Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

holy crap i just found out i got a 94.6 on my at-sat ! Woot! :)

But if you read half the stuff on jc now, they'll have you thinking that only a 95 is good enough.
I am no longer caring, i take mine on friday. i was excited, then anxious, now i just don't give a rat's a$$.
I just wanna get it over with. Referral lists, selection panels, Q/WQ, scores be darned.
I saw someone started saying that they won't be offering PEPCs anymore.:insane:
But if you read half the stuff on jc now, they'll have you thinking that only a 95 is good enough.
I am no longer caring, i take mine on friday. i was excited, then anxious, now i just don't give a rat's a$$.
I just wanna get it over with. Referral lists, selection panels, Q/WQ, scores be darned.
I saw someone started saying that they won't be offering PEPCs anymore.:insane:

you know whats funny... i went into this test not really knowing if i even want to take this career path (yes im still focused on flying for a living)... and i honestly dont even know about half the process, a.k.a the selection panel, referral lists and all that non sense. Don't get me wrong tho, being an ATC is something that i would love to do, and definitely interests me.

if i do get offered a position in a facility i wanted... great, if i don't there always another round.

Good luck on your test.
if i do get offered a position in a facility i wanted... great, if i don't there always another round.

Good luck on your test.

Leave it to these guys in JC and they'll tell you that this is the last PUBNAT, so last chance for OTS. And you know they heard that from their brother's wife's second cousin who was the housekeeper for the guy with black hair who retired from a terminal twelve years ago.:)
No offense, but from what I've read if you cant take the pressure from a little test, you're going to have major problems with the rest of the process. You can score a 95, have a little faith! Nobody ever presented it as fact, just hearsay.:dunno:
Leave it to these guys in JC and they'll tell you that this is the last PUBNAT, so last chance for OTS. And you know they heard that from their brother's wife's second cousin who was the housekeeper for the guy with black hair who retired from a terminal twelve years ago.:)

I heard this was the last pubnat...:dunno:
No offense, but from what I've read if you cant take the pressure from a little test, you're going to have major problems with the rest of the process. You can score a 95, have a little faith! Nobody ever presented it as fact, just hearsay.:dunno:

Not sweating the test at all, just want it over with at this point. BTW, i love your mail smiley on your signature. It says it all.
But if you read half the stuff on jc now, they'll have you thinking that only a 95 is good enough.
I am no longer caring, i take mine on friday. i was excited, then anxious, now i just don't give a rat's a$$.
I just wanna get it over with. Referral lists, selection panels, Q/WQ, scores be darned.
I saw someone started saying that they won't be offering PEPCs anymore.:insane:

As much as you have practiced I'm sure you're going to do just fine. You just go in there and relax...........

Be like George Lopez " I got dis........" :rawk:
Saving this one for a better day:

For those of you who have received your scores, does it show up on the front page of ASAP after you log in, or do you have to go to the user tab? My main page shows "***NOTICE regarding ATSAT score****" but nothing else aside from my authorization to take the test.
For those of you who have received your scores, does it show up on the front page of ASAP after you log in, or do you have to go to the user tab? My main page shows "***NOTICE regarding ATSAT score****" but nothing else aside from my authorization to take the test.
It will be on the front page of ASAP
I gotta say, some of the info I'm seeing about this process is starting to bum me out. 1 person says you have to get a score above 95 but then someone else says tests scores dont matter as long as you get a WQ. Another says PEPCs are going away, but I can find no info stating that anywhere.... There are plenty of other statements I have read and most of it makes little sense. The reality is that PUBNAT 8, so far, is the fastest moving one so far. My friend is PUBNAT 7 and it took him 7 months from the date he applied to the date he tested. People need to chill and stop spreading rumors if you have no basis to back them up with. I heard that ATCs are going away completely in 2013 and computers will do everything!! :insane:
Nobody said you need a 95. Oficially, 85 is well qualified, and people who are just qualified have made it in the past as well. Many people in multiple threads have spoken to contacts in the industry who have said such things though, Including myself. Don't act like people are making rumors. People are presenting information at face value, not as fact as you implied. I'm glad I got above a 95 so I don't have to worry about it anyways :). It is encouraging how fast this PUBNAT is moving though!

In case people think I'm just making stuff up, here's my correspondence after my test with my contact (Area manager at Denver Center):

[SIZE=-1]XXXXX XXXXX <> [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 8:51 AM [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] To: xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx <>
[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Mr. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]xxxxxxxxxx[/SIZE][SIZE=-1],

I took my AT-SAT test this Tuesday and I just got my score back. 97.7! I've been looking on some forums, but I'm curious what happens from here?

xxxxx xxxxx
[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX <> [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 5:41 PM [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1] To: xxxx <>
[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]

That is great news! You should be put on a "list." The FAA is currently looking at about 95% or better for test results. Are you still in contact with xxxx?

xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx

The rest isn't important, but there you go! Once again, information presented not as fact. To be taken at face value.
That sounds like facility talk not HR talk. Facility people tend to have their own "ideas" about what the "Faa" is looking for.

Take it all with a grain of salt... there is no cookie cutter "score" they look for nationally aside from Q/WQ...
Nobody said you need a 95. Oficially, 85 is well qualified, and people who are just qualified have made it in the past as well. Many people in multiple threads have spoken to contacts in the industry who have said such things though, Including myself. Don't act like people are making rumors. People are presenting information at face value, not as fact as you implied. I'm glad I got above a 95 so I don't have to worry about it anyways :). It is encouraging how fast this PUBNAT is moving though!

In case people think I'm just making stuff up, here's my correspondence after my test with my contact (Area manager at Denver Center):

[SIZE=-1]XXXXX XXXXX <> [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 8:51 AM [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]To: xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx <> [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Mr. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]xxxxxxxxxx[/SIZE][SIZE=-1],[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]I took my AT-SAT test this Tuesday and I just got my score back. 97.7! I've been looking on some forums, but I'm curious what happens from here?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]-- [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]xxxxx xxxxx[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX <> [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 5:41 PM [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]To: xxxx <> [/SIZE]


[SIZE=-1]That is great news! You should be put on a "list." The FAA is currently looking at about 95% or better for test results. Are you still in contact with xxxx?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx[/SIZE]

The rest isn't important, but there you go! Once again, information presented not as fact. To be taken at face value.

Blah Blah blah.....have a nice 12 month wait from test til hire.... if in fact you do get hired....:dunno:

ps. i scored an 89 and made it....and i know people with 98's that didn't...:clap:
Blah Blah blah.....have a nice 12 month wait from test til hire.... if in fact you do get hired....:dunno:

ps. i scored an 89 and made it....and i know people with 98's that didn't...:clap:

that right there is more like it!

Facility managers dont seem to really know what goes on in the selection process after the at-sat has been taken.

Heck I know 2 controllers personally that barely made it above 85 who were both hired and doing great at their facilities. I also know 3 CTI guys that scored above 95 and have not been selected... In fact they were all 3 passed over on pubnat 7 and currently waiting to hear back about pubnat 8... AND theyre CTI grads! The process truelly makes no sense. Why would the FAA hire OTS and pass over CTI's with great at-sat scores?

I have long given up trying to make sense of the process.