and open up LAX. :D

Yeah? where did she go? PM me if you dont want to broadcast it on a public message board.

The new CS you need to watch out for shares the same name with a gas station chain. She can get nasty.

Lax I think is highly doubtful who knows
You must be a Capt. because no pinnacle FO can afford to go to the bahamas. ha. Also, I doubt you and kell really pick up the phone, do you??

Yep. After I've worked 6 days in a row, I'm off one, and then on reserve another 5, I answer the phone when they call me on my ONE day off. They can't JM for a day off 6 days later. :)
You must be a Capt. because no pinnacle FO can afford to go to the bahamas. ha. Also, I doubt you and kell really pick up the phone, do you?? They can JM a couple days out, for just a HS. But that time you might be legal to do it. So i am calling BS and you guys answering, if not. I would highly suggest you stop. ha.

Nope, just an FO. And a Pinnacle FO can afford to do something like that, it just takes planning ahead of time and saving money. Actually saved for almost a year to be able to afford it.

As far as phone calls, there is only so much they can do when your next day off is 5 days away...
Well don't forget the all fun "Checking out" on crewtrac and scheduling has already put the junior man on your schedule. Which you don't self notify, since you pretend you never saw, until scheduling, calls threatening you to call back regarding your junior man. Since, of course, they magically have the ability to check if you have logged onto crewtrac to view. I think these past two days was the first time in two months I didn't get called on my days off for JM.
What do you guys mean? Where is she now?

I will either take the credit and/or blame for it

she is in the flight op's office. I was behind the move.
1. got her out of CS (she as next in line for manager of that dept)
2. capped her growth, almost no upward mobility in the new position
3. got her to see the "other side" of what CS does
4. face to face when CS bends someone over. big difference from when you can simply hang up the phone.

overall, some of the cases she "get's it", some she does not

some may think it is cruel, to counter that think of how it would be IF she was the boss of CS?