more Ameriflight....

Whats the typical flight time, day in the life of a newbie at amflight?

I'm 20 hrs short of the minimums, I really really really would like to work for ameriflight, I have one friend who just got hired, and one that just quit. Do you think if I applied I would have a good chance of at least being interviewed?

Typically depart early in the morning, hang out in a hotel or company layover through the day, and return late evenings. Flight times are usually between 2hrs and 4hrs a day. Normally Monday through Friday.

Wait 2-3 days.

Call 1-800-800-4JET.

Ask for Sherri Hudson.

Tell her you applied, are just under the minimums but have a keen interest in working at Amflight.

If you really want to score points, tell her you've always loved Lear's and wish you could have gotten in during Amflight's heyday with the Lear.
If you really want to score points, tell her you've always loved Lear's and wish you could have gotten in during Amflight's heyday with the Lear.

Actually you should tell her that you don't have a current medical, BFR, or instrument currency.
I lack a shade over a thousand hours of meeting mins, as well as no medical. I am going to apply and then call Sherry and maybe they can work something out...a deferred hiring thing or something maybe...
I lack a shade over a thousand hours of meeting mins, as well as no medical. I am going to apply and then call Sherry and maybe they can work something out...a deferred hiring thing or something maybe...

why try to get hired as a captain? just go to Eagle Jet and buy some right seat time in the PA-31! Its the fast track to get on with the Majors these days
why try to get hired as a captain? just go to Eagle Jet and buy some right seat time in the PA-31! Its the fast track to get on with the Majors these days

I'm a fan of the eagle jet program. 1. It's not stealing any jobs (which I'm against...) if anything its creating jobs, or at least helping those employed. 2. It's good experience for the line guys. Gives them an opportunity to work on two crew. Granted for some it may not be that much or at all, but at least the company trains the captains for two crew environment which may be helpful for those who desire employment in a crew environment. 3. The captains earn a few bucks extra.

On the same note, experience such as being a MEI shouldn't be neglected.
I think you forgot the :sarcasm: tag! It's convenient, easy to use and helps the sarcastically challenged.
I have 2,100 hours. I'm not current, don't have a medical but would be willing to fly for free since I love flying and would love to be a real pilot. Do you think I have a shot?
Flying for free is like a hooker getting a drug fix. Doesn't cost the dealer much and screws society over.
Having flown for AMF for 3.5 years I can tell you this, They Ain't gonna look at you without the minimums.

Why? They want pilots who know how to fly, how to fly instruments, how to fly Single-Pilot-IFR in extreme WX. I've seen new hires go from the Lance to a BE99 in 6 months. The BE99 is piece of cake to handle compared to the Navajo. The Navajo can be a real handfull even for somewhat experienced multi-pilots. Once you get used to it, it's a pleasure to fly, but it can and will bite you in the ass if you don't know what you are doing! Since upgrades can sometimes come quickly, YOU need to be ready!

They are not going to pay for your ratings! No one will. You can thank the multitudes of pilots before you who skipped out after being trained on the company dime. The environment at AMF is brisk and demanding. The freight hauling business is one of "get it done yesterday", they don't screw around. As such they want AND get those who can hit the bricks running! They don't have time to train you how to fly or to get you ratings. That you do on your own time, not theirs! And, given the current economy and situation, there is no shortage of qualified, competant pilots who can in fact "hit the bricks running".

So for those of you who think AMF should give you a Multi rating are in serious need of a reality check.

As for hours, that depends. Some runs are M-F, UPS runs are M-S. UPS will be outstations. That means you live there. You go home during the day and weekends which start saturday afternoon and you show up at your plane Monday afternoon. I had one run, PDX-EUG which gave me 1.5 hours of flying per day. I also had one from OAK to Crescent City with at least 6 stops which, depending on the WX could be about 6 hours. So there's no telling what you get. You get what bid for or as assigned. Runs come and go. With AMF, expect the unexpected.
I'm a fan of the eagle jet program. 1. It's not stealing any jobs (which I'm against...) if anything its creating jobs, or at least helping those employed. 2. It's good experience for the line guys. Gives them an opportunity to work on two crew. Granted for some it may not be that much or at all, but at least the company trains the captains for two crew environment which may be helpful for those who desire employment in a crew environment. 3. The captains earn a few bucks extra.

On the same note, experience such as being a MEI shouldn't be neglected.

good points. personally, I wouldnt mind flying with an FO even in the PA-31! I bet it gets lonely flying solo all the time. I just feel bad for the guys that buy the hours, not bashing AMF for doing it.
Also, you are not required to fly with an FO. At least, we weren't at my one base that had any. We could just put "NO FO" on the run assignment board next to our names. I only ever flew with a few, and most were fine to have along... except for one lady who had her head so far up her ass she was peering out at the world through her belly button. Flew with her once and never again.

Never had any Metro FO's, just a few in the 99. I wouldn't have flown with one in the Metro.