Oh SWA…how many is this?

Another one I have noticed lately, generally in response to more of a mouthful of a clearance, begins with "ok"

as in "Southern Jets 1452, left heading 270, reduce to at or below 190 knots, then descend to and maintain three thousand until established, cleared ILS runway 16R"...."okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.......270 on the heading......"

I get super-annoyed with getting 4 instructions from ATC at the same time, because invariably while I'm trying to do whatever I need to do the other pilot will say something and now I'm doing 6 things - the 4 instructions, whatever I need to do first, and processing what I'm hearing from the other pilot.
I get super-annoyed with getting 4 instructions from ATC at the same time, because invariably while I'm trying to do whatever I need to do the other pilot will say something and now I'm doing 6 things - the 4 instructions, whatever I need to do first, and processing what I'm hearing from the other pilot.

I make it a point to never (or rarely anyway) include more than 2 instructions that involve numbers in one transmission. Sometimes I’ll throw a speed in along with a turn and altitude but rarely.
Probably the same reason I’m hearing everyone being interviewed on TV start their first sentence with “So,…”. Using “So” is a filler word much like “with you or checking in” that appears to trigger some people.
How about young girls interjecting a word like..well, “Like” into every sentence or every few words when speaking.
Lately I’ve also noticed a big uptick in ending a statement with “, Right?” “So, like, umm..the sky is blue (statement), right? And the reason it appears blue is because…yada, yada. Why not just start out and say, “The sky appears blue because…”

A former co-worker of mine would frequently start their sentences with "Yeah, no..."

"I heard the broom closet flooded yesterday." "Yeah, no I saw that."

If anyone had any balls, they would make a "land ho" PA as soon as the west coast became visible on the islands return. This is currently on my bucket list :)

I've made similar comments when coasting in to SFO from HWD, or HPN to FRG.
I make it a point to never (or rarely anyway) include more than 2 instructions that involve numbers in one transmission. Sometimes I’ll throw a speed in along with a turn and altitude but rarely.

Please, tell your colleagues!

"Turn left 15 degrees, descend and maintain FL210, slow to 280 and contact center on 123.625" is a recipe for a possiblepilotdeviation
I wish yall would spend less time focusing on what other people are saying and more time correcting what they aren’t saying. Things like checking in with the ATIS, or what altitude you’re climbing out of/descending to, or if you do check in with the ATIS acting surprised that the approach you get vectored to is the same one on the ATIS you checked in with and not the one on the previous hours ATIS. (Seriously this one happens all the damn time. ATIS A says ILS 22L, ATIS B says ILS 4R. You check in with B. I say go direct GRITY. You say “wait we’re landing 4R now?” Uh, yeah.)

Personally I couldn’t care less if you check in with with you or say “and” at the beginning of a transmission. Just don’t say Kilo.

This would be a fairly usual U90 exchange when calling them:

“Approach, BP8”

“BP8 squawk 0412, go ahead”

“BP8 Huey airborne off TMC hospital, 3000, Sierra for DM”

“BP8 radar contact, confirm you have information Sierra for DM”

“Affirm on Sierra”

“Roger, change to tower 253.5”

Uggh…..besides not listening to me having the ATIS code on initial call, I wish I could just contact tower directly and not have to talk to you when I’m not ever inside your airspace; just to merely get radar identified with a squawk and……...sent right over to tower anyway. 😂
This would be a fairly usual U90 exchange when calling them:

“Approach, BP8”

“BP8 squawk 0412, go ahead”

“BP8 Huey airborne off TMC hospital, 3000, Sierra for DM”

“BP8 radar contact, confirm you have information Sierra for DM”

“Affirm on Sierra”

“Roger, change to tower 253.5”

Uggh…..besides not listening to me having the ATIS code on initial call, I wish I could just contact tower directly and not have to talk to you when I’m not ever inside your airspace; just to merely get radar identified with a squawk and……...sent right over to tower anyway. 😂

Half the time the repeating the ATIS part is just pure muscle memory. If more of y’all checked in with the ATIS I wouldn’t have muscle memory of saying it lol

Is it an LOA to have to call approach first and not just straight to tower?
Uggh…..besides not listening to me having the ATIS code on initial call, I wish I could just contact tower directly and not have to talk to you when I’m not ever inside your airspace; just to merely get radar identified with a squawk and……...sent right over to tower anyway. 😂

I used to get a lot more worked up about this sort of thing. Esp. the "confirm you have the NOTAMs for XYZ". That was until I noticed how many dumbasses were flying around who responded "Uh, OF COUSE I have the NOTAMs, but like which specific NOTAMs were you referring to?" "Well, let's start with the one that says the field is closed indefinitely..."
"Turn left 15 degrees, descend and maintain FL210, slow to 280 and contact center on 123.625" is a recipe for a possiblepilotdeviation

What, you mean this isn’t the point of those psychometric analysis computer games as part of the interview? One hand has to control one thing, the other hand another thing and you have to multi task and click whatever BS that test is?

You mean to tell me that multi instructions in aviation actually poses a threat? Whowouldathunkit!
(someone is being a little extra today with their multithread plea for negative attention).

And the crowd replied, "Man, are you sure?" and I was like "Ha! I see what you did there!"
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Half the time the repeating the ATIS part is just pure muscle memory. If more of y’all checked in with the ATIS I wouldn’t have muscle memory of saying it lol

Is it an LOA to have to call approach first and not just straight to tower?

I believe so. I don’t think U90 has delegated any airspace to the towers. P50 is the opposite, they don’t want to talk to you if a low level RW going into and out of the surface area to operate or go into or out of KPHX. I think U90 is just trying to keep traffic numbers up.
Also, I believe I said this in another thread, but when you're talking to your OWN company's ramp tower, you DO NOT, under any circumstances, need to state your airline in your radio transmission!!

This is a weird thing to be angry about considering literally all the other radio calls we make we use the full callsign. Also, how many airports do you actually have your own ramp tower? Probably just the fortress hubs right?
Half the time the repeating the ATIS part is just pure muscle memory. If more of y’all checked in with the ATIS I wouldn’t have muscle memory of saying it lol
I have an EWR trip next week, I’ll make sure to check in without the ATIS and when queried I will say I have the numbers
Also, I believe I said this in another thread, but when you're talking to your OWN company's ramp tower, you DO NOT, under any circumstances, need to state your airline in your radio transmission!!

I got debriefed on that when I was an FO because I didn't use the company callsign. From that point forward I made it a point under no circumstances would I ever say it just in case that clown might be listening.
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