Pinnacle Status?


Well-Known Member
Anyone has idea whats going on with Pinnacle. Heard they were going to hire in January. Recently I heard about displacements. They have 140 airplanes with pilots less than 1300 which to me seems shortstaffed. Is Delta cutting the marketing hours? Another rumor was that they were going to get 17 CRJ200's back from Mesaba
Anyone has idea whats going on with Pinnacle. Heard they were going to hire in January. Recently I heard about displacements. They have 140 airplanes with pilots less than 1300 which to me seems shortstaffed. Is Delta cutting the marketing hours? Another rumor was that they were going to get 17 CRJ200's back from Mesaba

Let's hope that stays a rumor. I would not want to see Mesaba furlough.
There is a good bit of stuff going on behind the doors here at Pinnacle. We have no additional flying and there IS a CA displacement in hopes of solving what the COMPANY feels is a fat CA load and short FO load. In reality we are very short on FO's and properly staffed on CA's. There are numerous issues that are causing the company to displace but most are not resultant of a change in flying. The union and mgmt head back to the first mediated talks in 5 months starting jan 26th and there looks to be some high expectations. Colgan has voted in ALPA which helps both sides under the Pinnacle banner (and a big holdup in our scope area) and pref-bid has been worked out considerably (but is still not 100% complete from my last "briefing"). Our company is still making money (profitable), we have a new administration (labor friendly) coming in, and a new "Daddy" (DL) that wants this contract DONE. Both sides of the isle are pi$$ed about things lately so there is alot of emotion and moral issues that are pointing to a needed resolution known as a contract. If we get a contract we will need more staffing for both seats and we would need to hire (how many? have no clue).

Rumors do remain...
- 3000 hr loss of flying hours starting in March is what is being "rumored" as the reason behind the displacement.

Current truth- roughly 30 Check airman are back flying the line vs. being in the schoolhouse...

Time will tell!
What is the current attrition rate? Do you think by March they are gonna start hiring. I sent my resume to them and they said they would get back to me in january for an interview. So far no news. When you say "properly staffed", you mean overstaffed on captains?
What is the current attrition rate? Do you think by March they are gonna start hiring. I sent my resume to them and they said they would get back to me in january for an interview. So far no news. When you say "properly staffed", you mean overstaffed on captains?

Pinnacle is NEVER overstaffed. Their staffing model is "we run lean".
If they dont have to JM or Extend, they are overstaffed.
Pinnacle was properly staffed for about 6 months in 2002. After that, they went to Barney's new staffing model which gave them at one point only 3.5 crews per airplane. It's never gotten better, from what I've heard.
If they dont have to JM or Extend, they are overstaffed.

No kidding.

I have been called for a JM on almost every day I have had off this month so far. Three the first week of the year alone, and one yesterday when I was illegal due to 30 in 7 issues.:panic:
Attrition is "nil". Properly staffed (in my terms) for the CA's was/is that all open time is covered, sick calls covered, no JM's or ext, and the CA's are still flying 40-50 hours a month. Lately CA's have been breaking guarantee (75) on rsv and FO's have been getting JM'd and ext all the way up the list. We are short on FO's when lineholders are having to pick up the slack after the lines are out. I have NO IDEA when we are hiring again. There are soo many variables that we all just get to wait and see.... A contract, current airframe flying hours, and growth are the big variables. When I say growth- I have no idea what is going on with Colgan. There are soo many rumors with them that it may impact us. One of the rumor's is a hiring dept from PNCL corp and being put on the certificate that needs the pilots.

Time will tell...
I think it is hilarious the rumors going on between pcl and msa. MSP is full of rumors of all Pcl flying in MSP going to MSA, and in memphis the PCL rumors are that all the -200's are comming back.

Can we please just merge the God damned country's pilots together onto one list.

Here's status about hiring in general. There are 4,500 pilots out of work. Things suck.
With Pinnacle Holding consolidating the management and SOC of the two airlines it is only a matter of time before a single carrier petition is filed.

Personally, I think it will be handled in negotiations between PCL ALPA and management. It certainly seems to me that management is combining so many elements that they know there is no way they can avoid a single-carrier petition eventually. I'm betting they plan on agreeing to an integration, they just want to hold out as long as possible and milk it for all it's worth at the bargaining table. They can probably save a few million dollars in payrates and work rules by trading it for a single list.
While I'd like to think it will be handled in negotiations, IMO, management will let it go to a petition to save face so they don't look like they're giving anything up. They HAVE to know that combining as much back of the house stuff as they are is gonna trigger the petition. I'd even wager money that SE and the ALPA boys already have it filled out and ready to go.

The BIG thing right now is how they want to change training by using non-seniority list sim instructors rather than line check airmen to do recurrent. They're going to a LOFT format, so since it isn't called a "PT" or a "PC" management thinks they can get away with using the non-seniority sim guys. Well, if I change the name from "type ride" to "fun sim thing," it doesn't suddenly make it a non-jeopardy event. From the looks of things the MEC is digging in their heels, drawing a line in the sand and any other cliche you can think of to stop this. It's also one of the driving factors behind the CA displacement. Basically, CAs are losing their line jobs and getting kicked back to FO b/c the company doesn't want to lay off any sim instructors. The REAL kicker is, they tried this once before, and a system board ruling found them in violation of the contract, forcing them to go back to using line check airmen in the sims. Why they think that suddenly things are different is beyond me.

So far, on RSV in Nov and Dec, I came about 3 hours away from breaking guarantee with several JM calls on my days off. They tried to extend me into a day off, and I used my contractual extension refusal to get outta that one. So far in Jan I've had ONE RSV day they haven't used me. Yesterday, I was supposed to DH in from DSM and be done. Instead, I go to check out, and I magically have a 5 leg day. But, yeah, we're overstaffed.

My prediction is I'll be breaking guarantee every month starting in April. I'd say March, but I've got a vacation week that month.
So far, on RSV in Nov and Dec, I came about 3 hours away from breaking guarantee with several JM calls on my days off. They tried to extend me into a day off, and I used my contractual extension refusal to get outta that one. So far in Jan I've had ONE RSV day they haven't used me. Yesterday, I was supposed to DH in from DSM and be done. Instead, I go to check out, and I magically have a 5 leg day. But, yeah, we're overstaffed.

My prediction is I'll be breaking guarantee every month starting in April. I'd say March, but I've got a vacation week that month.

Meanwhile the Widget Connector domicile is so overstaffed that: a CA friend hasn't flown since December 25th. Reserve FOs are getting less than 20 hours per month. That figures to change since we're about to hit almost 50% of the base on reserve in February. :panic:
Meanwhile the Widget Connector domicile is so overstaffed that: a CA friend hasn't flown since December 25th. Reserve FOs are getting less than 20 hours per month. That figures to change since we're about to hit almost 50% of the base on reserve in February. :panic:

And that is forecasted to remain that way... BS.