more Ameriflight....

Heh. God bless mechanics. Catch and eat one for me old man. Btw, I'm gonna write up some smoking rivets for you to clear, and some cuts on the tires.

Just kidding, don't work for AMF, but I'm always happy to have a good ribbing from a mechanic. I've been conditioned well.

"dude, really... Could not duplicate?"

Just ribbing, you guys do a great job
"dude, really... Could not duplicate?"

Looks like my last reply was put under wraps. Try this:

I can't duplicate what doesn't happen in front of me on the ramp or in the hangar. I try. Sometimes I take the pilot out with me to see. Usually all works well. Happens a lot.
I've gone flying and seen the problem in flight and can't get it to duplicate on the ground. Pisses me off but what can I do? Change a part and see what happens. Thats it.
Sucks if you're on your way to somewhere in Alaska and the Navs don't work. I feel for ya as I bread some chicken breasts going into my oven at home.
Most of you figure out a way to stay off the mountain peaks and avoid feeding the bears with your smashed bodies by being smart.
That's what delineates the smart pilots from the rest. I have the advantage of listening to the radio of your demise or success
All of you have chosen your path in life. No one to blame but yourselves.
Don't really care myself. I have chosen also. It doesn't include feeding the wildlife.
Nah, not #159. It was after that. Not PC enough for the moderators or some other problem. Probably my fault. Don't care.
You guys just take care while I'm out fishin. I'll put the pieces back together later.

Nah, not #159. It was after that. Not PC enough for the moderators or some other problem. Probably my fault. Don't care.
You guys just take care while I'm out fishin. I'll put the pieces back together later.


There were no other posts by you. Nothing was deleted by the mods (I are one). Must be user error.

"Ops check good. Could not duplicate."

Probably my fault. Don't care.

There were no other posts by you. Nothing was deleted by the mods (I are one). Must be user error.

Please note the second part of my quote. I readily admit my f*** ups. Have a few letters in my HR file to prove it. Also have enough "atta boys" to keep my job.

I've been yelled at by the best (USMC) and shot at a few times too (VC). Nothing here worries me. Just a bunch of ladies.

Now go play outside and leave the adults alone.
Please note the second part of my quote. I readily admit my f*** ups. Have a few letters in my HR file to prove it. Also have enough "atta boys" to keep my job.

I've been yelled at by the best (USMC) and shot at a few times too (VC). Nothing here worries me. Just a bunch of ladies.

Now go play outside and leave the adults alone.

Welcome aboard sailor.

Lets get back to basics.

I'll give credit where credit is due.

The pilots I have known at AMF are good. Mostly. I have no aversion to flying with any of them into the nastiest little airfields that inhabit the state I'm located in. In any weather. And the weather is usually bad.
They do this for a living, daily. I only do this cuz I have to fix some broke down 99 in the middle of nowhere. Part of the job. I actually like it. I listen to the coyotes while I'm changing an FCU on a ramp in nowhere. And its snowing.

You may think I'm petulant. I really don't care what you think. You are a pompous ass as far as I'm concerned. I do my job. Do yours and get on with life.

Semper Fi.

I think you can figure it out from that. If not then you are in worse shape than I could possibly imagine.

i"m no damn sailor!
Lets get back to basics.

I'll give credit where credit is due.

The pilots I have known at AMF are good. Mostly. I have no aversion to flying with any of them into the nastiest little airfields that inhabit the state I'm located in. In any weather. And the weather is usually bad.
They do this for a living, daily. I only do this cuz I have to fix some broke down 99 in the middle of nowhere. Part of the job. I actually like it. I listen to the coyotes while I'm changing an FCU on a ramp in nowhere. And its snowing.

You may think I'm petulant. I really don't care what you think. You are a pompous ass as far as I'm concerned. I do my job. Do yours and get on with life.

Semper Fi.

I think you can figure it out from that. If not then you are in worse shape than I could possibly imagine.

i"m no damn sailor!

It's unfortunate because you probably have something to contribute towards this board but instead you come off like a pompous ass. Dropping the attitude is probably the first step in the right direction.
Semper Fi.

I think you can figure it out from that. If not then you are in worse shape than I could possibly imagine.

i"m no damn sailor!
Hey you were in our sister branch!!!:beer: Former Navy here. 3 hots and a cot every day, under cover of the ship.:hiya:

Just a little ribbing. Seriously, I understand you are a badass,etc., but this is not flightinfo or some of the more extreme boards. Relax a little bit. SteveC is one of our most level-headed and genuinely nice guys on the boards. I am not trying to defend him or anything in the least, as he can handle himself, but just a little "less badassishness" goes a long way. Stick around, learn some of the people, and you will have a better experience here. You know, honey, vinegar...
Hey you were in our sister branch!!! Former Navy here. 3 hots and a cot every day, under cover of the ship.

but just a little "less badassishness" goes a long way.

Of course you are reasonable and correct. I really have no problem with sailors (till I'm called one)

If SteveC is who I think he is, I talk to him regularly. Good man. QC?

If not then oh well.

As far as "badassishness" is concerned, I think it's in the genes. Try to suppress it and it pops out elsewhere. Sorry. Don't think it will ever change.

But Boris might want to have his diaper changed now.

I feel so bad for the few that don't make it to AMF. ..........NOT!

Just have a good flight! Great pilots at my base! Its a secret!
Part of it's an age thing. Us old coots have earned the right to occasionally act like, well, old coots.

SteveC has it right. We've been there, done that. Don't care if you agree. One minute I'm coordinating several mechanics to ensure aircraft availability for the next launch. Next minute I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing in the parts room.
That's one reason I'm leaving. Don't want to be held responsible for some idiots smoking hole.
I've been training my relief mechs. They know who is dufus and who has a clue. Hope they can carry on.

Isn't that the only thing wrenches do?

That would appear to be the case to the clueless. Those that can't think beyond the 747 in their dreams.

Real world. You will make it as far as your skills take you. Piss off enough mechs and you will be sitting in some Godforsaken hole waiting for an angel of a mech to free you.

I won't. I train my brethren to let the idiots among you rot. How's Ketchikan, Juneau, Dutch Harbor, Kodiak, etc. feel as a place to live while you wait for a repair? Not to mention all the other holes in the western US?