more Ameriflight....

Exactly. We are supposed to be able to know it, fly it, break it, AND be able to fix it. You have to know how to make an excuse why it's not really broken. You do have funny stickers on your toolbox though so you got that going for you.

But Mike, it's really, really hard coordinating "several" mechanics and figuring out the parts room. Why, it must take some kind of super genius to do all that!

One minute I'm coordinating several mechanics to ensure aircraft availability for the next launch. Next minute I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing in the parts room.
Exactly. We are supposed to be able to know it, fly it, break it, AND be able to fix it. You have to know how to make an excuse why it's not really broken. You do have funny stickers on your toolbox though so you got that going for you.

Ahh! I have struck a nerve! I suppose by "we" do you mean pilots? Mechs? The company in general?

I can't fly it. (legally) Does that leave me out? You can't fix it (my guess here), does that leave you out? Who might be qualified under your terms?

Maybe you should quit reading the stickers on my tool box and know what you're talking about when you squawk the navs (but mean the HSI compass card). Or tell me the comm #1 interferes with comm #2, which you can't hear anyway when transmitting on #1.
Or the slow warm starts because you diddled around on preflight and ran the batteries down? You got a long way to go MikeCweb.
But Mike, it's really, really hard coordinating "several" mechanics and figuring out the parts room. Why, it must take some kind of super genius to do all that!

Yeah, thats why I have the common sense to get out of this business when I can. Check ' for common sense'.

Mike is a lightweight. You too. I get better arguments from my grandkids.
By we I mean productive members of soceity. Of course you would blame it on those pesky preflights that find your "work" or lack thereof. I'm sorry for looking at the toolbox, I'm just wondering why a box full of potential to fix things is replaced by a pen that says nothing is broken.
By we I mean productive members of soceity. Of course you would blame it on those pesky preflights that find your "work" or lack thereof. I'm sorry for looking at the toolbox, I'm just wondering why a box full of potential to fix things is replaced by a pen that says nothing is broken.

Tried to give you a proper send off. Didn't work. Probably my fault again. My last day at AMF so I'm no longer a productive member. But I really appreciate all the taxes that you pay to continue to support me.
I think I'm going fishing, on your dime. Keep flying so I can keep up my standard of living. I'll need a raise soon. Work harder.:laff:
Tried to give you a proper send off. Didn't work. Probably my fault again. My last day at AMF so I'm no longer a productive member. But I really appreciate all the taxes that you pay to continue to support me.
I think I'm going fishing, on your dime. Keep flying so I can keep up my standard of living. I'll need a raise soon. Work harder.:laff:

what base u at?
By we I mean productive members of soceity. Of course you would blame it on those pesky preflights that find your "work" or lack thereof. I'm sorry for looking at the toolbox, I'm just wondering why a box full of potential to fix things is replaced by a pen that says nothing is broken.

Good one...I've seen a few mechs like that in my time.
Ahh! I have struck a nerve! I suppose by "we" do you mean pilots? Mechs? The company in general?

I can't fly it. (legally) Does that leave me out? You can't fix it (my guess here), does that leave you out? Who might be qualified under your terms?

Maybe you should quit reading the stickers on my tool box and know what you're talking about when you squawk the navs (but mean the HSI compass card). Or tell me the comm #1 interferes with comm #2, which you can't hear anyway when transmitting on #1.
Or the slow warm starts because you diddled around on preflight and ran the batteries down? You got a long way to go MikeCweb.

Comm1 doesn't interfer with Comm2 really, are you serious?....I've flown several aircraft types that has happened on. It is a legit problem and fixable.

Let me guess you signed it off as Ops Checked good, or reracked, or cleaned cannon plug.

Over the years I have found mx can "fix" the majority of problems Contact Cleaner or LPS. If they were to mix the two together they could market a miracle fix spray...

for the record some of the hq mx I work with now are some the hardest working and most dedicated mechs I have worked with in a long time. It is always nice to see people that take pride in their work and generally want to fix the problem. If you don't understand a write up, call the flight crew that wrote it up.
...If you don't understand a write up, call the flight crew that wrote it up.

You can't always call the flight crew, nor should you have too. I know when my clock strikes "rest period" the phone goes on vibrate.
Pilots should be able to string more than 3 words together to describe the problem.
You can't always call the flight crew, nor should you have too. I know when my clock strikes "rest period" the phone goes on vibrate.
Pilots should be able to string more than 3 words together to describe the problem.
One of my favorite: "Runs like crap".

Problem ended up being a prop that was out of balance.

A LITTLE more specific would have been kinda nice...
You can't always call the flight crew, nor should you have too. I know when my clock strikes "rest period" the phone goes on vibrate.
Pilots should be able to string more than 3 words together to describe the problem.

I agree mx shouldn't have to call the flight crew but they should have the option to if they need a more detailed explanation. Fortunately at my last three carriers you were required to consult with a mx controller, if possible, prior to placing any writeup in the book so the verbage was correct. A legnthy writeup or the wrong wording can change an mel able item into a grounding item.

I personally don't play games with company, all the mechs have my number and if they have a question I have no problem answering it, despite my rest period. So far I have a good relationship with mx and I hope to keep it that way.

I a lot of case all you need is 3 or 4 words to clearly write up an item.

Taxi Light Inop

APU Won't Crank

L1 Window Arcing

Differential Fault System 3

#1 tire low

#1 Fuel guage INOP

etc. I have yet to have a write that was a novel.
my $.02, in seventeen years working as an a/p, on everything from warbirds to modern corporate jets, i've always found it beneficial to have a working relationship with the flight crew. unless they were insufferable pricks, then "F'em". :laff:
As a pilot having a healthy relationship with mx is awesome. I keep my write-ups short but when I write something up I try to give them as much detailed information verbally about the problem as I can. What was I doing when it broke. What changed when it broke. If I changed things after it broke, what happened. Giving them as much information as you can makes the troubleshooting that much faster and makes you some friends. Also if it broke because you did something stupid/wrong vs. normal wear and tear, confess and buy them beer.