Oh SWA…how many is this?

I like this method too, but we don't do that 'round these parts :)

It's been over a year and I still haven't dealt with a time I didn't have enough fuel to run both motors right away. If it's OK with the FO sometimes I'll go out on 1 if it's a MAX and I don't want to jam up the alley. This FO busywork seems to be entirely training department driven.
It's been over a year and I still haven't dealt with a time I didn't have enough fuel to run both motors right away. If it's OK with the FO sometimes I'll go out on 1 if it's a MAX and I don't want to jam up the alley. This FO busywork seems to be entirely training department driven.

oh yeah, a MAX in the alley, especially deep, is a no brainer to go out on 1 in SEA. But I agree with you. If I were a CA, I'd rather have a second set of eyes and ears during a critical phase of aircraft movement, that aren't task sharing doing an engine start and the flow. It isn't hard, but it is also an easy environment to make a mistake in.
US Domestic NOTAM format..

!LAS 06/140 LAS NAV ILS RWY 26R U/S 2407011500-2407012300

ICAO Standard NOTAM format..

(A1917/24 NOTAMN
A)KLAS B)2407011500 C)2407012300

OH MY GOD, please no! 10000% prefer the US version here.
It looks more complicated on the surface, but the Q codes are standardized and allow for filtering for relevance.
The ICAO version isn't designed for humans to read. It's a standard format so it can be read, sorted, and translated into understandable content by software.

That's not terribly helpful to me without a lot of other fundamental system changes, as I am still in this human body and required to parse NOTAMs accordingly.
Been a while since I've had to make CTAF calls in a jet, but ATIS doesn't broadcast when the tower is closed does it?
Usually it does. After the automated AWOS/ASOS the controller will add: tower operations 0600 - 2200 local.

Unless they forget to flip the switch and you’re listening to a 6 hour old ATIS - happens more than you’d expect.
I’m curious about the dispatch paperwork (not pointing any fingers). Do your shops include runway analysis or performance numbers for runways that are unavailable at the planned departure time?

And as a helo guy, I care less about closed runways. But do care about stuff attached to the ground that I could potentially hit, especially near an airfield where I’d be low level or doing some sort of low level op to or from off airport areas.

Remember, NOTAMS are for everyone in aviation. Not just for one segment. What’s unimportant to one segment, may be very important to another.
Of course! that’s why I said as someone flying a pax or cargo plane. Doesn’t mean I want them taken out. The set up could be better and that’s an issue I have with the system we use (LIDO).
It's been over a year and I still haven't dealt with a time I didn't have enough fuel to run both motors right away. If it's OK with the FO sometimes I'll go out on 1 if it's a MAX and I don't want to jam up the alley. This FO busywork seems to be entirely training department driven.
I’ve created more BS situations for myself on one engine than I care to count. I’m now at the point where I need a pretty compelling reason to not taxi on 2 engines.
Interesting here. Two other aircraft taxiing out for departure, on CTAF and advising taxiing to the open runway and crossing the closed runway, even saying “closed runway” in their transmissions. SWA was in with Boston center getting their clearance. Not sure why they couldn’t monitor two freqs at once. Tower saw what was going on and attempted to make an advisory call, but SWA wasn’t on freq. Boston center queried the crew after takeoff and they knew about the closed runway.

View: https://x.com/thenewarea51/status/1806686571997061489?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR19j3883TeRWuE49OlEDJrcEnl0-q5Mz4kfS9qJxhqkq2Y-rWPVLZoCQgk_aem_0ZQ0DD2L0CEVZwgN8zppDA
One would think the maintenance crew wouldn't be on the runway 3 minutes before it opened. Why wait until the last minute?