Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

Ok I'm confused from reading conflicting information on here.
Why would a person not be selected example....

they applied pubnat 3 and 4 not selected but 5 or 6 they were selected....

Do you get a email before or after atsat that says not selected or does it say on the referral list you are not selected or you are selected...... or is it that everyone who gets a q or wq on the atsat get on the referral list but once panels meet you can still get a email that says "you are not selected"?

Ok does that make sense?????????:insane::insane:
If you are not selected, you will be notified ( after everyone else gets their selection emails) on ASAP for each announcement you applied for. It will say something like "we have selected another applicant at this time, etc etc)

Now, if you are talking about just making the referral list, that also shows up on ASAP just before the corresponding panel starts.
If you are included, it will say so.
I had both the green book and the book you mentioned before I took the test. Regarding the math section, the examples in your book are significantly more difficult than the real test questions. That being said, if you can tackle those questions in your head, you'll be golden on the test.

when you say "the examples in your book", are you talking about the green book or the "book you mentioned before"? thanks.
If you are not selected, you will be notified ( after everyone else gets their selection emails) on ASAP for each announcement you applied for. It will say something like "we have selected another applicant at this time, etc etc)

Now, if you are talking about just making the referral list, that also shows up on ASAP just before the corresponding panel starts.
If you are included, it will say so.

what selection emails is this after you take the atsat or before.........
I just realized you were talking about ATSAT selections, not "hiring panel" selections.

Everyone who meets the job requirements and fills out their application properly received an invite to test. Once you have taken the test, you will not be invited to test again until after a year. That is the rule, and that is why some people are invited to some and not others.
when you say "the examples in your book", are you talking about the green book or the "book you mentioned before"? thanks.

The examples in the green book might be a tiny bit harder than the real questions, but I believe that the examples in the Learning Express book are without a doubt more difficult that the real test questions (at least as far as the math section). I don't think that either one will prepare you for the random :insane: questions in the analogies section, though.
I just realized you were talking about ATSAT selections, not "hiring panel" selections.

Everyone who meets the job requirements and fills out their application properly received an invite to test. Once you have taken the test, you will not be invited to test again until after a year. That is the rule, and that is why some people are invited to some and not others.

What I mean is in your signature or this one......

Febots/PUBNAT4/PUBHI/PUBNAT5-not selected
PUBNAT6-referral list/Geo Prefs (TX/IL)
Selected for ZAU
Fully Cleared

why not selected and you aren't selected at what point....
I mean i thought as long as you are at least WQ you automatically get on the corresponding referral list so why not be selected.....
or does a person get on the referral list but not get selected by panels hence the not selected for pubnat 3 etc....

Im just trying to figure my chances....
Nobody really knows how they select people at the hiring panels. All they see is that your are well qualified and qualified, and beyond that, no one is sure what else they look at.

You are considered for each Pubnat you apply to once you pass the exam and make the referral list.
or does a person get on the referral list but not get selected by panels hence the not selected for pubnat 3 etc....

Im just trying to figure my chances....


all get on the ref list
few are selected at panels.
I thought I would share some info I recieved from my local ATM that I have been in contact with:

"You are a good candidate with your high ATSAT (they wont give me any under 95) and pilot background."

Whether this statement is true or not, I don't know. But if it is, they do look at the test scores and they do matter.
I heard the same thing. I have a friend who is an area manager at Denver Center. He didn't say anything about a pilot background specifically, but said that they generally look for 95 or better, and an instrument rating is a huge plus.
so I called my facility a few months back, left a vm, nothing. Talked to someone last week, left my name and phone number...still no call back.

Hmm... so much for being ATC
Yes. The test is very informal. The test is not actually conducted by the FAA, they contract it out. Wear something comfortable, and take all your breaks. Most people finish the test in 5-6 hours including breaks. Don't wear yourself out; have a nice lunch and chat with the other test takers.
Taking my test Tuesday. Would it be fine to wear jeans and a polo?

I wore jeans, a teeshirt, and a big baggy sweater that was superrrrrr comfortable. Oh, and i wore slippers. :insane:

But no one knew they were, they look like shoes. Being comfortable is the main key!

Get up, take breaks, drink the water, take a smoke break (if you smoke). Listen to music, do whatever you can to just relax. I cant emphasize that enough!