more Ameriflight....

And a quick tip on the sim in Burbank:

That thing flies like it's on rails IF you trim it out properly. When you depart, take a few seconds to trim the thing out properly (if I remember correctly, it rolls to the right). If you do this, it will make the rest of the sim ride go much smoother for you. In fact, if you set 20" (or 22", whatever it was) of MP, props set for whatever they are supposed to be seat up and gear down, the thing will fly an ILS hands off. The biggest problem people have with that sim is that they over correct with it.

Additionally, and this could have changed (and is the most likely thing to have changed), the HSI is off 2-3 degree's.

I spent a few hundred hours in the back of that sim.
Yup, that HSI is off about 5 degrees... and the radios "stick" if you try and switch frequencies too fast. Other than that its a nice FTD, much more stable than a Frasca 142 like I was used too during my primary instrument training
Also you will here it if your turning when your not looking it will tick! If its not ticking then your set! 4 or 5 years ago was the last time I was in there I think the info is good tho
Yup, that HSI is off about 5 degrees... and the radios "stick" if you try and switch frequencies too fast. Other than that its a nice FTD, much more stable than a Frasca 142 like I was used too during my primary instrument training

"Real" PA-31 sim > Frasca 142. Frasca is like trying to fly a 152 in a hurricane.
Well I hope everybody that was interviewing got in, but they just cancelled several classes and furloughed a few guys cause they supposedly hired too many pilots.
Well I hope everybody that was interviewing got in, but they just cancelled several classes and furloughed a few guys cause they supposedly hired too many pilots.

And you did your part didnt you. Im going to post a message on the member annoucments with a few pictures of your new rides. As soon as I figure out how to post a picture :(

I would suggest you meet Bumblebee on here Im sure you both will be flying out of the same airports this summer.

I hate you bro!

This is true - but what baffles me is this - people like you and me can not agree on much of anything - but if you were somewhere, I had the times and needed the help - I feel certain you'd walk a resume in for me.

He did for me. It didn't work out as their HR gal drug her feet and better opportunity came my way. Proves that you can disagree but its how you go about doing it.
And you did your part didnt you. Im going to post a message on the member annoucments with a few pictures of your new rides. As soon as I figure out how to post a picture :(

I would suggest you meet Bumblebee on here Im sure you both will be flying out of the same airports this summer.

I hate you bro!

Thanks scooter. And I hate you to jayare, but not as much anymore since I am leaving :rotfl:
Thanks scooter. And I hate you to jayare, but not as much anymore since I am leaving :rotfl:
