Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

Nobody said you need a 95. Oficially, 85 is well qualified, and people who are just qualified have made it in the past as well. Many people in multiple threads have spoken to contacts in the industry who have said such things though, Including myself. Don't act like people are making rumors. People are presenting information at face value, not as fact as you implied. I'm glad I got above a 95 so I don't have to worry about it anyways :). It is encouraging how fast this PUBNAT is moving though!

It's really important that everyone understand this. Perhaps you haven't noticed, but the FAA never supplies us with official announcements of any sort. All we have to go on is what people hear and pass on. Personally, I want to know everything. I want to hear everything everyone is hearing and then I can decided what sounds plausible, or what has come from reliable people.

So lets go over some rumors

1. 95+ only: I am choosing not to believe this rumor. Why? Well first of all because my husband didn't get a 95+ so I don't want to believe it. Second, everything we've heard about panels says they only see Q or WQ. Thirdly, this info does seem to be coming from facilities and I know from the many many ATMs that I have talked to that I know more about the selection process than they do.

2. Well Qualified only: As far as I know, with few and specific exceptions, this is actually fact. There are defined rules as to how they
must hire and it is stipulated at WQ are hired before Q can be considered. Of course there are some Q candidates who get hired for other reasons. It doesn't happen by accident.

3. No more PUBNATs: I am also choosing not to believe this rumor. I read the entire hiring brief that the FAA released last year and I know how many people they need to hire. PUBNAT 7 has taken a long time, but that's because the FAA ran out of money. We anticipated this when 3/4 and 5/6 people were told that they were being deferred 6 months.

Panels are supposed to be every quarter and it just hasn't happened. We also gathered information saying that the willy-nilly PUBNAT schedule would be switched to 1 PUBNAT every 6 months and those people would be able to be considered more than once. That's because they go sick of processing us over and over and over again. So far this has come true with 7 last Winter and 8 over the Summer. So as far as we know, 9 is scheduled for January. I believe this. Why? Because the person who gave me the January date also gave me the July date for 8 and it turned out to be true.

4. No more PEPCs: This is the first I've ever heard of this. It's entirely possible. Running a PEPC means moving people and equipment and coordinating it all at once. It also means massive simultaneous paperwork processing. For the people running a PEPC, I'm sure it seems easier not to. But for the people who have to schedule and coordinate the traditional process (i.e. You and your HR rep) it is much much harder to do.

Do these details make you feel pessimistic? They should. A year ago I was told that chances for a regular Joe OTS were about 50/50. They are hiring fewer people now and more have applied in the mean time.

Do the best you can on the AT-SAT. Do your leg work by calling and visiting the facilities you want to work at. Try to get a hold of regional managers. Wait. If you are selected you are lucky. If not, then keep trying. If you don't turn 31 within the next two years, consider going to a CTI school.
I took my test yesterday, and I thought it was a cake walk. Did it in 3.5 hours with no breaks. Dials, math, and angles were a cake walk. I crashed like 2-3 planes over all in the ATC scenarios and had a few violations for putting planes too close to each other a few times. This mainly happened at the start when it threw 8-10 planes on the screen at once, and I had to get everyone organized, but the mouse sucked (POS laser) and kept scanning weird things and the mouse would go all over the screen. Cause of that, it gave mew a few problems on that section only.

The letter factory to me was easy too. I made maybe 2-3 mistakes in forgetting to click to add a box, thats all. The questions were the hardest part.

With the scan section, I missed maybe 2-3 planes tops, and thats when the range changed, the plane that was already on the screen disappeared just as I was typing in the number. No much I could do there. The analogies weren't bad at all. A few got me cause I didn't know the word, and it wasn't a "sound alike" or same letter type of question, but rather the comparative question.

So far, I have no test score. I am hoping by Friday, but I predict I did at least in the 90's, so WQ. It was hard, cause on my way to the test, the transmission on the car blew up. Had to get it fixed, I couldnt fix it on the road, so that set me back 6 hours. I ended up getting in the area at 345 AM, only leaving me with 3 hours of sleep at most. That hurt me on the scenarios section I know, but my efficiancy numbers were like 96/88/98/89 or something.
yeah.. i can just keep flying for awhile... thats what i set out to do. ATC is just a backup. Well it was.. I am now finding myself more and more interested the more I look into it. I guess we will just see what happens.

