No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Reasons

Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

Never once have I bragged about my AT-SAT score on here. However it is posted in my signature because I'm proud of it. I don't rub it in anyone's face, and to be quite honest it should not bother you what other people made.

As for not acquiring this score, I don't see how what you said even makes sense. The AT-SAT is something you either do well on or you fail it. You cannot study for the test (except for the gauge reading and math portions) and even then, you have to be good at that kind of stuff before even thinking about this career path.

If anything, you should be supportive of those in this online community and hope yourself that you get selected. As a manager, I'd always hire someone who is upbeat and thinking positively for themselves and their team as opposed to a whiner who is upset because they did not get selected even though they may actually deserve it.

Keep your head up. The FAA is hiring a ton of people, chances are if you did somewhat well on the AT-SAT you'll be selected at a later date.

I love how everyone automatically assumes that I did poorly or wasn't selected, simply because I think people are snobs on here with their high-90s. It just seems statistically impossible that 99% of the people on here made over a 97. Come on, where's your BS detector?

I never needed encouragement, nor am I concerned about my score. For all you know, I could've gotten a 99.8. :p Maybe I like to play devil's advocate, and you all take the bait.

It doesn't bother me so much what others "made" numerically, as it does that they think that it makes them precious. Proud? Do we have the self-esteem of a toddler?

I work at the largest astrophysics particle accelerator in the United States, and I don't run around declaring how special and privileged I am. I'm not "proud" for doing it. If I didn't, someone else would. Hell, maybe they'd do it better!
They don't hire based on your personality, as long as you aren't histrionic or lazy. They hire based on your mind and aptitude. I dig that. Unfortunately, there are too many factors I don't like.
Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

The duplicate list came in today...I name wasn't on it. I didn't apply to pubnat 3 because it told me not to. I did not apply to 4-6 because I didn't know about them hadn't found this site at the time. I guess I will apply to pubnat 7 go ahead and finish my economics degree...I'm sure as hell not pressed for time..........................................I could probably go up to Oklahoma University and finish the cti program with as many hours as I have and still get in before the people that apply to pubnat 7. It seems so easy to count your chickens before they hatch when you scored a 97.7.....and no I'm not lying about that...I have nothing to prove to you people...only put it up on display to help everybody get an idea on how they are selecting people. I'll probably stick around these forums for awhile to see if any possibilities come up for getting in earlier...Just totally pissed off right now...

I called Tery Owen at 405-798-2026. I'm sure that will help a lot of you out. Just ask her if you are on any of the lists...or the duplicate list.
Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

I may....Haha.."hello I'm Michael, I just applied to pubnat 7"....Lets eat some food!?? ha. Yeah :) I'll try and make it. Shoot me a private on the details...
Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

I work at the largest astrophysics particle accelerator in the United States, and I don't run around declaring how special and privileged I am. I'm not "proud" for doing it.

Right. Just the fact that you brought this up means you think you are special. I guess you aren't proud of it at all.:drool:
Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

You PUBNAT2 people are evil little trolls!

Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

The duplicate list came in today...I name wasn't on it. I didn't apply to pubnat 3 because it told me not to. I did not apply to 4-6 because I didn't know about them hadn't found this site at the time. I guess I will apply to pubnat 7 go ahead and finish my economics degree...I'm sure as hell not pressed for time.......................................

You could prob. finish up a masters by the time we get to pubnat 7 hiring...........
Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

Right. Just the fact that you brought this up means you think you are special. I guess you aren't proud of it at all.:drool:

If you read what I wrote, you'll realize I never said I wasn't special or distinguished in my field, just that I'm not really proud of it. :laff:

Take it as you will, I'm not fond of you either way.
Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

If you read what I wrote, you'll realize I never said I wasn't special or distinguished in my field, just that I'm not really proud of it. :laff:

Take it as you will, I'm not fond of you either way.

lol...i like the last line..:yup:

PS...maybe i should bring back the 'Body of a God' picture??? let everyone unite in disgust? (or lust..haha)
Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

If you read what I wrote, you'll realize I never said I wasn't special or distinguished in my field, just that I'm not really proud of it. :laff:

Take it as you will, I'm not fond of you either way.

I'm sorry you think you should have scored better than you did on the AT-SAT. It's pretty obvious you disappointed yourself, even if you did do well, but please, it's time to stop taking it out on people here. All you're proving is that you're petty, egotistical and that that you'll step on anyone to make yourself feel better.

Confidence is obviously what you need and as the resident fake psychologist I suggest taking up a hobby - knitting perhaps.
Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

I'm sorry you think you should have scored better than you did on the AT-SAT. It's pretty obvious you disappointed yourself, even if you did do well, but please, it's time to stop taking it out on people here. All you're proving is that you're petty, egotistical and that that you'll step on anyone to make yourself feel better.

Confidence is obviously what you need and as the resident fake psychologist I suggest taking up a hobby - knitting perhaps.

