Philippine Airlines Cadet Program


hen teaser
Hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone knows anything about Philippine Airlines cadet program. I'm going to tour what they call the "Pilot learning center" in Clark this winter when I'm out there, but I'm trying to find out more about it before I go. I contacted them online since there is nothing about the program on their site other than an e-mail address, but despite most Filipinos being fluent in English there seems to be a big communication issue between me and the HR people and they just keep telling me about S/O progression to the right seat but nothing about the actual program.

I'm guessing there probably isn't anyone here who went though it considering they want you to have Filipino citizenship, but you never know.

Thanks guys.
It used to be on their website before. Now it seems they redesigned the website and it disappeared. By the way the new design is horrible almost looks like one of those travel spam sites. The old design was much more proffessional.
Yeah the e-mails I've gotten back from them almost make it sound like Gulfstream if Family Airlines ran the place. "Yeah yeah you come we put you in A340 and you get 72 virgins!" is pretty much all I've been told by the HR people.
Last I heard they were put into Category I(or was it III?) for their shotty MX tendencies, meaning they can't accept any new aircraft(i.e. their 773s) or launch any new routes until the government takes maintaining the planes seriously. Its been almost a year with no response from the government. Stuff like that is why I'm not exactly jumping at this possible opportunity and would like to know more from a source that won't feed me SJS propaganda.