Just like me...except I'm taking the ATSAT in a few weeks and I don't even care, I'm not that interest in ATC anymore
<LI type=circle>11/05/2009 11:37:43 AM (Central Time): An AT-SAT score of 70 or above is necessary for passing. Your score was 100. Eligible applicants are categorized as "well qualified" or "qualified" based on AT-SAT scores.
Not bad for only taking 3.5 hours.
<LI type=circle>11/05/2009 11:37:43 AM (Central Time): An AT-SAT score of 70 or above is necessary for passing. Your score was 100. Eligible applicants are categorized as "well qualified" or "qualified" based on AT-SAT scores.
Not bad for only taking 3.5 hours.

:clap: They don't have a pat on the back smiley so I'm giving you a clap. Evidently you're looking for one after making sure everyone knows that it only took you 3.5 hours.

On a side note, Congrats on the score!
Where was that message?

Was it on the first page of your ASAP profile, right where the original test date notification was?

Where did you take your ATSAT at?

KPIT on the 3rd.

:clap: They don't have a pat on the back smiley so I'm giving you a clap. Evidently you're looking for one after making sure everyone knows that it only took you 3.5 hours.

On a side note, Congrats on the score!

Haha, I was just saying it wasn't too bad. The whole events leading up to it are pretty bad. We (my brother and I) flew from DTW-LGA Monday morning to pick up a car I bought, and drive that back to KPIT for the test. On the way to KPIT, the trans blew up, and set us back 6 hrs to get repaird. Well the problem comes in that I only got 3 hrs of sleep Sunday night. We didnt get into KPIT till 345 at night, and into bed till around 400. So I only got another 3 hrs of sleep. 6 hours of sleep in 48 hours. And to do it with little to no sleep in 3.5 hrs and to get a 100, I was pretty happy. Plus I was letting people know how long it only took myself.

And thanks for the congrats. I'm meeting with the facility I want to go to next week or weekend to plug in and listen, talk to them face to face, etc.

Where was that message?

Was it on the first page of your ASAP profile, right where the original test date notification was?

When I first logged in, it said the message:

**** NOTICE Regarding AT-SAT Score ****

AT-SAT test score information entered:
  • 11/05/2009 11:37:43 AM (Central Time): An AT-SAT score of 70 or above is necessary for passing. Your score was 100. Eligible applicants are categorized as "well qualified" or "qualified" based on AT-SAT scores.
AT-SAT test list generated:
  • 08/13/2009 03:17:51 PM (Central Time): You have been authorized to take the AT-SAT test for announcement AAC-AMH-09-PUBNAT8-12162. You will be contacted within a few weeks to schedule the test. If you have questions about the process, please call Aviation Careers Division at 405-954-4657.
When I clicked on Ussr Information Tab, and then Test Information, it says:

Test DescriptionTest ScoreTest DateDate Received
from ContractorCTI Graduation
DateTest StatusAT-SAT10011/03/200911/05/2009 Pass
I took mine in St. Charles, IL. I still haven't gotten my score back yet, but I'm sure it was pretty poor.

I thought I scored low too, but it turned out good. Just keep your head high. I put in to take the test in IL also, but they put me in KPIT. Sucks, quite a drive from Michigan. Oh well.
So I took my brain washer today and feel like a complete idiot. I'll let everyone know how much of an idiot i am when my score comes in. I guessed over half of the letter factory questions and blew up four planes. :dunno:

I guess driving a truck isn't so bad after all :)

i'm sure it's not as bad as you think. everyone says they feel like they did bad. if you kept calm and kept working, then you did good. i hope you get wq!!!!! wow, truck driver to atc, that's a big switch. i wish you luck.
Try not to worry too much. (I know, you're going to anyway. I sure did!) I also crashed about 4 planes and guessed most of the Letter Factory questions and got WQ. If you feel okay about the other stuff, you probably did fine.
So I took my brain washer today and feel like a complete idiot. I'll let everyone know how much of an idiot i am when my score comes in. I guessed over half of the letter factory questions and blew up four planes. :dunno:

I guess driving a truck isn't so bad after all :)

I'm even more of an idiot then - I guessed on ALL of the letter factory questions and blew up FIVE planes!
Oh yeah, and ANALOGIES......:drool:.

If I never see another colon again in life, it would be too soon.

What time is it? .......OH NO!!! The colon followed me............I see it on my digital clock.........HELLLLPPPPP!!! :crazy:

Wow, I need to go to bed. I've officially lost my mind. Take it easy ya'll. Thanks for the confidence in my test score. We'll see.
Oh yeah, and ANALOGIES......:drool:.

If I never see another colon again in life, it would be too soon.

What time is it? .......OH NO!!! The colon followed me............I see it on my digital clock.........HELLLLPPPPP!!! :crazy:

Wow, I need to go to bed. I've officially lost my mind. Take it easy ya'll. Thanks for the confidence in my test score. We'll see.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I know I was!