A very intelligent person right there...
Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

I'm sorry you think you should have scored better than you did on the AT-SAT. It's pretty obvious you disappointed yourself, even if you did do well, but please, it's time to stop taking it out on people here. All you're proving is that you're petty, egotistical and that that you'll step on anyone to make yourself feel better.

Confidence is obviously what you need and as the resident fake psychologist I suggest taking up a hobby - knitting perhaps.

...........I never said I was a psychologist.

No one who truly knows me would call me petty, but I'll fully admit to having hubris. It is more of a boon, really.

And yes, I was the type of person in school who received a 99, and wondered why she couldn't have gotten a 100, but my thoughts on testing and human intelligence still stand. They're objective statements, not personal ones. You should read them again; they're sound and not malicious.

Also, like I've mentioned before, I enjoy playing devil's advocate. Call it a sociological experiment. If my modus operandi isn't blatantly obvious by now, you might want to be looking into an alternative line of work. The plebs always come out of the woodwork, and provide endless moments of entertainment...and they always take my bait. Except Chichi, and Honu, and Lefty, and kcarpentier and rosstafari, and a few others...they're totes sharp.
Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

...........I never said I was a psychologist.

No one who truly knows me would call me petty, but I'll fully admit to having hubris. It is more of a boon, really.

And yes, I was the type of person in school who received a 99, and wondered why she couldn't have gotten a 100, but my thoughts on testing and human intelligence still stand. They're objective statements, not personal ones. You should read them again; they're sound and not malicious.

Also, like I've mentioned before, I enjoy playing devil's advocate. Call it a sociological experiment. If my modus operandi isn't blatantly obvious by now, you might want to be looking into an alternative line of work. The plebs always come out of the woodwork, and provide endless moments of entertainment...and they always take my bait. Except Chichi, and Honu, and Lefty, and kcarpentier and rosstafari, and a few others...they're totes sharp.

You are a cretin. The fact that you use a Thesaurus to pique the commonality is sophomoric as well as a pathetic reach for attention.

But whatever gets you off crazy...:crazy:
Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

You are a cretin. The fact that you use a Thesaurus to pique the commonality is sophomoric as well as a pathetic reach for attention.

But whatever gets you off crazy...:crazy:

You forgot a comma, Cupcake.
Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

Pardon my punctuation error. The word cupcake should not be capitalized in the sentence written above.

I was using it as a proper noun, as if it were your yes, it duly should be.
Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

Read the following sentences. Notice the difference between the common and proper nouns.

Tina offered Antonio one of her mother's homemade oatmeal cookies but only an Oreo would satisfy his sweet tooth.

cookies = common noun; Oreo = proper noun.

Charlie had wanted an easy teacher for his composition class, but he got Mrs. Hacket, whose short temper and unreasonable demands made the semester a torture.

teacher = common noun; Mrs. Hacket = proper noun.

Gloria wanted to try a new restaurant, so Richard took her to Tito's Taco Palace, where no one dips into the hot sauce until the drinks have arrived at the table.

restaurant = common noun; Tito's Taco Palace = proper noun.

I give you this English lesson because it is obvious that you do not know the difference between a proper noun and a common noun.

Cupcake is not a name of a person. It is not a one of a kind item.
Re: No Email? Pubnat 2? Information to Record + Possible Rea

Read the following sentences. Notice the difference between the common and proper nouns.

Tina offered Antonio one of her mother's homemade oatmeal cookies but only an Oreo would satisfy his sweet tooth.

cookies = common noun; Oreo = proper noun.

Charlie had wanted an easy teacher for his composition class, but he got Mrs. Hacket, whose short temper and unreasonable demands made the semester a torture.

teacher = common noun; Mrs. Hacket = proper noun.

Gloria wanted to try a new restaurant, so Richard took her to Tito's Taco Palace, where no one dips into the hot sauce until the drinks have arrived at the table.

restaurant = common noun; Tito's Taco Palace = proper noun.

I give you this English lesson because it is obvious that you do not know the difference between a proper noun and a common noun.

Cupcake is not a name of a person. It is not a one of a kind item.

...I wasn't saying, "Let's bake Cupcakes", I was using it as a PROPER NOUN. YOU were being referred to as the cupcake, condescendingly.

This is grammatically similar to when my Husband says, "Would you like to join me, Sweetheart?", or "But, Darling, have you read xyz?", or "How about a glass of vodka, Pumpkin (he doesn't call me this, thankfully, but if he did, it'd be capitalized)?". A pumpkin wouldn't be capitalized in a sentence like this one right here, but if used as a proper noun, it would be.

Also, you can capitalize "teacher" under one circumstance, when you are speaking to the person directly, and using it as a proper noun, without their name, and when speaking in first-person:
"But, Teacher, my hamster stole my homework". Obviously, this is different than, "Then, our teacher issued us our textbooks".