Offical PUBNAT 8 is OUT

I take the test in DAB on Thursday. My problem is I turn 31 (cutoff age) on Feb. 18. Any chance I can make it through the application process by then or I am I wasting my time?

The process, no. Receiving a TOL, which is the relevant part because it "freezes" your age... well, probably not either.

But, with all that said, if you're still interested in the job, look into the contractors. Robinson Aviation, who proctors the AT-SAT, runs the tower at my home field. I met a lady there who started with them because she missed the age cutoff by a few months. Started much sooner than you would with the FAA, and just took off for a temporary contract in Dubai. Six figure income, almost certainly much sooner than you'd make it in the FAA.
The process, no. Receiving a TOL, which is the relevant part because it "freezes" your age... well, probably not either.

But, with all that said, if you're still interested in the job, look into the contractors. Robinson Aviation, who proctors the AT-SAT, runs the tower at my home field. I met a lady there who started with them because she missed the age cutoff by a few months. Started much sooner than you would with the FAA, and just took off for a temporary contract in Dubai. Six figure income, almost certainly much sooner than you'd make it in the FAA.

This is what RVA has listed in their employment section:
"Air Traffic Control Specialist

  • Minimum/General Experience: Individual must have a CTO Certificate and a current Class II Medical Certificate. Position is subject to drug testing per the DOT/FAA requirements (pre-employment, random, periodic, probable cause, post accident). Individual must have a minimum of two years of air traffic control tower experience."
How does one go about obtaining these by yourself?
This is what RVA has listed in their employment section:
"Air Traffic Control Specialist

  • Minimum/General Experience: Individual must have a CTO Certificate and a current Class II Medical Certificate. Position is subject to drug testing per the DOT/FAA requirements (pre-employment, random, periodic, probable cause, post accident). Individual must have a minimum of two years of air traffic control tower experience."
How does one go about obtaining these by yourself?

Almost impossible without being a prior controller.

I believe Beaverhead college (bare with me) has an actual airfield and the students work the tower therefor getting your CTO certificate. I guess, if you're serious about becoming a controller, it'd be worth looking into!
Well got my score of 83.5:( Guess that one less person for you all to worry about. I freakin pissed!

You're not necessarily done. They might still take you with a "Q" score. You might want to consider putting AK as a Geo. Pref., because they really need people up there.

I guess the math is heavily scored into the equation. I suck at math, so we'll see.
The process, no. Receiving a TOL, which is the relevant part because it "freezes" your age... well, probably not either.

But, with all that said, if you're still interested in the job, look into the contractors. Robinson Aviation, who proctors the AT-SAT, runs the tower at my home field. I met a lady there who started with them because she missed the age cutoff by a few months. Started much sooner than you would with the FAA, and just took off for a temporary contract in Dubai. Six figure income, almost certainly much sooner than you'd make it in the FAA.

You know, you are quite possibly one of the nicest and kindest people/avatar/username ever. You always come with helpful info to anybody. A virtual wealth spring of information, that's what you are Rosstafari. And I know that I am not the only one thinking that. With that said:
On behalf of my fellow PUBNATers, I just want to stand up and applaud you for your selfless dedication to jetcareers. :clap:

-ya gotta luv me...

Seriously though, good info in case i time out, too.
You know, you are quite possibly one of the nicest and kindest people/avatar/username ever. You always come with helpful info to anybody. A virtual wealth spring of information, that's what you are Rosstafari. And I know that I am not the only one thinking that. With that said:
On behalf of my fellow PUBNATers, I just want to stand up and applaud you for your selfless dedication to jetcareers. :clap:

-ya gotta luv me...

Seriously though, good info in case i time out, too.

You know, you are quite possibly one of the nicest and kindest people/avatar/username ever. You always come with helpful info to anybody. A virtual wealth spring of information, that's what you are Rosstafari. And I know that I am not the only one thinking that. With that said:
On behalf of my fellow PUBNATers, I just want to stand up and applaud you for your selfless dedication to jetcareers. :clap:

-ya gotta luv me...

Seriously though, good info in case i time out, too.

