more Ameriflight....

exactly, so UPS wanted a 1900, you guys dont have 1900's... so AMF got the contract. whats the problem again?

orrrrrrrrrrrr just underbid....seems to be a lot of that going on in no matter what segment of this industry you belong
Well I have no idea the companies are doing. I just fly airplanes. They say "this is your run and this is your flight." The pay check ends up in my account and then I go out and do it for two more weeks to get another paycheck. I don't know what to say guys. I'm sorry you got displaced and I hope you find nice accomodations wherever you get displaced to.

Like I've said before, I've been there and had to move before. AMF has lost a whole base to another company and many runs outside of that base. All we can do is keep on flying and don't get bitter with one another like the regional guys do.

Good luck to you guys.
Just to restate I don't have anything against AMF, and especially not their pilots. It doesn't happen all that often but we've taken runs from AMF too. It's just all that crappy UPS shuffle. Noone to blame. I gave the AMF guy rides to and from his hotel in del rio actually, since I had my car there and it took forever to get them to get the shuttle/taxi to come out. Nice guy, he ended up taking over the sat-crp 1900 run I think and the old sat-crp guy went to drt.
Just to restate I don't have anything against AMF, and especially not their pilots. It doesn't happen all that often but we've taken runs from AMF too. It's just all that crappy UPS shuffle. Noone to blame. I gave the AMF guy rides to and from his hotel in del rio actually, since I had my car there and it took forever to get them to get the shuttle/taxi to come out. Nice guy, he ended up taking over the sat-crp 1900 run I think and the old sat-crp guy went to drt.

We're cool and you're long as you cancel your IFR clearance before taxiing to the ramp.:D
Uhmm, definately a 99 cargo, the other one had windows but it looked like someone had all the shade down maybe?

Sorry man, I was just drooling over having a PT-6 again.


What airline you with, Mesaba?

Yeah the shades are the fine custom polished bare aluminum window plugs. Accented with the faded mutiple blue on blue on white with a hint of grease and exhaust soot. I think scooter will know the tail #.
About 20-25 minutes.....Traffic sucks in the morning heading home because you are going with traffic but it is worth it....You actually feel like you have a life outside of flying by living somewhere that has a lot going on....I lived in the Belmont/Vandy area which is the midtown/downtown area....It is expensive but worth it....Also check out green hills

I should be spending most weekdays in SDF but weekends in Nashville. I was pretty pissed about the whole thing at first but maybe its not as bad as it sounds...I'm really gonna miss being done on friday mornings though, that was a sweet deal
From an MX perspective. Too much whining. Been with AMF over 20 years. Not perfect but usually fair to all. Sad to admit I may be leaving soon. They are hard core capitalists. Good for them! Been good to me.
Wish I could stay but other needs arise. Good company. I wish all well. If you make it in AMF you can make it anywhere.
I have no fear of flying anywhere in any of our acft with our pilots. Good acft, great pilots. I usually give them an ear full of abuse at every chance but I still respect their skills. Can't argue with success.
Got to get back to fixin up my tackle box now. Fishing is more important than any of your ladies problems.
Get a life! Go to work! Shut up! Act like a man! Do what you gotta do and quit bothering everybody!
Act like the male of the species if you are one! If you're female then just shut up! Don't need your crap either! Go fly and leave your whiny trap at home.
Tell me what's broke on the airplane and not what you're not "comfortable" with. I care about your comfort as far as I can throw my Cadillac.
I got real problems to fix for real pilots. Nav's, comm's, gear, etc. These are squawks. "I saw a yellow light once during a 5 hour flight" tells me nothing.
It's just a story.
I'm all about fixing things but it has to be broken first.
I know things act up in flight and then act good in front of a mech. Seen it myself.
Just realize I can only fix what I find broken.
Have a good flight.
From an MX perspective. Too much whining. Been with AMF over 20 years. Not perfect but usually fair to all. Sad to admit I may be leaving soon. They are hard core capitalists. Good for them! Been good to me.
Wish I could stay but other needs arise. Good company. I wish all well. If you make it in AMF you can make it anywhere.
I have no fear of flying anywhere in any of our acft with our pilots. Good acft, great pilots. I usually give them an ear full of abuse at every chance but I still respect their skills. Can't argue with success.
Got to get back to fixin up my tackle box now. Fishing is more important than any of your ladies problems.
Get a life! Go to work! Shut up! Act like a man! Do what you gotta do and quit bothering everybody!
Act like the male of the species if you are one! If you're female then just shut up! Don't need your crap either! Go fly and leave your whiny trap at home.
Tell me what's broke on the airplane and not what you're not "comfortable" with. I care about your comfort as far as I can throw my Cadillac.
I got real problems to fix for real pilots. Nav's, comm's, gear, etc. These are squawks. "I saw a yellow light once during a 5 hour flight" tells me nothing.
It's just a story.
I'm all about fixing things but it has to be broken first.
I know things act up in flight and then act good in front of a mech. Seen it myself.
Just realize I can only fix what I find broken.
Have a good flight.

Heh. God bless mechanics. Catch and eat one for me old man. Btw, I'm gonna write up some smoking rivets for you to clear, and some cuts on the tires.

Just kidding, don't work for AMF, but I'm always happy to have a good ribbing from a mechanic. I've been conditioned well.