more Ameriflight....

That would appear to be the case to the clueless. Those that can't think beyond the 747 in their dreams.

Real world. You will make it as far as your skills take you. Piss off enough mechs and you will be sitting in some Godforsaken hole waiting for an angel of a mech to free you.

I won't. I train my brethren to let the idiots among you rot. How's Ketchikan, Juneau, Dutch Harbor, Kodiak, etc. feel as a place to live while you wait for a repair? Not to mention all the other holes in the western US?

Yeah, the last time I broke down in a one horse town, the company said 'Now you (and the boxes) have to sit there indefinitely cause you pissed off a mechanic. Sorry UPS, but this pilot has to learn his lesson about who REALLY runs things around here.' Grin.
OK, now that we all got our jollies talking about each other, how about a little truth?
I see pilots who fly on a daily basis in some of the crappiest weather around. Takes a set to do that. Good for them. Sometimes I have a hard time driving home let alone flying in it.
I see mechs drive or fly out to unnamed remote parcels called an airport to fix something that shouldn't have left the home base. This seems to be a regular drill. I've replaced Chieftain starters where all I could hear were a few coyotes and only see by my flashlight. Seems to be part of this industry.
We all work together to get a box from A to B so we get a paycheck and a little bacon on the table.
I appreciate all of your remarks, snide or otherwise. But since I'm leaving this line of work, and my 2 week notice is in, you can all roast in hell.
I wish you all a safe flight.
Yeah, the last time I broke down in a one horse town, the company said 'Now you (and the boxes) have to sit there indefinitely cause you pissed off a mechanic. Sorry UPS, but this pilot has to learn his lesson about who REALLY runs things around here.' Grin.

With AMF at least, there's usually enough backup to get the boxes rescued so the customer is happy. The pilot? We'll get to you later when we find a mech willing to go to (insert hole) that you currently occupy. It won't take long, we really want the airplane back in service.

Feel the love? It pervades this industry.
With AMF at least, there's usually enough backup to get the boxes rescued so the customer is happy. The pilot? We'll get to you later when we find a mech willing to go to (insert hole) that you currently occupy. It won't take long, we really want the airplane back in service.

Feel the love? It pervades this industry.

Oh you curmudgeonly old honey. Believe me, I've been on the receiving end of a Mechanic's grace, and I will be the first to tell you that the mechanics actually own the airplanes, we just get to use them. But of course the truth is that this is a Business, and at best it just does a good imitation of giving a poop what you or I want. This website is populated with those who believe in a dream they'll soon forget and people who have forgotten that dream and want to remember it. Realism does not exist.
I appreciate all of your remarks, snide or otherwise. But since I'm leaving this line of work, and my 2 week notice is in, you can all roast in hell.

You stay classy!


I wish you all a safe flight.

It's sad because you've contributed so much to this site. :sarcasm:
It's sad because you've contributed so much to this site. :sarcasm:

My contributions to this site are my opinions. If anyone takes a personal affront to what I have posted here, I really don't give a rats ass. This is life, and if life offends you, tough.
As has been said before: Opinions are like . Everyone's got one and they all stink.
Most of the pilots I've known have been reasonably normal. A few think they are God's gift to mankind and when they want the bugs off their windshield, I tape a can of glass cleaner to their logbook so they can take care of it. I'm there to fix a broken airplane, not a busted ego.
I still hope you have a safe flight. I hate dealing with the FAA. They're less forgiving than I am. :eek: And they know where I live. :mad:
Oh you curmudgeonly old honey. Believe me, I've been on the receiving end of a Mechanic's grace, and I will be the first to tell you that the mechanics actually own the airplanes, we just get to use them. But of course the truth is that this is a Business, and at best it just does a good imitation of giving a poop what you or I want. This website is populated with those who believe in a dream they'll soon forget and people who have forgotten that dream and want to remember it. Realism does not exist.

Yeah, I'm a bit of a meany sometimes. But it keeps the young ones honest. Probably means I won't get a goodbye kiss either. Damn!
Damn the wrench is still mumbling. I should unscrew a static wick that way he has something to do and it doesn't look like he's talking to himself.
Damn the wrench is still mumbling. I should unscrew a static wick that way he has something to do and it doesn't look like he's talking to himself.

Don't be trying something too technical. Might backfire on you and cause a delay. Lots of moving parts with those static wicks. Don't get confused. You need to get out, fly, make AMF some profit so I get a raise.
So you all know.

I have been duly warned by the moderator of my transgressions. That is, bad language.

I have no intention of crossing the moderators line. I will try to keep as PC as is required on this board.

I have too much fun twisting tits and stirring pots to get myself ejected. Pilots are almost as fun as females when it comes to tweaking. A little more estrogen and you're there. Keep it up MikeCweb.
So you all know.

I have been duly warned by the moderator of my transgressions. That is, bad language.

I have no intention of crossing the moderators line. I will try to keep as PC as is required on this board.

I have too much fun twisting tits and stirring pots to get myself ejected. Pilots are almost as fun as females when it comes to tweaking. A little more estrogen and you're there. Keep it up MikeCweb.

You should stay around, we don't get posts like this very often.

I enjoyed it. :laff:
So you all know.

I have been duly warned by the moderator of my transgressions. That is, bad language.

I have no intention of crossing the moderators line. I will try to keep as PC as is required on this board.

I have too much fun twisting tits and stirring pots to get myself ejected. Pilots are almost as fun as females when it comes to tweaking. A little more estrogen and you're there. Keep it up MikeCweb.

Unfortunately you have to be careful when tweaking wrenches, you never know what might set them off the deep end since they already got one foot off the ledge on a good day.
So go ahead and take a break and then go back to not fixing something because you couldn't duplicate it.
Unfortunately you have to be careful when tweaking wrenches, you never know what might set them off the deep end since they already got one foot off the ledge on a good day.
So go ahead and take a break and then go back to not fixing something because you couldn't duplicate it.


"But it was an engine failure."


"That's because we can't start the engine!"


"But it was an engine failure."


"That's because we can't start the engine!"


Dang! You got it down to a science! I hear AMF needs mechs at a few bases. If you got an A&P you're in! It's at least a pay raise. As a bonus, you get to mess with pilots heads and both of their brain cells.
Unfortunately you have to be careful when tweaking wrenches, you never know what might set them off the deep end since they already got one foot off the ledge on a good day.
So go ahead and take a break and then go back to not fixing something because you couldn't duplicate it.

And why should I fix what ain't broke? Just because you can't adequately describe what went wrong and under what conditions only reflects on you and your poor understanding of aircraft systems.

You're not shining very brightly here, MikeCweb.
And why should I fix what ain't broke? Just because you can't adequately describe what went wrong and under what conditions only reflects on you and your poor understanding of aircraft systems.

You're not shining very brightly here, MikeCweb.

Exactly. We are supposed to be able to know it, fly it, break it, AND be able to fix it. You have to know how to make an excuse why it's not really broken. You do have funny stickers on your toolbox though so you got that going for you.