You should've seen him BEFORE he worked for Wired doing the JetBlue thing... j/k, he's always been great!
You know, you are quite possibly one of the nicest and kindest people/avatar/username ever. You always come with helpful info to anybody. A virtual wealth spring of information, that's what you are Rosstafari. And I know that I am not the only one thinking that. With that said:
On behalf of my fellow PUBNATers, I just want to stand up and applaud you for your selfless dedication to jetcareers. :clap:

-ya gotta luv me...

Seriously though, good info in case i time out, too.

Wow, you should actually meet him. He's the complete opposite! I kid, I kid.

He's definitely a good guy to have a beer with.
Well got my score of 83.5:( Guess that one less person for you all to worry about. I freakin pissed!

:eek: sorry to hear that I would have thought based on what you said that you would have got WQ well keep ya head up there may still be hope.... good luck to you either way whatever u choose to do.
Almost impossible without being a prior controller.

I believe Beaverhead college (bare with me) has an actual airfield and the students work the tower therefor getting your CTO certificate. I guess, if you're serious about becoming a controller, it'd be worth looking into!

Beaver County, PA...but yes, CTI schools with towers have CTO certificate programs. I just need to do some more research on CTI schools with towers. The one in California does not have a tower, so we'd be looking at out of state fees. Plus I'm not sure I want to move to Pennsylvania. It's a big gamble. By the time my hubby has his CTO he will be well over 31 and then we just have to hope that he can get a job with a contractor.

I've looked at the Serco website and they have salaries listed for the towers in California. I guess they're hourly. About $50,000/year as best as I can tell. That's fine with us actually although I think he would rather be enroute.

Anyone care to weigh in? Any folks worked for a contractor before?
You're not necessarily done. They might still take you with a "Q" score. You might want to consider putting AK as a Geo. Pref., because they really need people up there.

I guess the math is heavily scored into the equation. I suck at math, so we'll see.

I also suck at math and I too recieved a "Q" score, but ya know, I'm just going to keep on hoping, maybe not as good of a chance, but there is still a possibility. I do have a question for all of you though. Can you take the test once a year, or is it a year from the date you took it? If it comes up again I would like to take it to better my score if nothing happens between then.
I also suck at math and I too recieved a "Q" score, but ya know, I'm just going to keep on hoping, maybe not as good of a chance, but there is still a possibility. I do have a question for all of you though. Can you take the test once a year, or is it a year from the date you took it? If it comes up again I would like to take it to better my score if nothing happens between then.

The test is good for three years, but you can take it again after 1.
Hello All,...So I am new to this ATC forum and am looking for a little bit of help from anyone willing to send some advice/opinions/etc... I have completed my B.A. Degree and am currently a CFI/CFII building my hours on my way to airline/corporate/who knows what type of flying gig. I have also taken the AT-SAT earlier this month and recieved my score of 95.1 just a week or so ago. DELIMMA: I am now torn between two potential careers. Pending that I get offered an ATC position. I have always loved flying airplanes and I know exactly why I enjoy that, however I am not sure how much I will enjoy being a controller. I was interested in your opinions as to the ups and downs of being a controller. Why have you all chosen this career field? What have been the rewards for you? On the one hand I would sure like the security/pay/benefits of a federal job still in the aviation industry, but on the other hand I am afraid of walking away from a passion for flying that I still have. I am not sure if flying Cessnas and piston singles for the rest of my life will suffice. Anyhow, I have many questions, but I will try to post them over a period of time so as to not tie up too much of your time all at once. Thanks for your help. Best of luck to you all.
Hey guys, I take my test on november 12th in Holtsville NY. I'm real nervous about the applied math section. I've been studying with the Learning express air traffic control test prep book, but the questions don't look like the ones that were posted in this thread. Kinda confused...math has always been my weakness :(

I had both the green book and the book you mentioned before I took the test. Regarding the math section, the examples in your book are significantly more difficult than the real test questions. That being said, if you can tackle those questions in your head, you'll be golden on the test.
I don't think Shane was kidding. Keep in mind that the Pubnat7 annoucement opened in December of 08', and panels are just taking place 10 months later in October 09'. If it took 10 months for the last group, who's to say it won't take an entire year for the next?

Lets all hope things start speeding up I suppose....