Other donations?


New Member
So what other charities have you donated to this year other then the MikeD fund? I have a dollar amount that I am planning on giving away this year and I still have some money left. What organizations do you think are worth donation to?
The only charity I have any money to donate to is the 'keep my electricity on' charity
I made up a small care package for my close friend over there in the Gulf. Other than that, no "charities" really. Possibly some places like Ronald McDonalds house and what not at our company.
I usually donate to Relay For Life and the Diabetes Walk when my family & friends participate, as well as fund raisers at my little brother's school. To add some suggestions about good places for your charity dollars to go, I'd say the American Cancer Society, Leukemia/Lymphoma Society, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes charities, AOPA Air Safety Foundation, food pantries or shelters in your community, and scholarship funds for families of those killed in military action. These are some of the places I've donated in the past, and I think they're all worthy causes.

I'd also add shelters in the community for victims of domestic violence, battered women, etc. If you belong to a church, ask about their charitable giving as well.

Also, almost all of us have those little key-tag cards that get us discounts at the grocery store ... in fact, I have four or five on my key chain. Most of those stores, if you check their web sites, will let you link your card to local schools or charities and the store will donate a percentage of your purchases. Doesn't cost you a thing and it can really help out some deserving causes.
