Multi-Engine rating already?


Staff member
He's a little young yet to be flying a twin! My dad (an EBay junkie) found this:

Geeeesh, when I was that old I would have been happy to play in the BOX that that came in let alone that cool thing. Sweet.
Caleb would die for it!

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Let's hope not!!!!!

Geeeesh, when I was that old I would have been happy to play in the BOX that that came in let alone that cool thing.

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I'm with ya, bro! When I was his age, I WAS happy playing in a box that stuff came in... but hey..... we were po.
but hey..... we were po.

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I used to be so po, I couldn't afford to pay attention.
"We are so poor, we cannot even afford our own language...just zeeze stupid accents!"

-"She's right! We all sound like Jean Valjean...honh-honh-honh!"
Dag nabbit. I type in "DFW multi engine rating" into Google and I come up with this.

Damn you amber!!! toy though.
It'd be awesome if you could "log those hours" :rawk: Also, I think that you should try and make your baby the earliest 737 FO ever!!! 21 years old!!! :D
It'd be awesome if you could "log those hours" :rawk: Also, I think that you should try and make your baby the earliest 737 FO ever!!! 21 years old!!! :D
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that somewhere it's probably been done a little earlier than that....